1.Shakespeare,from his unique perspective of a humanist playwright,could not help concerning about the glories and sorrows of the monarchs as well as the humanist consciousness of their personal values and dignities in his English histories named after the monarchs,which makes the monarchs known to common people and constitutes another dimension of studying Shakespeare s conceptions of monarchs.莎士比亚以人文主义剧作家的独特视角,在其多部以英国君主名字命名的历史剧中,深切关注君主们的荣耀与苦痛以及他们对自身尊严与价值的人文意识的觉醒,使得君主们从神坛走入人间,这成为我们探讨莎士比亚君主思想的又一维度。

1.Great honor, praise, or distinction accorded by common consent;renown.荣誉,荣耀经一致同意给予极大的荣誉,表扬或荣耀;声誉
2.a remnant of his past glory.See Synonyms at remainder他昔日荣耀的子遗参见
3.AMDG (ad majorem Dei gloriam)为了天主的更大荣耀
4.The king was crowned with glory.那位国王满载着荣耀。
5.Act well your part;it's there the honour lies.善尽职守,荣耀就在其中。
6.Not so much honouring thee,不是为了荣耀和献媚;
7.He strove after honor.他为追求荣耀而努力。
8.We pray glory: God gives us opportunities我们祈求荣耀,上帝给我们创造荣耀的机会
9.For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.这是因他们爱人的荣耀,过于爱神的荣耀。
10.If God be glorified in him, God shall also glorify him in himself, and shall straightway glorify him.神要因自己荣耀人子,并且要快快的荣耀他。
11.Make a song in honour of his name: give praise and glory to him.歌颂他名的荣耀。用赞美的言语,将他的荣耀发明。
12.It is the glory of God to keep a thing secret: but the glory of kings is to have it searched out.将事隐秘,乃神的荣耀。将事察清,乃君王的荣耀。
13.Something conferring honor or renown.荣耀的事授予荣誉或声誉的事
14."But I do not seek My glory; there is One who seeks and judges.约8:50我不求自己的荣耀.有一位为我求荣耀定非的。
15."Who is the King of glory? The Lord of armies, he is the King of glory. (Selah.)"荣耀的王是谁呢?万军之耶和华,他是荣耀的王。(细拉)
16.She had no ancestors and thought people who had were snobs.她没有荣耀的祖先,并认为有荣耀祖先的人都是些仗势欺人的人。
17."Give praise to the Lord in the east, to the name of the Lord, the God of Israel, in the sea-lands."因此你们要在东方荣耀耶和华,在众海岛荣耀耶和华以色列神的名。
18."Praise to the glory of his noble name for ever; let all the earth be full of his glory. So be it, So be it."他荣耀的名,也当称颂,直到永远。愿他的荣耀,充满全地。阿们,阿们。

1.This paper analyses slavishness and flaunting in Xiren s character with Carl Gustav Jung s collective unconsciousness theory of personality mask.文章尝试运用荣格集体无意识理论中的“人格面具”这一原型解读袭人性格中长期受人诋毁的“奴性”及其“争荣夸耀”之心,并通过细读文本,试图找出证据说明袭人因晴雯之死所蒙受的冤屈,以期对该人物形象作一相对合理的评价。
5)Yiu Wing Street耀荣街
6)symbol of glory荣耀象征

荣耀1.亦作"荣曜"。 2.花木茂盛鲜艳。 3.富贵显耀。 4.美好的声誉。