1.Bianwen and Popular Narrative Literature in Tang Dynasty;变文与唐朝通俗叙事文学
2.On the Yebaolunhui Ideology in Bianwen——Taking Mulianbianwen as the Center;谈谈变文中的业报轮回思想——以《目连变文》为中心

1.A Criticism on the Relation between bianwen and bianqu:On the Origin of "Alternations" in the bianwen;变文与变曲的关系考论——“变文”之“变”的渊源探讨
2.On the Yebaolunhui Ideology in Bianwen--Taking Mulianbianwen as the Center;谈谈变文中的业报轮回思想——以《目连变文》为中心
3.A Narratological Case Study of Tang Pienwen唐代变文叙事学例论——兼论变文的小说史意义
4.The Interchangeability and Orders of the Tone Sandhi in the Dunhuang Narrative L iterature;敦煌变文“一”字的通假与变调的序列
5.To alter the wording of(a text).改变(文章的)措辞
6.Virtue, Rules and Transform of Composition and Rhetoric -- On Ye Shi’s Literature Thoughts;文德 文术 文变——论叶适的文学思想
7.The Change of Concepts in the Four History Records:from Wen Yi(Meaning) to Wen Zhang(Article) to Wen Xue(Literature);论南朝四史文义-文章-文学的概念变化
8.Status Variation and Style Evolution--Style Evolution in the Century-old Chinese Reportage (IV);身份变异与文体嬗变——百年中国报告文学文体流变论之四
9.sequential file of variable length record可变长度记录顺序文件
10.variable length input message field可变长度输入报文字段
11.variable length output message field可变长度输出报文字段
12.temporary context change暂时上下文关系变换
13.a peaceful change-over to civilian rule和平地转变为文官统治.
14.economic development and cultural change经济发展与文化变化
15.Mutant Gene "Sparked Art and Culture"基因突变 文明曙光
16.He never varies his style.他的文体从不变化。
17.A distortion of the surface of a document.文卷表面的一种变形。
18.The Quantum Deformed Virasoro AlgebraVirasoro代数的量子变形(英文)

Bian Wen变文
1.With regard to "Bian Wen", as well as its origin and definition, opinions have varied throughout history.关于什么是变文、变文的来源和界定等问题,历来众说纷坛。
2.Concise comparisons with BIAN WEN,SHI SHUO XIN YU and Excerpt of Analects of ZHU XI reveal the dialectal differences and historical developments regarding of the numbers of prepositions, the usage of prepositons and the syntactic positions of preposition phrases.在静态描写的基础上与大体同时期的敦煌变文的介词作横向比较,看介词成员、用法、介词短语在句中的位置诸方面在两种语料中的异同;与《世说新语》的比较可以使我们看出介词从中古时期到宋初在以上诸方面大致的发展脉络;与《朱子语类辑略》的比较可以看出《景德传灯录》介词面貌在整个汉语介词发展过程中所处的大致位置。
3)cultural changes文化变迁
1.Spatio-temporal system and the cultural changes——Village of Yunnan Hom Yi inspection;时空制度与文化变迁——对云南坎村彝族的考察
2.Socio-cultural changes and school P.E. reform;论社会文化变迁与学校体育教育改革
3.The experiential base of participating in observation, cateogy comparison and cultural changes;参与观察、类型比较和文化变迁的经验基础——评费孝通与利奇之间的理论分歧
4)cultural change文化变革
1.Through interactions between their occupational expectations and professional demands,between theory and practice,and between knowledge,emotion and volition,teachers will develop and lead to cultural changes of schools under the guidance of new curriculum."互动生成"的校本培训旨在唤起教师的生命意识,通过教师职业期待与专业诉求的互动生成;理论与实践的互动生成;知、情、意的互动生成,促进教师发展,最终实现新课程引导下的学校文化变革。
2.The orientation of the enterprises cultural change is the transformation from entrepreneurial culture to corporate culture, and the keys to the transformation in Chinese enterprises are the learning capability and the innovative capability.企业文化变革的基本方向是从创业者文化向公司型文化过渡,学习能力和创新能力是影响华人企业从创业者文化向公司型文化变革的关键因素,而这种能力的培养需要华人企业正确处理短期与长期的关系、竞争与合作的关系、同质与异质的关系、集权与分权的关系、德治与法治的关系。
3.This text pass the corporate culture to the media profession to remould a research, particularly is a Hua company the cultural change of the me本文通过对传媒行业的企业文化重塑研究,尤其是华商传媒集团的企业文化文化变革案例,结合中国传媒行业面临的国际国内环境、社会需求、技术革新带来的冲击和行业自身的发展规律的需要,描述出了企业的文化现状,通过对企业未来发展需求的塑造和满足未来发展的进行了企业文化体系的重塑。
5)cultural change文化变迁
1.The theory of ethnic process :new perspectives in social and cultural change research;民族过程:文化变迁研究的新视角
2.Cultural Change in the Urban Hui Community——Taking the Hui Community of Shuncheng Street in Kunming as Examples;都市回族社区的文化变迁——以昆明市顺城街回族社区为例
3.An Argument of Cultural Change in Globalization;试论全球化下的文化变迁
6)cultural transition文化变迁
1.This paper makes a sociological observation of China s latest cultural transition, on the basis of which the writer stresses the necessity of diversify the contents and methods of moral education in schools.本文从社会学角度出发,提出了现实文化的多元化是我国现实文化变迁的现状,从 而认为学校德育的内容和途径也要多样化。
2.The paper gives an analysis of the social reason of Chinese female crimes in light of cultural transition,aiming at a breakthrough in some traditional views and a clarification of misunderstandings in knowledge,thus to provide social prevention countermeasures against female crimes.本文从文化变迁的角度来分析当前中国社会女性犯罪的社会原因,力求突破一些传统的看法,澄清一些认识上的误区,从而对女性犯罪给出一些社会预防对策。
