1.Study on the Generalization of Creation of Fine as Administrative Punishment;行政处罚??钌瓒?font color="#FF0000">普遍化研究
2.The social factors accelerating the generalization of these temples include the reforms of taxes and corvée,local rebellion,the monopoly of eunuch,etc.明代生祠主要为地方官员、抚按及平定地方动乱的军事将领而建,正德、嘉靖以后逐渐普遍化。

1.A Cultural and Phychological Analysis of the Universalization of Maths Competitions in China;我国数学竞赛普遍化的文化心理分析
2.This author's stories unversalize.这个故事具有普遍化的意义。
3.Universal Formula for Thermodynamics in Physical Chemistry;贯穿于物理化学热力学教学中的普遍化公式
4.Cutural implications of the general acknowledgement of a key stop amidst the Hakkas migration to be Shibi Village, Ninghua County, Fujian Province;客家普遍溯源于宁化石壁的文化意蕴
5.Universality and Specificity of Culture--From Universal Culture;文化的普遍性和特殊性——从普世文化谈起
6.The Philosophical Feature of Confucianism and Its Position in the Inter-Cultural Dialogue--Universalism or Non-Universalism;儒家哲理特征与文化间对话——普遍主义还是非普遍主义
7.Research on Universal Fossilization of Normal High School Students in English Learning;普通高中学生英语学习的普遍“石化”现象初探
8.To reduce to a general form, class, or law.使一般化赋予一普遍形式、种类或定律
9.a general accommodation to unchanging environmental conditions.对没发生变化的环境的普遍适应。
10.It is the most pervasive compound on earth.它是地球上最普遍的化合物。
11.Deteriorating terms of trade has universality and relativity;贸易条件恶化具有普遍性和相对性 ;
12.The country at large is hoping for great changes.这个国家普遍来说都希望有大变化。
13.A Parameterized Exploration on the Interface between UG and IL;普遍语法与中介语接口的参数化研究
14.Universal Trust:the Internal Drive for Modernization of the Legal System;普遍信任:法制现代化的深层内驱力
15.Increasing Returns:Analysis on the Conversion from the Particularity to the Universality;报酬递增:特殊性向普遍性转化的分析
16.Intensifying Quality Education Targeted at the Universal Weakpoints of College Students;针对大学生普遍性弱点强化素质教育
17.It is generally accepted that the Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world.普遍认为中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一。
18.The Cultural Tolerance:the Production Mechanism of Universal Value in the Context of Cultural Difference;文化宽容:文化差异语境下普遍价值的生成机制

3)universal alienation普遍异化
4)Universal Weakening普遍弱化
5)parameter generalization参数普遍化
6)generalized calculation普遍化计算
