1.The Generation of Metaphysics and Metaphysical Poetry——On the Particular Significance of "The Situation Changed with World’s Change";玄学与玄言诗的生成——以“文变染乎世情”为视角
2.On the Influence of Metaphysics on WeiJin Writer;玄学思想对魏晋文学家的影响探析

1.One who specializes or is skilled in metaphysics.玄学家专攻玄学或精通玄学的人
2.Yuen Yuen Home for the Aged [Yuen Yuen Institute]圆玄安老院〔圆玄学院〕
3.Yuen Yuen Institute Social Centre for the Elderly [Yuen Yuen Institute]圆玄老人中心〔圆玄学院〕
4.Prof.Qigong s Discussions on Metaphysics,Metaphysical Poems and Metaphysical Poets in Wei and Jin Dynasties;启功先生论魏晋玄学、玄言诗及玄言诗人
5.Different Essence of English Metaphysics Poetry and Chinese Xuan Poetry英国玄学派诗歌与中国玄言诗的不同玄机
6.Yuen Yuen Care-and-Attention Home for Elderly [Yuen Yuen Institute]圆玄护理安老院〔圆玄学院〕
7.The Generation of Metaphysics and Metaphysical Poetry--On the Particular Significance of "The Situation Changed with World’s Change";玄学与玄言诗的生成——以“文变染乎世情”为视角
8.Mou Zongsan and the Study of Dark Learning in Wei and Jin Dynasties:Review on the Book of Literary Talent and Profound Theories;牟宗三与魏晋玄学研究——读牟先生《才性与玄理》
9.It is popularly understood that metaphysics influences Buddhism a lot whereas it remains status quo in the contact.一般认为,玄学思想对佛教产生了影响,但玄学并未受到佛教的影响。
10.The Metaphysical Interpretation of the Traditional Aubades:A Study in John Donne s Metaphysical Poem "The Good-Morrow";传统“破晓歌”的玄学诠释——评英国玄学派诗人多恩的《早安》
11.Metaphysics in the Wei-jin Dynasties and the Human Awakening──On the Ideological significance and social value of Metaphysics;魏晋玄学与人的觉醒──试论玄学的思想意义和社会价值
12.Humanity-Emotion-Literature --On the Metaphysic in Wei and Jin Periods and Literature;人·情·文——魏晋玄学与文学漫议
13.On the Change from Confucian Classics Craze in the West and Eastern Han Periods to the Metaphysical Speculations in Wei and Jin Periods and the Cause of the Change;两汉经学到魏晋玄学及其转变之原因
14.Development of Buddhism in China on the background of Metaphysics of Wei and Jin Dynasty;试析魏晋玄学背景下中国佛学的发展
15.The Metaphysic Thoughtway and Poetic Features in Wei-Jin Dynasty--Comments on the "Tastelessness" of Metaphysic Poetry;玄学思想方法与魏晋诗歌的艺术风貌——兼谈玄言诗“淡乎寡味”的问题
16.On Feng Youlan's Contribution to the Study of Wei-Jin Metaphysics自有玄心赏风流——论冯友兰对魏晋玄学研究的贡献
17.no, there is nothing to indicate that he risked his mind in apocalypses.他是否窥探过玄学,毫无迹象可寻。
18.The Intelligentsia of Wei and Jin Dynasties,Metaphysics and the Raise of"Liufalun论魏晋士族、玄学与“六法论”的提出

1.The Xuanxue Assertion of Jiuye Poetry Group and Its Features;九叶诗派的“玄学”主张及特征
2.On the Similarities and Differences between Confucian and Xuanxue;论经学与玄学间的相合相异
3.On the Origin of Art and Literarure in Yizhuan and Xuanxue;《易传》及魏晋玄学的文艺本原论
3)Dark Learning玄学
1.On the Confucian Theory of Human Nature of Dark Learning;论早期玄学中儒学人性论的线索
2.The call of the dark learning enabled the then scholars .士人这种文化情结生成的主要原因是其生命意识觉醒的结果;隐逸遁世的需要又导致山水田园游风气的兴起;玄学的感召,也促成士人从自然山水中体味人生。
3.Mainly taking the book The General Opinions of New Quotations as an illustration, the paper analyzes the influence of dark learning up the scholars of Jin and Wei Dynasties.本文主要以《世说新语》为例证,分析了玄学对魏晋士风的影响。
5)metaphysical aesthetics玄学美学
6)Mysticism and Metaphysical Poem玄学与玄言诗
