1.An analysis of OPEC's influence to international oil price;欧佩克对国际石油价格的影响分析
2.Analyse on OPEC'S "Limiting Production and Keeping Price" Stratagy;浅析欧佩克的“限产保价”战略
3.OPEC in 21th and Its Role in the World's Oil Market;21世纪的欧佩克及其在世界石油市场中的作用

1.Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries [OPEC]石油输出国组织欧佩克
2.Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)石油输出国组织、欧佩克
3.Organisation des Pyas exportateurs de petrole石油输出国组织(欧佩克)
4.OPEC and the Voice of Doom欧佩克注定要重蹈覆辙
5.OPEC has to had to accept what it was told from the start But chose not to believe: that non OPEC co-operation would not be forthcoming现在,欧佩克不得不承认这一点,即非欧佩克产油国是不会合作的,但欧佩克原先不愿相信这一点
6.Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.欧佩克石油输出国家组织
7.Vicissitudes of OPEC s Status in the World Power Structure;欧佩克在世界权力结构中的地位变迁
8.OPEC s Market Power and Policy Options;欧佩克对油价的影响力及其政策取向
9."Egypt's oil minister Bluntly told OPEC to stop moaning about Britain, and to get its own act together first"埃及石油部长直率地对欧佩克说,不要再抱怨英国了,要紧的是欧佩克自己先消除分歧,团结一致
10.Energy conservation in rich countries and the rise of non-OPEC production took off in earnest. Fractious infighting left the cartel in disarray. Prices collapsed.富油国限制石油产量,而非欧佩克成员国则大幅度提高产量?;煺街笥图郾览?,欧佩克陷入困境。
11."One option was to curb production by all the OPEC members, and the other was to work out a deal with non-OPEC oil producing countries"一种办法是让欧佩克所有成员国控制产量,另一种办法是与非欧佩克石油生产国达成一项协议
12.OPEC is still skating on thin ice.要达到这样一些目标,欧佩克依然如履薄冰。
13.Opec production quotas will almost certainly not be changed.几乎可以肯定,欧佩克不会调整产量配额。
14.The Dynamic Influences of OPEC Output on Oil Price;欧佩克产量对国际油价动态影响的实证分析
15.Impact of OPEC Behaviors on Price Fluctuation in the International Oil Market;欧佩克行为对石油价格波动的影响分析
16.OPEC in 21th and Its Role in the World s Oil Market;21世纪的欧佩克及其在世界石油市场中的作用
17.The OPEC countries have decided to impose a surcharge on the oil price for the fourth quarter.欧佩克成员国已决定对延缓四季度油价征收附加费。
18.Energy conservation in rich countries and the rise of non-OPEC production took off ill earnest.富油国限制石油产量,而非欧佩克成员国则大幅度提高产量。

3)OPEC behaviors欧佩克行为
4)OPEC output欧佩克产量
1.Based on the results of structural breaks test of oil price and OPEC output,this paper sets Vector Error Correction Model in three sub-periods and compares the influences of OPEC output on the oil price with the methods of impulse response function and variance decomposition.基于对国际油价和欧佩克产量的结构性突变检验,本文分三时期建立了国际油价与欧佩克产量的误差修正模型,采用脉冲响应函数和方差分解方法对比不同时期欧佩克产量对国际油价的影响力。
2.From the viewpoint of volatility came into being,the reasons should be focused on OPEC output and the output events-announcement.本文根据国际油价波动的特征,从波动产生原因的角度引入影响国际油价波动的欧佩克产量和欧佩克产量事件发布两个变量,基于GARCH族模型分析了欧佩克产量行为对国际油价波动的影响程度。
5)OPEC-style natural gas cartel天然气欧佩克
1.Based on forming background of idea of OPEC-style natural gas cartel,reactions of relevant countries on this issue and its latest development trend,issue of OPEC-style natural gas cartel is detailed interpreted.介绍了"天然气欧佩克"提出的背景和相关国家的反应及其最新动向。

欧佩克(见石油输出国组织)欧佩克(见石油输出国组织)OPEC:see Organization of the Petroleam Exporting Countries  欧佩克 (0PEC) 见石油输出国组织?! ?br>