1.New idea on the origin of Chinese ancient epitaph —— making commentary on different opinions of the predecessors simultaneously;中国古代墓志起源新论——兼评诸种旧说
2.Epitaph:the Widows Life of Tang Dynasty;唐代寡居女性生活探微——以墓志为基础
3.My View on the Epitaph of Ino Manari, a Japanese Student Studying in the Tang Dynasty, China;关于唐日本留学生井真成墓志之我见

1.A Study into the Epitaph and Funsral Figures of Musicians and Dancers form Madam Cen's Tomb of the Tang Period in Mengjin孟津唐岑氏夫人墓墓志及伎乐俑研究
2.On English Epitaphs;浅论英国的墓志铭(Epitaph)
3.The Comparison between Epitaphs by Yu Xin, Northern and Southern Dynasties and those by Han Yu, Tang Dynasty;庾信及魏晋南北朝墓志与韩愈及唐墓志之比较
4.An inscription on a tombstone in memory of the one buried there.墓志铭刻于墓碑上用以怀念死者的碑铭
5.Another Research on the Epitaph in Qidan Scripts Unearthed in the Grave of the Liao Period;乌日根塔拉辽墓出土的契丹小字墓志铭再考
6.An examination of the epitaph about khitan s handwritten small characters from Liao Dynastic tombs in Wu Ri Gen Ta La;乌日根塔拉辽墓出土的契丹小字墓志铭考释
7.The rarest quality in an epitaph is truth.墓志铭的难能可贵之处是真实。
8.His epitaph should be: He did us good.他的墓志铭应当是:他为我们做了好事。
9.In lapidary inscription a man is not upon oath.在墓志铭中,人是并非经过发誓的。
10.In lapidary Inscription a man be not upon oath .在墓志铭中。人是并非经过发誓的。
11.The Epitaph of Anjia and the Guan Zhong Departmentalism Policy《安伽墓志》与“关中本位政策”
12.The Collation and Study of "Epitaph Unearthed in New China·Chongqing Volume";《新中国出土墓志·重庆卷》校补及研究
13.A Semantic Analysis of Word Family "Congming" Appeared in Epitaphs of the Han-Wei and Six Dynasties;汉魏六朝墓志中品评人物的“聪明”词族
14.Epitaph of Guo Xuji s Great Grandson Guo Can Discovered in Yanshi City,Henan;河南偃师市出土郭虚己曾孙郭傪墓志
15.New idea on the origin of Chinese ancient epitaph -- making commentary on different opinions of the predecessors simultaneously;中国古代墓志起源新论——兼评诸种旧说
16.Study and Analysis of 12th generation ancestor Yan′ in epitaphs of Linzi Cui s Family;临淄崔氏墓志所载“十二世祖琰”考析
17.A Study of the Development of the Military System in Medieval China from the Inscription of Yu Hong;从《隋虞弘墓志》看府兵制度的发展
18.Epitaph:the Widows Life of Tang Dynasty;唐代寡居女性生活探微——以墓志为基础

