1.Practice and effect of a reading meeting to realize knowledge sharing;开展读书报告会实现知识共享的做法与效果
2.The Construction Models of Community Libraries Based on Residents Reading Condition;从社区居民读书状况看社区图书馆的建设模式
3.A Study of Reading Activities of Librarians;浅谈图书馆员的读书修养

1.It is easier to Buy Books than to read them, and easier to read them than to aBsorB them.买书没有读书难,读书没有消化书难。
2."all four seasons are study time."“四季都是读书天”
3.Joint Publishing Co.生活 读书 新知三联书店
4.It is easier to buy books than to read them, and easier to read them than to absorb them. --William Osler买书没有读书难,读书没有消化书难?!滤估?br> 5.I can read and write. I can read and write.我会读书写字。我会读书写字。
6.I beguiled the hours with reading我以读书来消磨时间(以读书解闷)。
7.I like reading. I read about two books a week.我喜欢读书。每周我能读两本书。
8.Dick was mad about books.He made notes while he read.(=while he read books)迪克特别爱读书,他读书时总是作笔记。
9.It is easier to read by daylight than by lamplight.在日光下读书比在灯光下读书舒适。
10.“Push Military Officers in Confucian Studies” and “Put Scholars in Power”in the Early Song Dynasty;谈宋初之“欲武臣读书”与“用读书人”
11.Let the Wind of Reading Blown into of Thousands of Families--Report of the Reading Holiday Held by Humen Library让读书之风吹进千万家——虎门图书馆读书节侧记
12.As a bookworm, a teacher and a storyteller, liuwei's supreme desire is to write a book.读书、教书、说书的刘为,最大的愿望是写书。
13.It will Day to read that book.读读那本书是值得的。
14.There have always been more books than anyone could read.书总是多得读不胜读。
15.reading matter,ie books,newspapers,etc阅读材料(书、报等)
16.Here is the book -now go ahead and read it.书在这儿——你读吧。
17.The clerk to the justice reads out the indictment法官秘书宣读了起诉书
18.The clerk to the justice read out the indictment.法官秘书宣读了起诉书。

1.Face Dushu in the 1980s,my article starts at analyzing the three main writer group of this magazine,discusses that the three generation face literature in the meantime in the 1980s,there was divergence inwardly between the first generation and the other two.20世纪80年代的《读书》,三个主要作者群体共同面对现当代文学,第一代人与后两代人早已暗暗存有分歧。
2.As a famous and important journal in China s intellectual circle,Dushu has a history of more than 20 years.作为在中国知识界和思想界颇有影响的《读书》杂志,自创刊至今已有20多年的历史,虽然在《读书》中的文章多偏重于文史哲领域,但其中关于政治哲学和政治科学等的文章仍包涵了20多年来知识分子对于政治问题的富于启发性的思考,应当引起我们足够的重视。
3.Over the past twenty-eight years,Dushu has forged a history of academics,thoughts and the Chinese intellectuals spirit during China s transformation,during which a great number of theories have been imported,many topics have been brought forward and a special writing style has been shaped.《读书》二十八年的历史,是中国社会转型期的学术史、思想史,也是当代知识分子的心灵史。
3)A list of required reading必读书书目
4)SQ3R methodsSQ3R读书法
1.The application of SQ3R methods in developing senior nursing students ability of self-studying;SQ3R读书法在护理大专生自学能力培养中的应用
5)reading therapy读书疗法
6)travel of reading读书之旅
1.The working process of headteacher is a process of sunlight education,and the sunlight travel of the headteacher is the travel of reading,which brings sunlight to move towards the students sunlight zone.班主任的工作过程是阳光教育的过程,班主任的阳光之旅就是读书之旅,带着阳光走向学生的阳光地带,我们的职业教育就充满了希望,充满了阳光。
