系泊缆,mooring line
1)mooring line系泊缆
1.A comparative analysis of dynamic characteristics of truncated mooring lines in deepwater platform model test深海平台试验中水深截断系泊缆动力特性对比分析
2.The dynamic difference will lead to error of prediction of the mooring line tension.根据经验得知:基于静力相似所设计的截断系泊缆在动力特性上和全水深系泊缆存在明显差异,进而导致系泊缆张力预报的误差。
3.The truncated mooring line is designed to replace full-depth mooring line and use in truncated water depth model test.水深截断系泊缆替代全水深系泊缆,用于截断水深模型试验。

1.Static analysis of mooring lines using nonlinear finite element method海洋系泊缆索非线性有限元静力分析
2.Studies on the Dynamic Difference of Truncated Mooring Line in Hybrid Model Test混合模型试验中截断系泊缆动力特性差异研究
3.A comparative analysis of dynamic characteristics of truncated mooring lines in deepwater platform model test深海平台试验中水深截断系泊缆动力特性对比分析
4.mooring armIMODCO型单点系泊浮筒上的系缆臂
5.A cable or rope used in mooring or towing a ship.粗绳用于系泊或拖船用的缆绳或绳索
6.A heavy rope or chain for mooring or anchoring a ship.船缆用于船只系泊或抛锚的粗绳或链条
7.Berthing Ships Movement and Arrangement Optimization of Mooring Lines in Wave and Current;浪流作用下系泊船舶运动及缆绳布局优化
8.Research for Mooring Ship Movement, Mooring Line Forces and Impact Eenergy of Open Terminal;开敞式码头系泊船舶运动量、系缆力和撞击能量研究
9.a ship lying at anchor, at its moorings, alongside, etc锚泊的、 系泊的、 横泊的船.
10.Based on the practical conditions and instances, a preliminary analysis of mooring methods of special ships results in putting forward two new concepts: Group Hawsers and Group Bollards.通过对一些特殊船舶的系泊实际情况的分析,提出“缆群”和“系船柱群”的设计概念。
11.To wind(a cable) around a bitt.把(缆)系在系缆柱上
12.catenary anchor leg mooring单悬锚系泊链状锚系泊系统锚链系泊
13.moor fore and aft船)首尾系泊首尾系泊
14.mooring by the head and stern首尾系泊船)首尾系泊
15.moor head and stern船)首尾系泊首尾系泊首尾系泊
16.multiple buoys mooring多浮筒锚泊多浮筒系泊
17.A cable or system of cables for a cable car.缆索缆车的一根缆绳或索道系统
18.a pin through the bitthead to keep the mooring lines from slipping off.通过缆柱头使得船渐渐停在停泊处的针。

mooring line系泊缆索
1.Static analysis of mooring lines using nonlinear finite element method海洋系泊缆索非线性有限元静力分析
2.In this paper, the mooring lines of a turret moored FPSO in water depth of 160m is selected to investigate the static characteristics measurement and adjustment method of the multi-component mooring lines in the air.针对一工作水深为160m的转塔式FPSO的系泊缆索,研究了在空气中测量和调整多成份系泊缆索静力特性的方法,并在模型试验水池中测量了经过调整的系泊缆索的静力特性,其结果与期望值符合程度令人满意。
3)berthing hawsers靠泊系缆
4)mooring wire系泊钢缆
5)quarter mooring尾缆系泊
6)mooring cable系泊缆绳

单点系泊储油装置  由单点系泊浮筒与储油驳船两大部分组成。单点系泊浮筒用4~8根锚链固定在海底。浮筒上有转盘和旋转密封接头。储油驳船与单点浮筒的转盘用钢丝绳或钢臂连接,可作360°旋转,似风标,使之保持在受力最小的方位。原油从海底管线经过单点上的旋转密封接头进入储油驳船;运油轮则从储油驳船上装油外运?!   ∈澜缟系谝桓龅サ阆挡锤⊥灿?959年在瑞典的德提奥港投产,用作深水输油码头。1974年发展了钢臂式单点系泊储油装置,用A字形钢架代替钢丝绳连接,避免了储油驳船与浮筒的碰撞,减少了大量维修工作。1980年在菲律宾海域安装了第一座浮式生产、储存、装卸系统(见图)??稍诟孟低成辖杏推?、储存和外输。1981年11月又发展了一种软钢臂连接,在菲律宾近海油田设计和安装,适合于浅水恶劣???。单点系泊装置结构简单,成本低,适用水深大,发展较快,已有200多座单点系泊装置投入使用。但在有冰的海域尚无采用这种装置的实例?! ?