1.The rationality of ecological water allocation of the river basin is from the self-satisfaction of ecological water requirement and the coordination of ecological water use for its sub-systems,so it is very necessary to analyse and assess the coordination.本文应用整体分析法,基于最大概率乘积定理和“木桶法则”,构造了流域生态用水分配系统的协调性评价模型,分析了各子系统生态用水分配的合理度,完善了流域生态用水分配合理性的评价内容和方法。
2.From the point of view in command information transmission,according to the selecting principle of evaluation index,and in combination with the factors influencing the command organization structure rationality in unified air defense,an index system of the command organization structure rationality is put forward,and a measure model of index is also established.针对联合防空指挥组织结构的合理性问题,基于联合防空作战中军兵种指挥协调关系,首先,构建了3种典型的联合防空指挥组织结构,从指挥信息流通的角度着手,依据评估指标的选择原则,结合影响联合防空指挥组织结构合理性的因素,提出了评估联合防空指挥组织结构合理度的指标体系,并建立了指标的量化模型;其次,应用灰色聚类理论,探讨了联合防空指挥组织结构合理度的灰色聚类评估方法,并给出了具体的计算步骤;最后,针对3种典型的联合防空指挥组织结构进行了算例分析,并结合算例得到的结果,提出了改善联合防空指挥组织结构合理度的对策与建议,分析结果表明本文提出的评估方法简单易行,能够有效地评估联合防空指挥组织结构的合理度。
3.Firstly, we analyze various lottery ticket schemes, adopt a quantitative description - "attraction" of lottery ticket schemes upon buyers, and make it the objective function to establish a rationality model of general lottery ticket schemes.首先通过对各种彩票方案进行分析,引入彩票方案对彩民的"吸引力"这个定量描述,并用该定量描述作为目标函数建立一般彩票方案的合理度模型。
2)reasonable height合理高度

1.Analysis of Reasonable Economic Building Hight from the Viewpoint of Cost;从成本角度分析建筑物的经济化合理高度
2.A Rational and Financial Administrative System in Private Colleges and Universities;合理构建民办高校财务管理制度体系
3.Research on Rational Center Height of Gravity for Car Loaded of C62A Gondola Car;C62A型敞车合理重车重心高度的研究
4.Traffic Flow Characteristics and Logical Density of Road System in Science Park;高科技园区交通特性和合理路网密度
5.Discussion on Rationality of Scholarship System in Colleges;高校奖学金制度合理性的浅见与探讨
6.Teachers Participating in Higher Schools Decision-making:Rationality and Limitation;教师参与高校决策:合理性及其限度性
7.The Research of the Heat Treatment of the Low-alloy High Strength Steel低合金高强度耐磨钢热处理工艺研究
8.Treatment of Comprehensive Waste Water from Lead and Zinc Smelting with High Density Sludge高密度泥浆法处理铅锌冶炼综合废水
9.Analysis on the Comprehensive Treatment and Utilization of Highly Mineralized Mine Water高矿化度矿井水综合处理与利用浅析
10.Treatment of Highly Concentrated Phenols Wastewater with a GAC-BAF Combined ProcessGAC-BAF联合工艺处理高浓度含酚废水
11.Nursing care in situ keratomileusis for high myopia with fundus pathological changesLASIK治疗高度近视的护理配合
12.REFLECTION ON THE RATIONALITY OF "THE SEPARATION OF TEACHING FROM TESTING" SYSTEM IN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES对高?!敖炭挤掷搿敝贫群侠硇缘姆此?br> 13.Understanding the Rationality of the Educational Management System in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of the Economical Efficiency of Systems;从制度经济性角度认识高校教学管理制度的合理性
14.The Rational Arrangement of Annual Training Cycle for Advanced Table Tennis Teams in Colleges and Universities;高校高水平乒乓球队年度训练周期的合理安排
15.Combined MBR-RO Process Treating High Strength WastewaterMBR-RO组合工艺深度处理高碳高氮废水的研究
16.The depth look on the integration of ethics of the local college faculty;合并高校教职员工深度融合的伦理反思
17.Analysis on the Legality and Rationality of Setting up the Rules and Regulations in Colleges and Universities;解析高等学校规章制度设置的合法性与合理性
18.The Measurement of High-Concentration Polymer Solution's Viscoelastic Behaviors and the Study of Reasonable Polymer Solution Injection Concentration高浓聚合物粘弹性检测及合理注聚浓度研究

reasonable height合理高度
3)economic limit depth合理深度
1.Study on the economic limit depth of deep mine;深井开采经济合理深度的研究
4)rational width合理宽度
1.Research on rational width of protective coal pillar for slicing mining in thick seam with shallow depth;浅埋厚煤层分层开采?;っ褐侠砜矶妊芯?br> 5)rational thickness合理厚度
1.Determination of rational thickness of cushion of composite foundation;复合地基褥垫层合理厚度的确定
2.The analysis of the rational thickness of the even-adjusting layer in the bridge pavement;桥面铺装调平层合理厚度分析
3.Method for calculating rational thickness of cushion in rigid pile composite ground刚性桩复合地基垫层合理厚度确定方法
6)reasonable density合理密度
1.Through detailed analysis on these involved factors,this paper puts forward the concept of reasonable density.通过对这些相关因素的探讨,提出了合理密度的概念,并概括了不同的合理建筑密度值域和其适用范围。

安侬痛 ,阿那度尔,安那度尔,甲替啶药物名称:安那度尔英文名:Alphaprodine别名: α-普洛丁;阿法罗定;安那度;安侬痛 ,阿那度尔,安那度尔,甲替啶 外文名:Alphaprodine ,α-Prodine, Nisentil, Prisilidene适应症: 用于需短时止痛(镇痛起效比吗啡迅速,皮下注射5min即见效),如小手术时以及手术后的止痛,又可与阿托品合用于胃肠道、泌尿道等平滑肌痉挛性疼痛的止痛。 用量用法: 皮下注射:1次10~20mg,1日20~40mg。 静注:1次20mg。 极量:1次30mg,1日60mg。 注意事项: 1.亦有成瘾性,不宜久用。 2.有眩晕、无力、多汗等不良反应。 3.分娩时慎用,可能会引起胎儿窒息。 规格:注射液:每支10mg(1ml)、20mg(1ml)、40mg(1ml)。 类别:镇痛药\阿片受体激动药