1.On Perfection of the Guardian liability system of Minors;论我国未成年人监护人责任制度的完善——兼议侵权责任法的立法选择
2.Influence of guardians on personality characteristics of children staying in countryside;监护人对农村留守儿童人格特征的影响

1.Of or relating to a guardian or guardianship.监护的,监护人的属于或关于监护人或监护的
2.the responsibility of a guardian or keeper.?;と撕?font color="#FF0000">监护人的责任。
3.The capacity or activity of a guardian; guardianship.守护,监护监护人或守护人的能力范围或行为;监护,?;?br> 4.The guardian read his ward a lecture on his extravagance.监护人对被监护人的挥霍加以申斥。
5.The guardian read his ward a sermon on his extravagance.监护人严词申斥被监护人挥霍浪费。
6.person, group,etc that acts as a guardian of people's rights,etc(监护人们权利等的)监察人,监察组织
7.Guardians of disabled persons must fulfill their duties of guardianship and protect the lawful rights and interests of their charges.残疾人的监护人必须履行监护职责,维护被监护人的合法权益。
8.On the Contributory Negligence for Guardians' Failing to Fulfill Responsibilities论监护人未履行监护责任的过失相抵
9.You are the guardian of the human spirit.“你是人类精神的监护人。
10.as as a guardian to someone.关于作为某人的监护人。
11.A guardian's rights to fulfil his guardianship in accordance with the law shall be protected by law.监护人依法履行监护的权利,受法律?;?。
12.Accusatiosuspecti tutoris使遣嘱监护人丧失监护权的刑事诉讼,对嫌疑监护人的控告
13.letter of conservatorship法院发出的监护人证书
14.Children are free if supervised.有监护人的儿童免费。
15.Auctoritas tutoris监护人的准可,批准,授权
16.He thinks that you are my guardian.他以为你是我的监护人。
17.The state of being in the charge of a guardian.监护人的身份负有监护人的职责的状态
18.The guardian act negligently towards his ward.监护人未等待他对未成年人应负的监护责任。

1.This article is on the topic of the liability of compensation for damage caused by minors,which is usually shared by the minors and their guardians.未成年人致害的损害赔偿责任,是指未成年人实施加害行为致他人损害的,未成年人及其监护人对受害人所应承担的损害赔偿责任。
2.The responsibility of guardians is a main form of the vicarious liability in the positive law in China.而监护人的责任在我国现行法中是替代责任的一种主要形式,文章运用民法的基本理论,从比较法与实证法的角度对监护人的责任深入分析,以此为基础,对未来民法典关于监护人的替代责任的规定提出意见。
3.Due to the minor s development of physical and mental is immature, the lawsvest the guardians the responsibilities of discipline and supervision and the schools’obligations of the education and management respectively, in order to protect theminors growth and to prevent the damage caused to others.由于未成年人的生理和心智发育不成熟,法律分别赋予监护人和学校监督管教的义务和教育管理的职责,以保障未成年人茁壮成长并防止其对他人造成损害。
3)guardianship supervisor监护监督人
4)guardian protection监护人?;?br> 5)ward[英][w?:d][美][w?rd]被监护人
1.Analysis of Who Should Be the Defendant in the Litigation for Torts by Wards;被监护人致人损害诉讼中被告角色的承担
2.The purpose of guardian supervision system is to protect the wards rights and interests,and make our society in good condition.监护监督制度旨在于维护被监护人的合法权益,实现社会的和谐与有序。
6)elder monitor老人监护
