尖舌,pointed tongue
1)pointed tongue尖舌
1.This paper is to introduce the history and achievements of research on tongue moving types, the frequencies of rolling, folding, twisting, clover leaf and pointed tongue in different human groups and current studies by Chinese researchers.介绍了舌运动类型的研究历史和研究成果及 5种舌运动类型 (卷舌、叠舌、翻舌、三叶舌、尖舌 )在不同人群中的出现率 ,着重论述了近年来我国学者这方面的工作 。
2.A sample of 309 middle school students(120 males,189 females)of Mulam was investigated on five tongue moving types including tongue rolling,tongue folding,tongue twisting,pointed tongue and clover-leaf tongues.调查了仫佬族舌运动类型(卷舌、叠舌、翻舌、尖舌、三叶舌)309例(男120例,女189例)。
3.The results revealed as follow: 1) No significant sexual difference was found in the frequencies of five tongue moving types;2) Some interactions occured between rolling tongue gene and pointed tongue gene,and also interaction occurred between rolling tongue gene and clover-leaf tongue gen.2005年10月在云南省耿马县四排山乡调查了佤族252例中学生(男135例,女117例)的舌运动类型(卷舌、叠舌、翻舌、尖舌、三叶舌)。
2)Tongue tip舌尖

1.roll one's `r's pronounce the sound of the letter `r' with vibration of the tongue against the palate发r 的舌尖颤音.
2.Allen Falkner's tongue is split down the middle, and when he sticks it out, it looks like a two-pronged snake tongue.艾伦·克讷的舌头从舌尖到舌中部分开,当他把舌头伸出来时,舌头就像是有着两个舌尖的蛇舌。
3.an articulatory gesture made by turning the tip of the tongue back against the roof of the mouth.舌尖抵硬腭的发音姿势。
4.A Quest for Blade-palatals Assimilation towards Dentals in Qinghai Dialect;青海汉语方言舌尖后音向舌尖前音的转化
5.The flat upper surface of the tongue just behind the tip.舌面舌尖后平的上部表面
6.A strap-shaped or tonguelike structure, especially a mouth part in certain insects.(昆虫的)唇舌舌状的或舌尖状结构,尤指一些昆虫的嘴唇
7.Articulated with the tip of the tongue turned back and up toward the roof of the mouth;retroflex.卷舌音的舌尖在嘴中前后上下运动而发出清晰的声音;卷舌音的
8.For touch the tip of your tongue behind your top teeth.对于 ,让你的舌尖接触你的上牙后面。
9.'Why, it's on the tip of your tongue.“怎么啦,那人不就在你的舌尖上么?
10.He probed her pinna with his tongue.他用舌尖探了探她的耳背。
11.a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the gum ridge.舌尖靠近齿龈脊发出的辅音。
12.One of the small, round or cone - shaped protuberances on the top of the tongue that contain taste buds.舌乳头舌尖上的一种小而圆或核形的有芽状味觉器官的突起
13.The way that Zhuang people learn Mandarin;三论壮族学习普通话语音的瓶颈——舌尖前音和舌尖后音等存在的问题及解决途径
14.The word was on the tip of Jo's tongue to ask, but she checked herself in time.这句话已经冲到裘的舌尖,可她还是及时刹住了。
15.Clinical characteristics and speech therapy of lingua- apical articulation disorder舌尖音发音缺陷的临床特征和语音治疗
16.(linguistics) pronounced with the tip of the tongue turned back toward the hard palate.(语言学)用舌尖向后转向硬颚的方式发音。
17.Their tongues were draped with beautiful words, but behind that they were spitting out poison.舌尖编织着优美的言辞,背后却吐出致命的毒药。
18.Survey of the Phenomenon of Laimu ("来母") Reading "t-、t~h-、d-"in Kan Dialect江西赣方言来母细音今读舌尖塞音现象的考察

Tongue tip舌尖
1.In the past,their relations were discussed from their definitions and mechanisms,the study dedicated tip-of-the-tongue are merely strong feeling of knowing.舌尖现象(tip-of-the-tongue,TOT)和知晓感(feeling of knowing,FOK)都是日常生活中常见的现象,同时也是认知心理学领域的研究热点。
4)Apical vowels舌尖元音
5)the dental fricative initials舌尖擦音
1.Some came from the dental fricative initials of proto-Tibeto-Burmese,some came from SC and CS clusters of proto-Tibeto-Burmese,and others came from the other kind of the clusters of proto-Tibeto-Burmese.现代土家语有s、z两个舌尖擦音声母,其来源非常复杂,一部分来自原始藏缅母语的舌尖擦音声母,一部分来自原始藏缅母语带s的复声母,一部分来自原始藏缅母语由非舌尖擦音构成的复声母。
1.There are conversions between highlight dental and blade_palatal complete change,apical intermediary tone,apical make tengue side and apical retroflex and so on.在转化过程中,出现了舌尖前音与舌尖后音的完全转化、舌尖中介音、舌尖音舌面化以及舌尖音卷舌化等几种现象。

红尖干舌红尖干舌 红尖干舌   病状名。指舌尖色红而干。为心火上炎之象,宜用导赤散加童便,引热下行?!锻飧形氯嚷邸罚骸吧嗉忡栏?,此心火上炎?!?