1.Convertion via “Inaction” to “Action”——On Taoist Ethical Spirit of Laotse;如何从“无为”到“无不为”——老子“道”的伦理精神探微
2.The unity of action and inaction ——The inaction Analysis;有为与无为的统一——老子无为说探析
3.The Idea of Inaction and School Education of China in The Present Age;“无为”思想与当代中国学校教育

1."Practice not-doing, and everything will fall into place."为无为, 则无不治。
2.Analysis on the concept of "letting things take their own course" and "letting things be done successfully";析《老子》中的“无为”“无不为”
3.Don't stay at home doing nothing.不要碌碌无为,无所事事。
4.Between Acting and Non-acting--A Discrimination of Non-acting of Confucius and Lao-tse;为与无为之间——老、孔“无为”思想辨析
5.The unity of action and inaction --The inaction Analysis;有为与无为的统一——老子无为说探析
6."Inaction" of Confucianism and "Inaction" of Taoism in the Politics of the Early Han Dynasty;汉初政治中的儒家“无为”与道家“无为
7.The Social Management Theory of Lao Zi of "Let It Be,yet Everything Is Accomplished";论老子“无为而无不为”的社会管理思想
8.To Govern by Doing Nothing--Lao Zi s Governing Idea;无为而无不为——老子的管理境界论
9.The Interpretation of "Inactivity" in Dao De Jing and Zen《道德经》“无为”与禅宗“无为”释义
10.The Three "Key Words" of Postmodernism: Impermanence、Ignorance、Inaction;后现代主义的三个“关键词”:无常、无知、无为
11.I don't want to stop at home doing nothing.我不愿意碌碌无为,无所事事。
12.a breach of propriety无礼 [失礼] (的行为)
13.He who is not ashamed doing whatever he likes .无耻之徒,为所欲为。
14.They thought nothing could be done about it.他们认为对此无能为力?!?br> 15.The quality or condition of being impotent.无能为力无能为力的状态或性质
16.Blessed is he that expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.惟不求利者为无害,惟不求福者为无祸。
17.Lacking strength or power; helpless and totally ineffectual.无力的无力的或无能为力的;无助的或完全无效的
18.Unable to process table %.*ls because filegroup %.*ls is invalid.无法处理表 %1!,因为文件组 %3! 无效。

1.Ralph Ellison s non-action philosophy;拉尔夫·艾立森的“无为”之道
2.On the Thought of Lao Tze s "Non-action" and Its Ethic Value;老子“无为”思想及其伦理价值
3.The Applications of the Management Thought in "Non-Action" of Taosim in Song and Yuan Dynasties道教“无为”管理思想的运用——以宋元时期为例
1.On the Internal Inclination of Laotsu s “Wuwei”Ideology and the Internal Pursuing of the “De”Concept in Westernzhou;老子“无为”的内敛取向与西周之“德”的向心追求
2.Therefore,Lao Tzu thought if want to keep State peace and happiness for the people;the fundamental way is commit a politic so-called "govern of Wuwei ",which required the rules should be modest,indisputable,calm,restraint desire,not to intervene t.为此,老子认为要想天下太平,人民安宁,其根本方法就在于实行一种所谓的"无为而治",既要求统治者应该谦退不争,清静无欲,与民无事,改变人民的心智和生活,同时又注重为政的技巧。
1.Tao takes "Tao" as the supreme belief,"Lao zi" as the major classics,and the book concise statement hacked,profound,and profound wisdom and his poetry rhyme rich language of the universe,nature,and self-rule,a series of important issues,put forward the "Tao","natural" and "inactivity" of the philosophy of the famous people with endless inspiration.《老子》言简意骇,博大精深,以其深邃的智慧和富有诗韵的语言,探讨了宇宙、自然、治国和修身等一系列重要问题;提出了"道"、"自然"、"无为"等著名的哲学概念,给人以无穷的启迪。
2.In addition, he proposes that"inactivity" is the basic principles for people to practice in human being s society.老子突破了人们世俗的狭隘眼界,以更广阔的视域去探寻人们欲望和意志背后的深层的生命基础和活力,提出了以"道"为宇宙万物的生生之本,以"自然"为道的核心内容,以"无为"为人类社会的实践原则的哲学,揭示了"自然无为"与"和谐"的内在联系,对我们今天构建和谐社会仍具有极其重要的启发意义。
5)Doing nothing无为
1.‘Doing something’ and ‘Doing nothing’ of the Government on Changzhutan Integration;长株潭一体化:政府的“有为”与“无为
2.From early Qin Dynasty till the beginning of Han Dynasty, other schools of thought such as Confucianism, Legalism and Huang Laoism all propose “doing nothing”, but they tend to make different interpretations of it.“无为”是中国哲学史上的一个重要概念,虽由道家最早提出,但并非为道家所专有。
3.He proposed the ideology of “keeping yielding”,“maintaining feminine” and “keeping quiet”,thus advanced the political statement of “doing nothing”.老子继承、发挥了《易经》的重柔思想,提出了其“持柔”、“守雌”、“守静”思想,并由此提出了“无为”的政治主
6)acting following natural law无为而为
