1.Effect of some amino acids on biosynthesis of gentamicin;几种氨基酸对庆大霉素生物合成的影响
2.Study on Quantitative Analysis Methods for Gentamicin Functional Components;庆大霉素功能组分的定量分析方法研究
3.The Improved Fermentation Techniques' Positive Influence on the Components and Potency of Gentamicin Broth;改变庆大霉素发酵工艺对其组分及效价的影响

1.Gentamycin Sulfate Injectio硫酸庆大霉素注射液
2.group B,treated with gentamycin alone at a dose of 120 mg/kg body weigh(IM);B组(庆大霉素组),肌肉注射庆大霉素120mg·kg-1·d-1;
3.GM group,received gentamicin sulfate 100 mg/kg daily by intraperitoneal injections;庆大霉素组每日腹腔注射硫酸庆大霉素100mg/kg;
4.Determination of Gentamycin Sulfate by Resonance Light Scattering with Alizarin Red茜素红共振散射法测定硫酸庆大霉素
5.Objective To investigate the ototoxicity of a new chemical preparation salicylate gentamicin.目的探讨庆大霉素新剂型-水杨酸庆大霉素的耳毒性。
6.Approximately 30% of Enterococcus exhibited high-level gentamicin resistance.约 30 %的肠球菌高耐庆大霉素。
7.Studies on the Nasal Absorption of Gentamycin鼻腔粘膜吸收庆大霉素功能的研究
8.Methods and Techniques of Separation and Purification of Gentamicin C1a Components;庆大霉素C1a组分的分离提纯研究
9.Intravenous antibiotics including Penicillin, Gentamicin and Metronidazole were urgently administered together with crystalloid rehydration.随即静脉滴注晶体溶液和抗生素包括青霉素、庆大霉素和甲硝唑。
10.After admission she was treated with penicillin G, gentamycin and anti-cough drugs together with expectorants. The Body temperature was dropping gradually.住院后即予青霉素、庆大霉素及止咳祛痰药治疗。体温逐渐下降。
11."After admission she was treated with penicillin G, gentamycin and anti-cough drugs together with expectorants."住院后即 予青天霉素、庆大霉素及止咳被动痰药治疗
12.better than gentamycin and tobramycin.优于庆大霉素、妥布霉素、头孢唑啉、氨苄西林和哌拉西林。
13.Usefulness of the H/D exchange method for discriminating Gentamicin C_2/C_(2a) and Micronomin rapidly using mass spectrometry应用H/D交换质谱法对庆大霉素C_2/C_(2a)及小诺霉素进行快速鉴别
14.Prevention and treatment of Hua Yu Dao Zhi decoction in renal fibrosis induced by gentamicin in rats化瘀导滞汤防治庆大霉素诱导的大鼠肾纤维化
15.Experimental Study of Influence of HBO on Gentamycin Induced Deaf Guinea Pig高压氧对庆大霉素致聋豚鼠影响的实验研究
16.Effect of bFGF on toxic deafness induced by gentamicin in the guinea pigbFGF对豚鼠庆大霉素中毒性耳聋的预防作用
17.The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on gentamicin induced toxic cochlear microcirculation in guinea pigs高压氧对豚鼠庆大霉素中毒耳蜗微循环的影响
18.Preventive Effect of Breviscapin on Gentamicin Ototoxicity灯盏花对庆大霉素内耳毒性的防护作用

1.Research on the Gentamycin F99-3 mold mushroom spawn fermentation medium and its control condition;庆大霉素F99-3菌种发酵培养基和控制条件的研究
2.Spectrophotometric Determination of Neomycin and Gentamycin with La La-Trypan;镧-曲利本红光度法测定新霉素及庆大霉素
3.Expression changes and biological significance of STAT3 mRNA during self-repair in vestibular epithelium of guinea pigs after gentamycin toxicity;庆大霉素损伤后豚鼠前庭上皮STAT3 mRNA的表达变化及意义
3)Gentamicin A庆大霉素A
1.Gentamicin A as a Major Metabolite Produced by Micromonospora FIM-203;小单孢菌FIM-203产生庆大霉素A的研究
4)Gentamicin B庆大霉素B
1.Applications of Nanofiltration Membrane Technology in Concentration of Gentamicin B;纳滤膜技术在庆大霉素B浓缩中的应用
