多尺度表达,multi-scale representation
1)multi-scale representation多尺度表达
1.General analysis and estimate research on uncertainty of multi-scale representation of linear feature;线状要素多尺度表达不确定性的综合分析与评价研究
2.Research on hierarchical inter-connectivity among multi-scale representations from GIS feature;GIS中地理要素多尺度表达间层次连通性的研究
3.Study on Multi-Scale Representation Model Based on R Tree and Petri Net;基于R树和Petri网的多尺度表达模型研究

1.Development on Map Scale Concept and Multi-Scale Representation in Digital Environment数字环境下比例尺概念的发展与多尺度表达
2.Multi-Scale Representation of Spatial Data Based on LOD Technology;基于LOD技术的空间数据多尺度表达
3.Study on a Multi-Scale Representation Model Based on Petri Net;基于Petri Net的多尺度表达模型研究
4.Study on Multi-Scale Representation Model Based on R Tree and Petri Net;基于R树和Petri网的多尺度表达模型研究
5.Online Multi-Scale Representation of Geo-Spatial Data Based on Wavelet Analysis;基于小波分析的空间数据在线式多尺度表达
6.Research on the Theories & Methods of Electronic Map s Multi-Scale Representation;电子地图多尺度表达的理论与方法的研究
7.Compression and Multi-scale Expression of Spatial Data Based on GIS;基于GIS应用系统的空间数据压缩及多尺度表达
8.Extraction and Application of Multiple Representation Rules for Land-use Data土地利用数据多尺度表达规则提取与应用
9.Research on quality estimation model of multi-scale representation of linear feature线状要素多尺度表达质量评价模型研究
10.R-Tree Index Structure for Multi-Scale Representation of Spatial Data一种用于空间数据多尺度表达的R树索引结构
11.A Bi-hierarchical Multi-scale Model and Indexing Approach for Large Vector Data Representation一种矢量数据的双层次多尺度表达模型与检索技术
12.The Scale Estimation of Multi-Scale DEM Scaleless Representation;多尺度DEM无级表达的比例尺评估
13.Research on Key Technologies of Multi-Scale Fast Display of Digital Map电子地图多尺度快速表达的关键技术研究
14.Multi-scale feature extraction and classification of gene expression data基因表达数据的多尺度特征提取与分类研究
15.Multi-Scale DEM Representation and Terrain Analysis Effects Based on Wavelet Analysis;基于小波分析的多尺度DEM表达及地形分析效应研究
16.Analysis of gene expression data of human embryo cerebral cortex based on multicale基于小波多尺度的人类胚胎期大脑皮层基因表达分析
17.Multiscale Analysis of Human Embryo Cerebellar Gene Expression Data人类胚胎期小脑组织基因表达的小波多尺度分析
18.The Design of Mesocyclone Identification for Whether Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler;多普勒天气雷达中的中尺度气旋识别

multi_scale processing and representations多尺度处理与表达
3)spatial data multi-representation空间数据多尺度表达
4)scale expression mode尺度的表达
5)multi-scale representation多尺度表示
1.In this paper,we propose a design pattern based multi-scale representation framework that encapsulate these spatial index based multi-scale algorithms and treat this framework as a middle layer between the underlying GIS SDK and up-level applications.提出了一种基于设计模式的多尺度表示框架,该框架集成了现有的基于空间索引技术的多尺度表示算法,它作为中间层衔接了移动GIS应用和空间数据访问。
2.In recent years, to solve this kind of problem more effectively, many scholars research thoroughly in depth on multis-cale systems theory and related multi-scale representation methods and processing algorithms for the random process, this study has become the hot spot in many scien.近年来,为了更有效地解决这类问题,众多学者对多尺度系统理论以及与之相关的随机过程的多尺度表示方法和处理算法进行了深入的研究,这一研究已成为众多学科领域内科学研究者研究的热点。
6)Multiscale representation多尺度表示
1.For the multiple sensors system,in which the uniform target at the same period is observed by the sensors with different characters at multiple scales,the notion of irregular tree is put forward and the multiscale representation is developed by the irregular second tree for the dynamic processes,utilizing the Markov statistical characteristics in most phenomena or processes.多数现象或过程具有Markov性,对在不同尺度上拥有对同一目标进行观测的多传感器系统,利用Markov过程的条件独立性,提出了不规则树的新概念,建立了动态过程基于不规则二阶树的多尺度表示方法,给出了确定多尺度模型中各种参数的具体步骤,并通过计算机仿真实验验证了所建立的动态过程基于不规则树的多尺度表示方法和多尺度模型的有效性与实用性。

多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯 多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯,简称PAPI,或称粗MDI,浅黄色至褐色粘稠液体.有刺激性气味。相对密度(20℃/20 ℃)1.2,燃点218℃。PAPI实际上是由50%MDI与50%官能度大于2以上的多异氰酸酯组成的混合物。升温时能发生自聚作用。溶于氯苯、邻二氯苯、甲苯等。PAPI的活性低,蒸气压低,只是TDI的百分之一,故毒性很低。 用于制造聚氨脂胶粘剂。也可直接加入橡胶胶粘剂中,改善橡胶与尼龙或聚酯线的粘接性能。贮存于阴凉、通风、干燥的库房内,远离火种、热源。严格防水、防潮,避免光照。