1.Mandarin Phonology in Minyin Zhengdu Biao;《闽音正读表》的官话音系
2.Review of the Initial Consonant System of Jianghuai Mandarin in Late Qing Dynasty;清末江淮官话音系中的声母系统述论
3.Review of the Phonological Features of Ryukyu Mandarin Textbooks;试论琉球官话课本的音系特点

1.Luzhai Mandarin, Pingle Mandarin with Liuzhou Mandarin, Guilin Mandarin the Traditional Relations;鹿寨官话、平乐官话与柳州官话、桂林官话的亲疏关系
2.Was it northern Mandarin or southern Mandarin if there was?如果说有,是北方官话还是南方官话?
3.New Research of the Characteristics of Hui People of Ningxia Northern Part(LanYin Mandari Language Area);宁夏北部(兰银官话区)回民话特点新探
4."Investigate dialect word table" entering tone words in Mandarin silver blue, Zhongyuan Mandarin, northeast of the assignment of dialects入声字在兰银官话、中原官话、东北方言中分派的统计分析
5.On Representative Variant of Central China Mandarin Dialect in South Xinjiang Area,Main Branch of Xinjiang Han Dialect;新疆汉语方言中原官话南疆片代表话散论
6.On the Representative Variant of Lanzhou & Yinchuan Mandarin Dialect in North Xinjiang Area,Main Branch of Xinjiang Han Dialect;新疆汉语方言兰银官话北疆片的代表话刍议
7.On Representative Variant of Beijing Mandarin Dialect in North Xinjiang Area,Main Branch of Xinjiang Han Dialect;新疆汉语方言北京官话北疆片代表话散论
8.What the reporters got from him was just political doublespeak.记者从他那里所得到的,无非是官话。
9.Was there a Mandarin commonly used in the history of modernChinese?近代汉语史上有没有通行全国的官话?
10.Of course, those words are gobbledygook on the whole.这些话自然是官样文章。
11.Here the judge interrupted.这时法官打断了(讲话或讲话的人)。
12.Someone who takes part in a conversation, often formally or officially.对话者参加谈话的人,通常是正式地或官方地
13.When talking in front of our elders, we should lower our voice.在长官或长辈面前,说话的声音要降低。
14.A speech sound pronounced with such a vibration.颤音讲话器官颤动发出的语音
15.When you go before the judge, you must speak the exact truth你在法官面前必须说实话。
16.When you come before the judge, you must speak the exact truth你在法官面前必须完全说实话。
17.When the officials in charge of the execution heard that, they knew that Wang was honest.监斩官们听了这些话,了解了王的坦诚。
18."When addressing a judge, always use 'your honor'"在对法官说话时,一定要尊称他为'your honor'

Southwestern mandarin西南官话
1.Lipu Dialect belongs to Southwestern mandarin.荔浦话属于西南官话的桂柳片,文章描写荔浦话的声韵调,并列出荔浦话的同音字汇,同音字汇收字3700多个。
2.Besides Guiyanghua (one variety of the Southwestern Mandarin), quite a few minor local dialects are spoken by the inhabitants.境内除通行桂阳话(属西南官话)外,当地居民一般讲本地土话。
3.When speaking to outsiders, Southwestern Mandarin is generally adopted.全县除城关普遍使用西南官话外,其他各乡镇一般对外使用西南官话,对内使用土话。
3)Official Words官方话语
1.The lack of expression of the interests of farmers is because of too powerful official words and elite logic,the action of seeking interests wantonly expanding for local governments,farmers words being repressed by the auth.农民利益表达权的缺失源于过于强大的官方话语和精英逻辑、地方政府恣意扩张的逐利行为、压力型体制下基层政党权威对农民话语的压制、农民组织化程度低且自身拥有政治资源和文化资本不足等因素。
4)Zhongyuan Mandarin中原官话
1.On Lanyin and Zhongyuan Mandarins in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region;宁夏境内的兰银官话和中原官话
2.“li(哩)” in the Zhongyuan Mandarin of Henan Province;河南境内中原官话中的“哩”
5)Jiaoliao Mandarin胶辽官话
1.The entire Dalian Dialect belongs to Denglian group, Jiaoliao Mandarin of Mandarin Dialects.大连位于辽东半岛南端,全市(六区三市一县)方言,属于官话方言区内胶辽官话中的登连片。
6)Jianghuai Mandarin江淮官话
1.Distribution of the Jianghuai Mandarin in Cities of Anqing City, Anhui Province;安庆三县市江淮官话的归属
