1.Abrasiveness,Properties and Economic Analysis of Defibrator Discs;热磨机磨片的磨损、材质及经济分析
2.The methods to extend the service life of disc plate for pulping equipment by optimal processes工艺优化延长磨浆机磨片寿命的方法
3.The refiner disc abrasions in refining, including normal abrasions and abnormal abrasions is discussed, and the countermeasures of abrasions are studied.本文探讨了打浆过程中盘磨机的核心配件(磨片)的磨损形式,分析了正常磨损形式和非正常磨损的作用原理及生产上应该采取的对策。

1.The Effect of Disc Abrasion on Pulp Refining磨片磨损对打浆生产使用效果的影响
2.The methods to extend the service life of disc plate for pulping equipment by optimal processes工艺优化延长磨浆机磨片寿命的方法
3.Monocrystalline silicon ascut slices and lapped slicesGB/T12965-1996硅单晶切割片和研磨片
4.Design、Analysis and Structure Optimization of Circular Straight Tooth Refining Plate of Defiberator;圆环直齿热磨机磨片的设计分析和结构优化
5.Finite Elements Analysis and Structure Optimization of Fan-shaped Refiner Plate of Defiberator;扇块分区热磨机磨片的有限元分析与结构优化
6.Grinding Performance of Soft Abrasive Grinding Wheel Used in Ultra-precision Grinding Sapphire Substrate;超精密磨削蓝宝石基片的软磨料砂轮磨削性能
7.I would stand and watch the two white men grinding lenses on the machines.我站着看那两个白人在磨床上磨镜片。
8.Development of Soft Abrasive Wheel Used in Ultra-precision Grinding Silicon Wafer超精密磨削硅片的软磨料砂轮的研制
9.worn clutch facing磨损的离合器摩擦片
10.disc wheel for steel wire needle sharpening磨钢丝针用薄片砂轮
11.automatic grinder for carbide saw blade硬质合金锯片自动磨床
12.grind a knife, lens, etc on a stone, etc在石头等上磨刀、 镜片等.
13.indexable insert tip negative rake grinding machine可转位刀片负倒刃磨床
14.carbide tool blade grinding machine硬质合金刀片刃磨机床
15.multi-disc self -locking differential磨擦片式自锁差速器
16.rotary slicer with sharpener旋转切片器附磨刀器
17.automatic microtome knife sharpener切片机刀自动磨刀机
18.double end circular saw flanks grinding双头圆锯片侧磨齿机

1.Objective: To explore the methods on metal-bone interface integration with Leitz-1600 saw microtome and bone grinding slice technique.目的:探讨利用Leitz-1600型锯割切片机及骨磨片技术进行种植体骨结合状况的组织学研究方法。
2.A performance comparison between ZnO varistors annealed after grinding and those grounded after annealing shows a higher performance of ZnO varistor.通过先磨片后热处理及先热处理后磨片两种不同工艺次序生产氧化锌电阻片性能的对比 ,发现采用先磨片后热处理的工艺次序对氧化锌电阻片的性能有一定的提高 ;并根据 X衍射试验结果进行了分析、论
3.Objective To explore the methods on metal-bone interface integration with Leitz-1600 saw microtome and bone grinding slice technique.目的探讨利用Leitz-1600型锯割切片机及骨磨片技术进行种植体骨结合状况的组织学研究方法。
3)refining plate磨片
1.Based on tribology and heat transfer,three dimensional finite element model of stable temperature field and thermal deformation of the circular straight tooth refining plate was built up in ANSYS,and the temperature and thermal deformation of the refining plate under the status of heat equilibrium were analyzed.基于摩擦学理论和传热学,利用ANSYS建立圆环分区直齿热磨机磨片的稳态温度场和热变形的三维热分析有限元模型,分析该磨片处于热平衡状态下的温升和热变形。
1.The main invalidity of the refiner disc plate is the rounding of the bar edge in case of the plate has lower material rigidity andunwearable quality.材料硬度低、耐磨性差的盘磨机磨片失效的主要形式是磨刀前对钝化磨圆,进而导致磨片剪切能力急剧下降。
2.The quality of refiner disc plate directly affects the quality of paper and productivity.从宏观和微观的两方面阐述了磨片磨损的几种形式和磨损机理,认为正常磨损是不可避免的,通过对材质进行合理选择或者进行一定的工艺处理,生产出满足一定工况条件的磨片,只能降低正常磨损引起的损耗;同时,采用适当的措施,非正常磨损是完全可以避免的。
5)refiner plate磨片
1.The situation and countermeasure about alloy materials of refiner plates in China;我国合金磨片材料的现状和对策探讨
6)Abrasive disk磨片,磨盘

氨酚伪麻片(日片)与氨苯伪麻片(夜片)药物名称:氨酚伪麻片(日片)与氨苯伪麻片(夜片)英文名:Compound paracetamol Combination Tablets汉语拼音:主要成分:日服片:对乙酰氨基酚、盐酸伪麻黄碱;夜服片:对乙酰氨基酚、盐酸伪麻黄碱、盐酸苯海拉明。性状:日服片为白色,夜服片为蓝色。药理作用:动物试验表明本品具有解热、镇痛、镇静作用,另可降低鼻气道阻力及粘膜血管的通透性。药代动力学:适应症:用于治疗感冒引起的发热、头痛、四肢疼痛、鼻塞、流涕、喷嚏等症状。用法与用量: 白天服日服片,每日二次(8小时一次),每次1~2片。 晚上睡前服用夜服片,一日一次,每次1片。不良反应:偶见。为轻度口干、口苦、上腹不适、困倦、多汗等。禁忌症:对(包括日服片和夜服片)组分过敏者禁用。注意事项: 1.每日不超过8片,疗程不超过7天。超量服用可产生头晕、失眠、神经质等症状。 2.心脏病、高血压、甲亢、糖尿病、青光眼、肺气肿等呼吸困难、前列腺肥大伴排尿困难者不宜服用。 3.避免与降压药或抗抑郁药同时服用,服药期间避免饮酒。 4.孕妇、哺乳期妇女使用前应咨询医生。 5.服用本品若症状未改善或伴高热,应及时停药。 6.对麻黄碱药理作用敏感者及老年人慎用。12岁以下儿童不宜服用。 7.夜用片服药期间可引起头晕、嗜睡,故不宜驾车、高空作业及操纵机器。规格:每片含 日服片 夜服片 对乙酰氨基酚 0.325g 0.5g 盐酸伪麻黄碱 30mg 30mg 盐酸苯海拉明贮藏:遮光,密闭保存。有效期:暂定二年。处方药:是