1.Study on the composting process of mushroom residue and chicken litter;菌渣、鸡粪联合堆肥工艺研究

1.Effect of mushroom substrate and biogas residue on the growth and fruiting of banana沼渣、食用菌菌渣对香蕉生长和结果的影响
2.Research of Bacteria Residue Fielding Effects on the Impact of Soil Environment菌渣还田对土壤环境效应的影响研究
3.Study on the Formula of Cultivating Coprinus comatus by Using Pleurotus ostreatus Residues利用平菇菌渣栽培鸡腿菇的配方研究
4.Three Kinds of Feed Enzymes Activity of Eight Mushroom Residue8种食用菌菌渣中3种饲用酶活性的测定
5.Application of penicillinase in harmless treatment of penicillin slag青霉素酶在青霉素菌渣无害化处理中的应用
6.Study on Extraction of Ergosterol from Penicillium Waste Mycelium青霉素菌渣中提取麦角固醇工艺的研究
7.Stain of the sediment reveals numerous bacteria.尿沉渣染色显示无数细菌。
8.Studies on Fermenting Production of Microbiology Protein Feeds from Apple Pomace;苹果渣发酵生产菌体蛋白饲料的研究
9.A Study on Producting Bacterial Protein Feed by Mixed Fungl Co-fermentation;混菌种发酵果渣生产蛋白饲料的研究
10.Detoxification of Chromium-containing Slag with Achromobacter sp. CH-1Achromobacter sp. CH-1菌解毒铬渣的研究
11.Study on production of reducing sugars from bagasse by penicillium sp.L8青霉菌L8降解蔗渣产还原糖的发酵
12.Screening of Solid Fermentation Strain for Function Product of Kudzu Residue葛根渣功能产品固态发酵菌株的筛选
13.Study of Preparation of Vanadium Oxide Modified Titanium-bearingBlast Furnace Slag and Its Antibacterial Activity to Mildew含钛高炉渣光催化料对霉菌的抗菌性能研究
14.Bacteria sticks to food debris in the teeth, causing decay.细菌附着在牙缝中的食物残渣上,道致蛀牙。
15.Study on the Protein Production from Corn Lees with Solid state Fermentation by Mixied Cultures玉米渣皮双菌种固态发酵生产细胞蛋白的研究
16.Screening of Cellulolytic Strains and Application on Decomposing Citrus Pomace;纤维素降解菌筛选及降解柑桔果渣研究
17.Fermention of Residue of Radix Puerariae to Produce Active Dietary Fibre by Medicinal Fungi;药用真菌发酵葛渣生产活性膳食纤维研究
18.Studies on Screening of Probiotic Lactobacillus spp and Fermentation Engineering on Apple Pomace;益生乳酸杆菌筛选和苹果渣发酵工程研究

biogas residue食用菌菌渣
1.Effect of mushroom substrate and biogas residue on the growth and fruiting of banana沼渣、食用菌菌渣对香蕉生长和结果的影响
1.Application of waste pellets from penicillin fermentation for producing SCP by solid state fermentation(SSF);青霉菌渣固态发酵法生产菌体蛋白饲料的应用研究
4)fungi residues废菌渣
1.Study on producing single cell protein feed using the fungi residues;利用废菌渣生产单细胞蛋白饲料研究
5)Clostridium limosum泥渣梭菌
6)the edible fungus waste material return to soil菌渣还田

硫酸粘菌素 ,粘菌素,硫酸多粘菌素E药物名称:多粘菌素E英文名:Polymyxin E 别名: 多粘菌素E;可立斯丁;可刹迈仙干糖浆;硫酸抗敌素;硫酸粘菌素 ,粘菌素,硫酸多粘菌素E外文名:Colistin ,Polymyxin E 性状: 常用其硫酸盐,为白色或微黄色粉末;无臭或几乎无臭。有引湿性。在水中易溶,在乙醇中微溶,在丙酮、氯仿或乙醚中几乎不溶。 药理作用: 抗菌谱和体内过程与多粘菌素B相同??诜晃?,用于治疗大肠杆菌性肠炎和对其它药物耐药的菌痢。外用于烧伤和外伤引起的绿脓杆菌局部感染和耳、眼等部位敏感菌感染。注射已少用。 适应症: 用于治疗大肠杆菌性肠炎和对其他药物耐药的菌痢。外用于烧伤和外伤引起的绿脓杆菌局部感染和耳、眼等部位敏感菌感染。注射已少用。 用量用法: 1.口服:成人1次50万~100万单位,1日3~4次。儿童1次量25万~50万单位,1日3~4次。重症时上述剂量可加倍。 2.外用:溶液剂每毫升含1万~5万单位,氯化钠注射液溶解。 注意事项: 1.可发生皮疹、瘙痒等过敏症状。胃肠道有恶心、呕吐、食欲不振、腹泻等不良反应。 2.孕妇慎用。 3.口服宜空腹给药。 规格: 片剂:每片50万;100万;300万单位。灭菌粉剂:每瓶100万单位,供制备溶液用(1mg=6500单位) 类别:抗生素