1.Shrinkage and creep of high-strength lightweight aggregate concrete;高强轻骨料混凝土收缩和徐变试验
2.The sidewall fracture of the shaft and the creep of concrete;井壁破裂与砼的徐变破坏
3.Long-period contraction creep forecast of concrete based on short-period test;基于短期试验预测混凝土长期收缩徐变

1.The concrete is said to creep.我们称这时的混凝土产生了徐变。
2.Study of RCC gravity dam temperature creeping stress碾压混凝土重力坝温度徐变应力研究
3.Study on Creep of Reinforced Concrete Beams Based on B3 Model;基于B3模型的钢筋混凝土梁徐变研究
4.Experimental Research on Shrinkage and Creep of Prestressed Steel Reinforced Concrete;预应力型钢混凝土收缩徐变试验研究
5.Research on Concrete Creep and Application in Pre-camber of Bridge;混凝土徐变与桥梁的预拱度设置研究
6.The Creep Effects Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Rigid-Framed Arch Bridge;预应力混凝土刚架拱桥徐变效应分析
7.Study on the Influence of Humidity on Creep of Reinforced Concrete Beams湿度对钢筋混凝土梁徐变的影响研究
8.Such new places will depend on slow changes of climate, or on the occasional immigration of new inhabitants.这些新的位置,要靠气候的徐徐变化或新生物的偶然迁入而定。
9.Study on Creep Deformation and Construction Technique of Tianjin-Binhai Light Railway Bridge;津滨轻轨桥梁徐变变形分析与施工技术研究
10.Vertical deformation calculation of the high-rise concrete structure resulted from creeping高层混凝土结构由徐变引起的竖向变形计算
11.Analysis on creep strain for ready-mixed concrete during shrinkage商品混凝土收缩过程中的徐变变形分析
12.Analysis on the Contraction and Time Deformation of Long-spanned PC Cable-stayed Bridges大跨度PC斜拉桥收缩和徐变变形分析的研究
13.Experimental Study on Creep Deformation of High-performance Concrete Bridge with Ballastless Track无碴轨道桥梁高强混凝土徐变变形的试验研究
14.Creep Analysis for Cable Stayed Concrete Bridge during Cantilever-Construction混凝土斜拉桥用悬臂法施工的徐变分析
15.Creep and Shinkage Analysis of Reinforced Con crete Composited Arches of Stiffen Framework钢筋混凝土劲性骨架拱桥徐变收缩分析
16.Analysis of Shrinkage and Creep Effect for Long-Span Rigid Frame Bridges with High Piers高墩大跨连续刚构桥的收缩徐变效应分析
17.Study on Creep of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Members Based on B3 Model;基于B3模型的钢管混凝土构件徐变研究
18.Research on Construction Control for PC Continuous Rigid Frame Bridges and Analysis of Creep and Shrinkage Effect;连续刚构桥施工监控与收缩徐变效应分析