1.The Mate Selection between Intellectual Families Presented in the Epitaphs of Sung Dynasty从墓志看宋代士人家庭的择偶行为
2.Based on the theory of semanteme and semantic field,the author of this article has done a semantic analysis of 36 words in the word family "Congming" appeared in epitaphs of the Han-Wei and Six Dynasties,aiming at finding out their relations and differences in meaning.本文采用义素义场理论,对汉魏六朝墓志中品评人物"聪明"词族的36个词进行了分析考察,对于同义词内部的意义差异与联系作了一定程度的揭示。
3.For the first time,we choose the epitaphs in five dynasties to study,after studying and analyzing,we find many problems in the emendations and punctuations of these epitaphs.五代时期是近代汉语发展史上的重要时期,我们首次选择了五代时期的出土墓志文献进行研读,利用拓片对读录文,对其中的???、标点等问题进行了探讨,发现可商榷之处凡百余处。
1.The epigraphs about Cui Shi unearthed in Changzhi area is chosely related to Cui Shi in Qinghe in the Northern Wei Dynasty.长治地区出土的关于崔氏的墓志与北魏时期清河崔氏有密切的关联,清河崔氏在西晋末年十六国时期移居长治地区,入隋唐以后仍留居此地。
2.The prince of Langling s epigraph has its special value to testify,correct and add up to the historical facts.朗陵王墓志铭具有证史、纠史、补史的价值。
3.The epigraphs in the Tang Dynasty possess very important historical value in studying politics, economy, culture, military affairs and so on in the Tang Dynasty.唐代墓志对于研究唐代政治、经济、文化、军事等有非常重要的史料价值。
4)epigraphs in the Ming Dynasty明代墓志
1.Changshu Museum and Changshu Inscription Museum have collected over 200 epigraphs in the Ming Dynasty,which provide first-hand valuable sources for studying agricultural economy,the imperial examination system,the rise and fall of clans,and folk customs as well as private gardens south of the Yangtze River and other social problems.常熟博物馆、常熟碑刻博物馆藏250余件明代墓志为研究常熟地区明代时期建置沿革、农业经济、科举教育、氏族兴衰和民俗风情诸方面提供了第一手资料。
1.Comments on Punctuations and Annotations of The Epitaph to Gu Shangjie of Qing Dynasty.;《清顾尚洁先生墓志铭》标注说
2.Epitaph and Brief Biographical Sketch of the Number One Scholar Lin Zhen in Ming Dynasty;漳州明代状元林震的《墓志铭》与《行状》
6)epigraph on Li Bai's tomb李白墓志

墓志  埋入墓中的记死者姓名家世和生平事迹的文字。由于在志文之后附有用韵语所作之铭,故又称为墓志铭。一般多刻于石上,也有写刻于砖上的,还有个别的是用铁铸或瓷土烧成的。中国墓志约起源于东汉时期,魏晋以后盛行。日本、朝鲜受中国的影响也有墓志,日本的最早出现于奈良时代前期?!   『幽下逖舫鐾恋暮貉悠皆?(106)贾武仲妻马姜墓志,虽不自称为墓志,但所记的内容已与墓志相近。江苏邳县元嘉元年 (151)缪宇墓后室石门上方所刻的题记,有官职姓名、死葬日期、韵语颂辞,实为后世墓志铭之滥觞。当时由于盛行在墓前立碑,故此种埋入墓中的石刻文字是很少见的。魏晋时期严禁在墓前立碑,而埋入墓中的小型墓碑的数量增多,如洛阳出土的永平元年(291)徐夫人菅洛墓碑、元康元年(291)成晃碑,形式和内容都与地面上的墓碑相同,只是形体缩小而已。其后,有作圭形的,如洛阳出土元康九年徐美人墓志;有作竖长方形的,如北京出土的永嘉元年(307)华若墓志。它们都自称为"铭",因为志文后皆有四言韵语组成的"颂"辞。也有比较简单的,只记姓名和卒年的,如江苏镇江出土的升平元年 (357)刘尅墓志。自称为"墓志铭"的是山东益都出土的刘宋大明八年 (464)《刘怀民墓志铭》,这是目前发现的时代最早的墓志铭。6世纪初的南北朝后期,墓志逐渐定型,志石多呈方形,志盖多呈盝顶形,也有个别作龟形的。墓志盖在南北朝时期尚不普遍,隋唐以后,志盖相合,遂成定制。志文的内容也逐渐形成一种固定的文体,首先叙述死者姓名、籍贯和家世谱系;再记其生平事迹,官职履历,并颂扬其政绩德行;最后记其卒葬年月和葬地;志文后为四字韵语的"铭",以表达悼念哀思之情。南北朝至隋的墓志上皆不署撰者书者姓名,唐代以后才在志文标题下署撰者书者姓名和官衔。也偶有自撰墓志的,如甘肃兰州出土的明彭泽墓志,志前线刻彭泽肖像,志文为彭泽自述,长达7000余字,是特殊的一例?! ?