1)Progress[英]['pr?uɡres][美]['prɑɡ,r?s, -r?s, 'pro,ɡr?s]进步
1.Seeking Technology Progress to Enhance Competition Ability——A Review of SGPC Technology Progress Work;追求技术进步,增强竞争能力——高桥石化技术进步工作回顾
2.Simple Discussion of Technology Progress on Drawing Frame at Home and Abroad;浅论国内外棉纺并条机的技术进步

1.Working People's Progressive Party劳动人民进步党(进步党)
2.People's Progressive Party人民进步党(进步党)
3.Coalition for Progress Party联合进步党(进步党)
4.considerable progress长足的进步,重大的进步
5.Moving forward; advancing.进步的向前进的,向前的
6.someone who makes progress easier.使前进进步更容易的人。
7.Parti Nationale Progressiste民族进步党(民进党)
8.Attempts made to foster social progress.促进社会进步的尝试
9.Training Centres for the Promotion of Progressive Education促进进步教育训练中心
10.Union pour le progres national民族进步联盟(民进联)
11.Shoot for gradual,long-term progress.力争渐进、长期的进步。
12.To contribute to the progress or growth of; further.促进,推进有助于…的进步或成长;更进一步
13.Rassemblement des Democrates Nationaux Progressistes全国进步民主人士联合会(进步民联)
14.Antigua Progressive Movement安提瓜进步运动(安进步运动)
15.A member or supporter of a Progressive Party.进步党党员进步党党员或其支持者
16.To say or write further.进一步说,进一步写
17.step - by - step a.逐步的, 逐渐的, 步进的
18.Take two steps forward and two steps back.前进两步,然后后退两步。

1.Corresponding Countermeasure for their development were put forward.运用文献资料、数理统计、比较分析等研究方法 ,对第 1 4届亚运会和第 2 2届亚锦赛上中、韩男篮两次比赛的有关技术统计资料进行对比分析 ,探讨中国男篮失败和胜利的原因 ,分析中国男篮的进步和存在的问题 ,为中国男篮的发展提供建议和改进措
2.Sinitic education is very important in China s education system, and the classroom s teaching model plays a big role both in the development of Sinitic education and in improving its quality.本文从我国语文课堂教学模式的发展轨迹出发,粗略探讨了其在发展中所体现出来的进步性及发展趋势。
1.Reflection on the effects,problems,and countermeasures of technology advance in modern tobacco agriculture;现代烟草农业科技进步的成效、问题与对策思考
2.At present,the situation of safety production in China is still serious The main reason of it is related to lower safe scientific technological level in China So,we must improve safe technological advance in order to reverse this disadvantage situation因此,要从根本上扭转安全生产的严峻形势,就必须推动安全科技的进步。
3.The paper analyzes the advanced thoughts embodied in her works from three aspects which connect her living era and social background.吴藻是清代女性文坛上的杰出代表,文章结合吴藻生活的时代和社会背景从三个方面来分析吴作中蕴涵的进步思想。
1.An elementary discussion about car painting technology improvement;浅谈轿车涂装技术的进步
2.It is really an improvement on knowledge transfer and a symbol forming overall educatio.这种变化是民主平等思想的显现,是由"认知范式"到"全人范式"的发展,是师生地位及观念变化的结果,体现了知识传授由重教学结果到重教学过程的进步,同时也标志着大语文教育观的初步形成。
1.Five management strategies for big advancement of Chinese competitive sports;中国竞技体育的巨大进步得益于五大管理对策
2.Aiming at the characteristics of high technology and complicated equipment of Maoming ethylene unit we raise gradually the standard of equipment management by the advancement of science and technology within five - year equipment running , so as to ensure that ethylene unit can run safely, steadily, long - term and high - load.随着运行周期的增长,乙烯装置逐渐暴露许多问题,针对茂名乙烯技术含量高、设备复杂的特点,我们充分依靠科技进步不断提高设备管理水平,从而确保装置能安、稳、长、满、优、高负荷运行。
3.Its development and advancement make the cold rolling strip mill to become a modernized cold rolling strip mill of 5,000,000 t/a and of three cold rolling strip producing line, it can Produce the high quality cold roling sheet, gava nizing and coating sheet for the automobile, appliance, porcelain enamel and architecture industry.鞍钢冷轧薄板厂是中国第1个冷轧薄板厂,近50年来发展和进步,使其从2台单机架可逆式轧机, 发展成有3条现代化冷轧板生产线,500万t/a冷轧产品能力的现代化冷轧薄板厂,能生产汽车、家电、搪瓷、建筑行业用的高质量冷轧板和涂镀板,在轧制技术和工艺装备方面都达到了国际一流水平。
1.The Study on Step Linear Output Control;步进线性位移输出的控制
2.The programming tools and motion control system of log shape recognition machine incept software instructions,and they realize numerical control shape recognition in accordance with calculation and system instructions to control the motion of each stepper motor.原木形状识别机编程工具和运动控制系统是依照计算机系统的指令来控制各个步进电机运动从而实现数控形状识别。