concrete creep徐变
1.The AMME method and the super finite element theory are proposed to consider the influence of concrete creep during construction.在分析中提出采用龄期调整的有效模量法(AMME)考虑施工期混凝土徐变的影响,并利用超级有限元-有限元耦合理论进行施工过程的模拟。
2.It is of important meaning to high-rise building considering concrete creep and construction process.施工过程和混凝土徐变对高层建筑结构具有重要影响。
3.The development of concrete creep during and after stressing was investigated, based on the monitored data of Xiao Langdi prestressed sediment tunnel liner.结合工程实测资料,对预应力施加过程中混凝土的徐变变化规律进行了探讨和分析。
1.Analysis Method of Construction Process and Creep Shrinkage Effects in Mega-Frame Structure;巨型框架考虑施工过程和混凝土收缩徐变影响的分析方法
2.The shrinkage and creep secondary internal forces in steel-concrete composite girders are discussed by the analysis method.根据钢-混凝土结合梁的受力特点,考虑采用有支架施工方法,由力的平衡条件和变形协调条件,分析结合梁中由混凝土收缩徐变引起的内力重分布,以此为基础,进一步提出了连续结合梁内力重分布的计算方法。
3.The influence of concrete creep and shrinkage is considered a.以由此确定的斜拉桥初始状态作为施工非线性倒拆分析的初始状态,倒拆分析的过程中需要考虑相应阶段的混凝土收缩、徐变影响,倒拆分析的结果作为斜拉桥施工阶段的斜拉索张拉力,即斜拉桥施工阶段的最终优化结果。
1.Vertical deformation calculation of the high-rise concrete structure resulted from creeping高层混凝土结构由徐变引起的竖向变形计算
2.Based on the background of Maocaojie Arch Bridge, a test study was made of the creeping of high-performance concrete by simulating the actual concrete percentage and sectional stress state of an actual section.以茅草街钢管砼拱桥为背景,采用实桥混凝土配比,模拟截面应力状态,进行高强混凝土徐变试验研究;测试并绘出混凝土徐变发展曲线,与AC I209(82)、CEB-F IP(M C 78)、CEB-F IP(M C 90)公式计算结果进行对比,提出了高强混凝土徐变系数近似估算式。
3.In order to understand the factors influencing the creeping of concrete with compound ultra-fine fly ash (CUFA), the creep behavior of C50 concrete with CUFA and C50 ordinary portland concrete were tested by parallel experimental methods.用对比实验方法系统研究了原材料组成、养护制度以及加载龄期等因素对强度等级为C50的复合超细粉煤灰(compound ultra fine fly ash,CUFA)混凝土和C50普通混凝土徐变的影响规律,并分析了相应的影响机理。
5)creep strain徐变应变
1.The measured strain of concrete includes the elastic strain,creep strain and also the non-stress strain like the concrete free deformation and temperature strain.混凝土实测应变包含弹性应变、徐变应变及混凝土自由变形、温度应变等非应力应变。
6)creep deformation徐变变形
1.The research with an emphasis on the effects of concrete,tensioning methods as well as stress differences between upper and lower fibers on creep deformation of track girders was carried out.以实际工程的轨道交通预应力混凝土梁为原型,以跨中截面应力等效与施工工艺相似为原则,共设计6根1∶5大尺度模型梁,对其施工过程中的徐变性能进行了试验研究,重点考察混凝土种类、预应力筋张拉方式和截面应力差等因素对轨道梁徐变变形的影响。
2.Based on the available long-term deflection prediction data of Humen bridge,we analyze the creep deformation of prestressed concrete box girder of large span continuous rigid bridges in several stages theoretically by use of FEM so as to find out the relation between mid-span upper and lower edge stress dispersion and the structure creep def.根据已测得的虎门大桥连续刚构桥挠度长期观测数据,建立有限元模型,分阶段对大跨连续刚构桥预应力混凝土箱梁的徐变变形进行理论分析,探讨主梁上下缘应力差与结构徐变的关系。
3.Increment method is the most effective method to calculate creep deformation and internal force in indeterminate structure on every constructed stage.为了研究由徐变、收缩引起的变形对桥梁结构的影响,以力的增量形式推导出计算各施工阶段徐变次内力、徐变变形的递推公式,同时将本文的递推公式和传统的位移增量递推公式分别编制计算程序,利用有限元原理就奉化江大桥的施工结束阶段时徐变次内力和徐变变形进行模拟计算,并对两种计算结果进行了比较,提出一种有效计算混凝土桥梁徐变效应的方法。

徐锴(920~974)  中国五代时期文字训诂学家。广陵(今江苏扬州)人,徐铉弟,字楚金。生于后梁末帝贞明六年,仕于南唐,起家为秘书省校书郎,后主李煜时,迁集贤殿学士,终内史舍人。国亡前一年,即宋太祖开宝七年卒。平生著述甚多,今仅存《说文解字系传》40卷,《说文解字韵谱》10卷?!   ⌒祜蔷ㄎ淖盅第??!端滴慕庾窒荡肥导示褪恰端滴慕庾帧纷?。因尊崇许慎,以其书为经,而自谦所作训解为传。这部书是自汉魏以后最早的一部有系统的,比较详密的注解。书中卷一至三十为《通释》、随文解释许氏原书的训解。卷三十一至三十二为《部叙》,推寻许书 540部排列次序的意义。卷三十三至三十五为《通论》,是阐发文字结构的意义的。卷三十六为《祛妄》,是驳斥前人说字的谬见的。卷三十七为《类聚》,是取同类名物的字说明其取象的。卷三十八为《错综》,是从人事推阐古人造字的意旨的。卷三十九为《疑义》,是论《说文》所阙的字和字体跟小篆不合的。卷四十为《系述》是说明各篇著述的旨趣的。此书自上秘阁以后,传本极少。今本出自宋苏颂所传,阙卷二十五,用大徐本补足,已非完书。现在流传的刻本有清乾隆间汪启淑刻本,有马骏良刻《龙威秘书》本,又有道光十九年(1839)祁寯藻刻本。三者以祁本最好,且附有??奔?卷,《龙威秘书》本次之。又《四部丛刊》有影印钱氏述古堂抄本,文字也颇有讹误。清代王筠有《说文系传校录》,可参阅?!    端滴慕庾窒荡芬浴锻ㄊ汀凡糠治魈?,除引据前代古书以证明许慎训解外,还指出其他引申的意义,并从谐声字的声旁说明声旁与字义的关系,对后代训诂学家有很大影响。在《通释》中也往往说明古书的假借和古今用字的不同,有时还用今语解释古语,内容极为丰富,足见徐锴对于文字学和训诂学研究之深?!断荡吩谖淖盅第Х⒄故飞险加兄匾牡匚?。(见《说文解字》)    《说文》唐本旧有反切,《系传》改由朱翱另加反切。徐锴所编《说文解字韵谱》,则依唐本《切韵》编排文字,目的是便于寻检篆体,原书注释并不完备。有冯桂芬刻本。其兄徐铉据唐代李舟《切韵》重定的本子,有《函?!房瘫??! ?