防护作用,protective effect
1)protective effect防护作用
1.Objective: To investigate the protective effects of tempol on ultraviolet exposed guinea pig skin.目的:探讨Tempol对紫外线照射下豚鼠皮肤的防护作用。

1.Protection: It can prevent riverbank from strong wind and heavy rain. Besides, it can protect dam and the bottom of river and prevent the loss of sand.防护作用:防止堤岩受风,浪,雨的冲刷,并可用于护岸,护坡,护底,防止水土流失。
2.Protection of Concrete from Carbonization with Anticorrozion Coatings on Fume Cooling Tower排烟冷却塔防腐涂料对混凝土碳化的防护作用
3.Radioprotective Effect of Flavonoids Tangerine in Mice蜜桔黄酮辐射损伤小鼠防护作用研究
4.Analysis on the function of barriers in the "SEMOMAP" model试论“SEMOMAP”模式的防护作用(英文)
5.Preventive Effect of Breviscapin on Gentamicin Ototoxicity灯盏花对庆大霉素内耳毒性的防护作用
6.Radioprotective effects of extract from Carya cathayensis nut exocarp on mice山核桃外果皮提取液对小鼠的辐射防护作用
7.The Studies on the Damage Mechanism of 2450MHz Microwave and on Protective Effects of Biological Methods;2450MHz微波辐射的损伤机理及生物学防护作用研究
8.The Study on the Protect Effect of EPO to Brain Radiation Injury;红细胞生成素对放射性脑损伤防护作用的研究
9.Investigation of Radioprotective Effect from Rubiayunnanensis and Rubidat on Mice;茜草小红参对辐射损伤小鼠防护作用的研究
10.Experimental Study on the Protecting Effect of Jia Wei Bu Yang Huan Wu Decoction to Damage Caused by Infrasound;加味补阳还五汤对次声损伤的防护作用研究
11.The Protective Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide (H_2S) on Myocardial Ischemic-reperfusion Injury in Rats;硫化氢对大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤的防护作用
12.The Protective Effect of Hpp on Radioactive Damage;海生多糖肽对辐射损伤的防护作用研究
13.Windbreaks stop the wind from blowing soil away.防护林的作用就是防止风把土壤吹走。
14.A screen for protection against the wind.风挡用于防风起?;ぷ饔玫钠琳?br> 15.The Energy Absorbing Protection Structure of Ship under the Explosion Loading爆炸载荷作用下的船用吸能防护结构
16.Blast-resistant Simulation Analysis of Protective Metal Crust under Impact Load冲击载荷作用下金属防护外壳的防爆仿真分析
17.This is the way all damage shields work.这是所有伤害性防护罩的作用方式。
18.Study on Soil Amelioration of the Protection Forests in the Hilly Area of Central Sichuan川中丘陵区防护林改良土壤作用研究

Radioprotective Effects防护作用
1.Objective: To preliminarily explore the radioprotective effects of the five plateau natural medicines of Yunnan province to ~(60)Co γ-rays irradiated mice.目的:初步探讨五种云南高原天然药物(多茎獐牙菜、手参、珠子参、土当归、菊科某草药)对辐射损伤小鼠的防护作用。
2.Objective:To explore the radioprotective effects of the aqueous extract of Saussurea obvallata to ~(60)Co γ-rays irradiated mice.目的:初步探讨苞叶雪莲水提物对辐射损伤小鼠的防护作用。
1.Protection Role of Bamboo Forest Viewed From Historic Literature;从历史文献看竹林防护作用
2.And the mechanism for DPS to improve the surface of concrete and the protection of DPS on concrete structures as well as the application of DPS to civil engineering are further expounded.本文介绍了混凝土用深度渗透密封剂DPS的组成与特性,并阐述了DPS对混凝土表层的改善机理和对混凝土结构的防护作用,以及在土木工程中的应用。
4)preventive effect防护作用
1.Preventive effect of herba leonuri on damage of genetic materialsin male mouse reproductive cells;益母草对小鼠雄性生殖细胞遗传损伤的防护作用
2.Objective To observe the preventive effect of Glycyrehize uralensis fisch on damage of genetic Materials in male mouse reproductive cells induced by Pb(CH_3COO)_2.目的观察中草药甘草对醋酸铅引起的小鼠雄性生殖细胞遗传损伤的防护作用。
5)Protection effect防护作用
1.mongolica have stable and lasting protection effects.樟子松在民勤地区的生长表现表明 :樟子松能适应干旱区的气候环境 ,具有较强的抗逆性 ,其抗旱性和抗热性强于当地的防护林树种二白杨 ,且生长快 ,成活率高 ,生长速度大于当地的 5种常绿树种 (油松、青海云杉、刺柏、侧柏和杜松 ) ;樟子松作为农田防护林树种 ,具有稳定、持久的防护作用 ,是更新农田防护林比较理想的树种之
6)Functions of protective forest防护林作用

胞饮作用和胞吞作用胞饮作用和胞吞作用pinocy tosis and endocytosis  吸收膜外吸附的溶液或物质.例如大分子或分子的聚集体(moleeular aggregates),如图所示。一般胞饮作用是指以这种方式吸收液体徽滴的过程,胞吞作用是指吸收大分子或分子聚集体的过程,但有时也用胞饮作用或胞吞作用泛指通过质膜内陷吸收膜外所吸附的物质的过程。通常这种过程在矿质养分吸附中的作用不大,但胞饮作用或胞吞作用为大分子的吸收提供了一种可能的机理。(饶立华)胞饮作用和胞吞作用(pinocy‘0515 and“n-docytosis)细胞外的液体徽滴或物质吸附在质腆上,通过质膜内陷形成小囊泡而被消化吸收的过程。电镜观察的资料证明植物根可以通过质膜内陷的方式 脆饮作用及胞吞作用示意图(a)质膜外吸附大分子及液滴,(b)质膜在吸附大分子及液滴的部位内陷.(c)质膜内陷部位形成的小t泡进入细胞质,(d)小续泡 膜溶解。其内含物转移到细胞质中  