开发构想,development conception
1)development conception开发构想
1.Shijiazhuang tourism resources system:a systematic analysis and development conception;石家庄旅游资源系统分析与开发构想
2.This article studied and analyzed the littoral resources of Huludao City Liaoning province, and offer a detail evaluation, further, some development conception is offered.探讨了葫芦岛市滨海旅游资源和类型,指出其利用中存在的问题和开发潜力,提出滨海旅游资源的开发构想。

1.On exploitability evaluating and exploitation about Nanyang tourism resources;南阳市旅游资源可开发性评价及开发构想
2.SWOT Analysis and the Development Countermeasures for Agriculture Eco-tourism Development along Weihe River in Xingping兴平沿渭农业生态旅游开发SWOT分析及开发构想
3.Ideas of Exploitation the Tourism Resources in the Contiguous Area of Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing, and Guizhou Provinces湘鄂渝黔交接区域旅游资源开发构想
4.On eco-tourism resource evaluation and development in Guiyang;贵阳市生态旅游资源评价及开发构想
5.Preliminary Thinking of Ecological Tourism Development about Taoism Famous Mountain in Shandong;山东省道教名山的生态旅游开发构想
6.The Speculation in Tourist Development of the Folle Belief Culture Across the Straits;海峡两岸民间信仰文化旅游开发构想
7.The Current Status of Use and Future Development of Changle s Tourist Resources;长乐市旅游资源利用现状及开发构想
8.Shijiazhuang tourism resources system:a systematic analysis and development conception;石家庄旅游资源系统分析与开发构想
9.Analysis on Character and Developmental Conception of Tourism Resources of Anlu City;安陆市旅游资源特色分析及开发构想
10.Some Concepts for Developing the Tourist Resources in the Area Along the South Xinjiang Railway;南疆铁路沿线地区旅游资源开发构想
11.Haikou leisure agriculture tourism SWOT analysis and development construction??谛菹信┮德糜蜸WOT分析及开发构想
12.Current Situation and Considerations for the Development of Variety Salt in Henan Province;河南省多品种盐开发现状及发展构想
13.Conception of Human Resources Development and Management in West China Development;西部大开发之人才资源开发和管理战略构想
14.The Proposition on the Location of Agricultural Comprehensive Development and on the Adjustment of the Developing Entity;农业综合开发定位与开发主体调整的构想
15.Thought of Developing Yelang Stone Forest of Jiucaiping in the Guizhou Ridge;贵州屋脊韭菜坪夜郎石林开发的构想
16.A Conceiving on Agricultural Tourism Development of the Huanggua Mountain in Yongchuan;永川黄瓜山观光农业旅游开发的构想
17.Developing China s West--Strategic Thinking of the Core of Leaderhip of Three Generations of the Chinese Communist Party;西部开发:三代领导核心的战略构想

thought of development of the western region开发西部构想
3)strategic plan to open up the west西部开发战略构想
4)the thoughts of developing开发思想
5)developing conception发展构想
1.,Ltd,in which the developing conception of informatization construction was put forward in this paper.通过对国内外信息化环境及金钼集团信息化现状的综合分析,提出了金钼集团信息化建设的发展构想。
6)Structure development结构开发

Pro/E二次开发使用toolkit开发trigger的程序使用toolkit开发trigger的程序时,往往需要能够连续通过trigger来触发dll中的函数. 我碰到的问题: 1.配置trigger: Name: CimDll Event: Create PIV Time: POST RequireNO DLL:Cim.dll Function:PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation 2.源代码: int PDMDLLInit() { PTCERROR pdm_status; FILE *g_pfileLog; g_pfileLog =fopen("test.dat","w"); setbuf(g_pfileLog,NULL); fprintf(g_pfileLog,"begin test\n"); pdm_status = PDMTriggerRegister("PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation", PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation); if (pdm_status != PDM_SUCCESS) { printf("Failed to Register Trigger PIV Create Post.\n"); } return (pdm_status); } int PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation(int argc, void **argv) { fprintf(g_pfileLog,"test\n"); ..... fprintf(g_pfileLog,"end test\n"); fclose(g_pfileLog); } 结果:以上代码存在的问题:如果我们在第一次checkin到C/S中后,删除test.dat文件,然后再进行checkin时,发现没有再生成test.dat,在函数PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation()中所进行的对文件的操作都无效. 原因:我们使用trigger触发时,真正起作用的是函数:PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation(),而PDMDLLInit()只是在第一次checkin时起作用,所以在第一次调用PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation()后,我就fclose(g_pfileLog),所以出现了上面的情况.所以注意的是:不要把一些重要的东西放在函数PDMDLLInit()中.