主客观因素,subjective and objective factors
1)subjective and objective factors主客观因素
1.It expresses all kinds of subjective and objective factors which effects singer s psychologsoy .文章通过对声乐学习和演唱实践中的诸多歌唱心理现象分析,阐述了影响歌唱心理的各种主客观因素,并总结出克服在声乐学习和歌唱过程中的不良心理因素的方法,从而获得演唱的成功。
2.His writings were influenced by many subjective and objective factors mainly from of three aspects: various life experiences and inspirations of the time; the theories and practices in prose in 1920s and his heritage of Lu Xun s prose creation.他的创作受到许多主客观因素的制约 ,其中对他影响最大的三个方面是 :生活经历的变化与时代精神的感召 ;2 0年代散文理论和实践的成果 ;与鲁迅先生在创作上的师承关

1.A Study of the Subjective and Objective Factors as Well as the Relationship between Them in Vocal Music Teaching;声乐教学中主客观因素及其关系研究
2.On Objective and Subjective Factors of Marxism with Chinese Characteristic by Mao Ze-dong;析毛泽东使马克思主义中国化的主客观因素
3.Analysis for objective and subjective factors of artificial abortion of unmarried juvenile women未婚女青少年人工流产主客观因素分析
4.On Subjective and Objective Factors Evoking Art and Craft Movement;论引发艺术与手工艺运动的主客观因素
5.Analysis on the Restrainting Factors of the Chinese Middle and small-sized Businesses Financing;制约国内中小企业融资的主客观因素分析
6.On Zheng Qiao s Outline of Six Books and His Subjective and Objective Factors to Study Chinese Characters;从《六书略》谈郑樵研究汉字的主客观因素
7.On the Subjective and Objective Factors of the Deficiency for“Political and Ide ological Offensive” in Jail and the Correctional Ways;看守所“政治攻势”不力的主客观因素及矫正方法
8.Comment on Knowledge Economy and Factors Concerning the Growth of Talented Scientists and Technicians;知识经济与科技人才成长的主客观因素分析
9.A Brief Analysis of the Subjective and Objective Causes for Young Offenders' Development of Criminal Psychology浅析青少年犯罪心理形成的主客观因素
10.Analyzing the Factors Affecting the English Learners’ Autonomy;浅析影响英语学习者自主学习能力的主客观因素
11.Risk and Defense of a Internal Audit under a New Economical Environment;新经济环境下内部审计风险形成的主客观因素及防范
12.Study on Effective Factors of Basketball Sport in China College and University Campus;影响我国高校篮球运动开展的主客观因素分析研究
13.The Subjective and Objective Analysis of National Student Physical Health Standard影响《国家学生体质健康标准》测试结果的主客观因素分析
14.Relative Faithfulness in English-Chinese Translation--Subjective factors and objective factors英汉翻译中的相对忠实性——主观因素和客观因素
15.The English style of writing & it s subjective factors & objective factors;英语文体风格及其构成的主、客观因素
16.Study on Subjective Evaluation and Objective Influences on Thermal Comfort;着装温度舒适性主观评价与客观影响因素研究
17.An Analysis of the Objective Situations and Psychological Factors after Fan Jin Passed the Imperial Examintion;范进中举发疯的客观环境和主观心理因素分析
18.On the subjective and objective factors for arousing the initiative of manufacturing engineering teachers;调动金工教师积极性的主观和客观因素探析

Subjective and Objective factor主客观因素
1.This paper deals with the subjective and objective factors that influence the cultivation of the talented scientists and technicians.本文分析了知识经济条件下造就科技人才所需要的各项主客观因素 ,探讨了科技人才在发展知识经济中的重要作用 ,为我国迎接知识经济时代的来临 ,开发科技人才资源提供了可供参考的成才方
3)objective factors and subjective factors客观因素和主观因素
4)objective elements客观因素
1.The article analyses the cause of athletes antagonistic psychology from objective elements and subjective elements quarters.从客观因素和主观因素两个方面分析了运动员“逆反心理”产生的原因,剖析了运动员“逆反心理”的行为表现,探讨了矫正运动员“逆反心理”的优秀运动队思想政治工作方法。
2., and in the meantime, points out that a writer s discourse style also involves the restriction of objective elements, but objective elements are not direct and decisive ones.这里从言语风格学的角度,论述了影响作家言语风格主观性的诸种要素,如审美意识、气质性格、思想情感、阅历学识等,同时指出了作家言语风格也要受到客观因素的制约,但客观因素不是作家言语风格的直接决定因素,它要通过影响主观因素才能作用于作家的言语风格,并提出了主观因素才是决定作家言语风格的决定性因素的观点。
5)objective factors客观因素
1.Relative Faithfulness in English-Chinese Translation——Subjective factors and objective factors;英汉翻译中的相对忠实性——主观因素和客观因素
2.On the subjective and objective factors for arousing the initiative of manufacturing engineering teachers;调动金工教师积极性的主观和客观因素探析
3.The paper suggests that it is necessary to show freedom in the course of interpretation,which is affected by various subjective and objective factors:subjectively,translators will understand and express the ST freely through their consciousness and unconsciousn.文章认为在翻译过程中展现自由性是必要的,并指出这种自由性同时受主观、客观两种因素的影响:主观上译者会通过他们的意识和无意识对原文进行自由的诠释和表达;同时,文本类型、读者类型和时代变迁正是造成翻译自由性的三大客观因素。
6)objective factor客观因素
1.The English style of writing & it s subjective factors & objective factors;英语文体风格及其构成的主、客观因素
2.Constitution of context factor includes objective factor and subjective factor.构成语境的因素包括客观因素和主观因素。

非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)  l焦非密度制约因素见生态因素、密度制约后  