1.Clinical analysis of 24 boys with lupus nephritis狼疮性肾炎男性患儿24例临床分析

1.Clinical analysis of 24 boys with lupus nephritis狼疮性肾炎男性患儿24例临床分析
2.Investigation on self-concept characteristics of boys with different subtypes of ADHD注意缺陷多动障碍不同亚型男性患儿的自我意识特征研究
3.The effect of Lidocaine and Ropivacaine combinations in caudal block for penis operation in school-age and adolescent Patients利多卡因复合罗哌卡因骶管阻滞用于学龄期青春期男性患儿阴茎手术
4.Follow-Up on Puberty Development and Final Height in 41 Children with Simple Virilizing Form of 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency单纯男性化型21羟化酶缺乏症患儿41例青春发育与最终身高随访
5.Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved from the bog was stricken with pneumonia. What saved his life this time?数年以后,这位贵族的儿子——被从沼泽地里救出的男孩患了肺炎,这次是什么挽救了他的性命呢?
6.The typical vascular dementia patient is male, and over the age of fifty.血管性痴呆患者多为50岁以上的男性。
7.Women smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer compared to men.与男性相比,女性吸烟者更容易患肺癌。
8.Changes of Serum Sex Hormones Levels in Male Patients with Liver Cirrhosis男性肝硬化患者血清性激素水平变化
9.Analysis of proteomics of seminal plasma from male patients with idiopathic infertility特发性男性不育患者精浆蛋白质分析
10.Perioperative Nursing Care for Male Pseudohermaphroditism男性假两性畸形患者的围手术期护理
11.The temperament changes in epilepsy children癫患儿与正常儿童气质的差异性研究
12.Method: [1]57 patients after successful cardioversion with AF in 2004 to 2006 was studied.方法:[1] 57名房颤成功复律患者入选,男性患者39名,女性患者18名。
13.The psychological states of male climacteric and the nursing男性更年期患者的心理状态及护理
14.By age 75, most men get preliminary prostate cancer.75岁时,大部分男性开始患前列腺癌。
15.The analysis of sperm quality and DAZ gene in male infertility;男性不育患者精子质量及DAZ基因分析
16.A Study on the Group Counseling of Self-esteem for the Male Psoriasis Patients男性银屑病患者的自尊团体干预研究
17.Clinical Analysis of HPV Subtypes in Condyloma Patient and Healthy People健康男性和尖锐湿疣患者的HPV分析
18.Analysis of Nursing of Emergency Urethral Catheterization in Elder Urinary Retention Male Patients老年男性尿潴留患者急诊导尿的体会

male patient男性患者
1.Methods Eighty male patients were randomly divided into a control group and an observation group with each group having 40 cases.方法将术前需要留置导尿管的80例男性患者随机分为观察组和对照组各40例。
3)Male Patients男性患者
1.Objective To explore differences of pains caused by venipuncture in male and female patients.结果男性患者在静脉穿刺时疼痛程度比女性患者更高,经统计学处理,有显著性差异,P<0。
4)male fetus男性胎儿
1.The Reasons for Pre-schoolboys’Disinclination for Dancing and the Research of the Characteristics of Their Action;男性幼儿舞蹈兴趣缺失的原因及其动作表现特征探究
6)male STI clients男性性病患者
1.Investigation on awareness and knowledge about HIV risk among male STI clients;男性性病患者HIV感染风险意识及相关知识调查
