结合雌激素片,conjugated estrogens tablet
1)conjugated estrogens tablet结合雌激素片
1.Objective:To probe into the clinical efficacy on adolescent dysfunctional uterine bleeding treated with conjugated estrogens tablet and marvelon.目的:探讨结合雌激素片或妈富隆治疗青春期功能性子宫出血(功血)的临床疗效。
2)compound conjugated estrogens tablets复方结合雌激素片
1.Study on animal pharmacodynamics of compound conjugated estrogens tablets;复方结合雌激素片的动物药效学研究
3)Conjugated estrogens结合雌激素
1.Studies on the content determination and GC fingerprint of conjugated estrogens from premarin tablets;倍美力片中的结合雌激素含量测定和GC指纹图谱分析
2.Using Conjugated Estrogens Together with Misoprostol before Drawing Out IUD from Postmenopausal Women;结合雌激素配伍米索前列醇在绝经后妇女取环术中的应用
3.Establishment of GC fingerprints for the quality control of conjugated estrogens;建立评价结合雌激素质量的GC指纹图谱分析方法

1.Studies on the HPLC/GC Fingerprints and LC-MS Qualitative Analysis for Conjugated Estrogens;结合雌激素HPLC、GC指纹图谱研究及LC-MS定性分析
2.Effects of Premarin on the Expression of Type Ⅰ Collagen in Early Fracture Healing of Ovariectomized Rats;结合雌激素对去势大鼠骨折早期愈合Ⅰ型胶原表达的影响
3.Studies on Purification Process and Fingerprint Analysis of Conjugated Estrogens;天然结合雌激素的纯化精制工艺研究和指纹图谱分析
4.Quantum chemistry study of QSAR between the relative binding affinities and 17αsubstituted estradiol17α取代雌二醇与雌激素受体结合活性的定量构效关系研究
5.3D-QSAR and docking studies of estrogen compounds based on estrogen receptor基于雌激素β受体结构雌激素类化合物的三维定量结构-活性关系与分子对接研究
6.Effects of Estradial Combined with Progesterone on Action Potential in Rabbit Sino-Atrial Node Cells;雌、孕激素联合应用对家兔窦房结细胞电生理效应的影响
7.Effect of Estrogen Replacement Therapy on Osseointegration of Titanium Implants in Osteoporotic Rats;雌激素替代治疗对骨质疏松大鼠牙种植体骨结合的影响
8.Association of core binding factor alpha 1 and estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphism with bone development核心结合因子α_1、雌激素受体α基因多态性与骨发育的相关性
9.lnfluence of Movement and the Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator For Postmenopausal Women with Bone Metabolism运动和选择性雌激素受体调节剂结合对绝经后女性骨代谢的影响
10.Effect of Estrogen on the Ultrastructure of Ovarian Bursa in the Mouse;雌激素对小鼠卵巢囊超微结构的影响
11.The Experimental Study of the Joint Effect of Estrogens-like on Mercury and Chromium;汞与镉雌激素样联合作用的实验研究
12.Synthesis of Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators: Pipendoxifene;选择性雌激素受体调节剂:Pipendoxifene的合成
14.Effect of estrogen on estrogen receptor α and β in lower urinary tract of female rats雌激素对雌鼠下尿路雌激素受体表达的影响
15.Clinical Efficacy of the combined oral contraceptives、estrogen and progestin in the treatment of puberty dysfunctional uterine bleeding雌孕激素复合剂、雌激素及孕激素三种方法治疗青春期功能失调性子宫出血的疗效比较
16.Effects of Estrogen on NOS Positive-Neurons in Hippocampal Formation of Female Rat;雌激素对去势雌性大鼠海马结构内NOS阳性神经元的影响
17.Jointed Estrogenic Activities of Bisphenol A and Three of Its AnalogsBPA与3种双酚类化合物的联合作用雌激素效应
18.Regulation and Expression by Estrogen of Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity in the Female Rat Lower Urinary Tract;雌激素对雌鼠下尿路一氧化氮合酶活性表达的调控

compound conjugated estrogens tablets复方结合雌激素片
1.Study on animal pharmacodynamics of compound conjugated estrogens tablets;复方结合雌激素片的动物药效学研究
3)Conjugated estrogens结合雌激素
1.Studies on the content determination and GC fingerprint of conjugated estrogens from premarin tablets;倍美力片中的结合雌激素含量测定和GC指纹图谱分析
2.Using Conjugated Estrogens Together with Misoprostol before Drawing Out IUD from Postmenopausal Women;结合雌激素配伍米索前列醇在绝经后妇女取环术中的应用
3.Establishment of GC fingerprints for the quality control of conjugated estrogens;建立评价结合雌激素质量的GC指纹图谱分析方法
4)conjugated estrogen结合雌激素
1.Clinical observation of two kinds of conjugated estrogen in the treatment of menopausal symptoms;两种结合雌激素对改善绝经期综合征的临床观察
2.Objectives: The purpose of the research is according to the formulation of Premelle, which produced by America Wyeth, to study compound conjugated estrogens tablets, which contain a formulation of medroxyprogesterone acetate that is immediately released and conjugated estrogens that are slowly released over several hours.目的:本课题参照美国惠氏公司生产的复方雌孕片(商品名:倍美安;英文名:Premelle)的剂量(结合雌激素0。
3.Objectives: The purpose of the research is according to the formulation of Premarin, which produced by America, to study new conjugated estrogen sustained release tablets in little dosage.45mg/片)结合雌激素缓释片剂(商品名:倍美力;英文名:Premarin)的剂量依据,研制新的小剂量结合雌激素缓释制剂。
5)conjugated equine estrogens结合雌激素
1.Objective To evaluate the effects of conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) in estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) following total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (TAH with BSO) for the treatment of endometriosis.目的探讨结合雌激素(商品名倍美力)对根治术后子宫内膜异位症患者的激素替代作用。
6)conjugated estrogens in premarin cream结合态雌激素

倍美力片 ,共轭雌激素药物名称:倍美力英文名:Premarin别名: 倍美力片 ,共轭雌激素 外文名:conjugated estrogens 适应症: 与雌激素缺乏相关的中度和严重血管舒缩功能障碍,骨质疏松的预防和治疗,降低冠心病发病率及与之相关的绝经后妇女的死亡率,萎缩性阴道炎和萎缩性尿道炎,女性低雌激素血症。 用量用法: 血管舒缩症状 1.25mg qd,周期性给药。萎缩性阴道炎300 ug-1.25 mg qd。女性卵巢切除或原发性卵巢功能不足 1.25 mg qd。骨质疏松症 6.25 ug qd,连服3周后停药1周,然后继续下一周期治疗。晚期雄激素依赖性癌 1.25-2.5 mg tid。乳腺癌10 mg tid,一周期至少为3个月。 禁忌: 有乳腺癌及子宫癌病史者,雌激素依赖性肿瘤,不明原因的生殖器官异常出血,活动性血栓性静脉炎或血栓栓塞性疾病,孕妇。 不良反应: 突破性出血,月经量改变,闭经。子宫良性肿瘤增大。乳房疼痛。恶心、呕吐、腹痛、胀气、胆汁淤积。皮肤不良反应。 药物相互作用: 与利福平合用可降低本药的药效。 规格: 片剂 300 ug x 28片。625ug x 28片。 类别:雌激素类