
1.The cowl (or hood) does not make the monk穿袈裟的不一定是和尚
2.Instead, claim the identity of one who forgives.何不卸下受难者的袈裟,做个宽恕的人。
3.His orange monk's robes, hitched up to show stout boots and socks, would tangle in the bushes.黄色的袈裟被拉起以免和灌木丛纠缠,下面露出结实的鞋袜。
4.First came the priests, with mitres on their heads, and clothed in long lace robes.走在队伍前头的是一些头戴尖高帽,身穿花袈裟的僧侣,前后簇拥着许多男人、妇女和孩子。
5.After four years of studying Tibetan medicine, he has become a qualified doctor in the countryside, but he still wears his purple Kasaya robe.他系统学习四年藏医后,成为一位合格的乡村医生,但他依然没有脱下紫袈裟。
6.6 genotypes were detected from 20 strains of Vibrio cholera.昊袈冶A糁暧寐龀宄〉缬痉掷肟傻玫
7.One hundred rhythm and bass patterns cover numerous styles with realistic PCM sound.谧嗪偷鸵裟J礁锤侵诙嗟姆绺裼胂质当渖
8.If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me.胰裟ノ疑亮恋牡叮?终粕笈兄?ǎ?捅乇ǜ次业牡腥耍?ㄓ?尬业娜恕
9.In the Corporeal Body Hall of Wannian Temple is the mummy of monk Wu Xia, wearing a lotus-flower-shaped crown and a vermilion kasaya.在万年寺肉身殿中,供奉有明代无瑕和尚肉身木乃伊一尊,他头戴莲花宝冠,身披朱 红轻裟。
10.Apsaras and Gandharvas danced and entertained those who attended court, and gaming and athletic contests were held.艾普裟拉和甘地哈瓦斯翩翩起舞,款待来到庭前的众臣,他们还举行各种竞技运动会。

4)stole inflation valve袈裟充气阀
5)bleached muslin漂白袈裟布
6)a monk's haBit和尚的袈裟
