1.On the "west" in The Romance of West Chamber“君自西洛来,妾住在西厢”——论《西厢记》之“西
2.Identification of high efficiency payzones with high permeability in deep fractured tight detrital reservoirs:A case study of gas reservoirs in the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation of Xinchang gas field in western Sichuan Basin深层裂缝性致密碎屑岩气藏高效储渗区识别——以川西新场气田上三叠统须家河组气藏为例
3.The well Chuanke-1, the deepest scientific exploratory well in Asia, was drilled by the company of Sinopec in the western Sichuan depression to study the marine strata."十五"期间,川东北海相特大型气田的发现引发了新一轮南方海相地层油气勘探热潮,中石化在川西坳陷中段部署了针对海相层位的亚洲最深科学探井——川科1井。

1.In, from, or toward the west.在西部,来自西部,向西
2.Basil OF ANCYRA巴西勒(安西耳的)
3.It's Shanxi, not Shaanxi."是山西,不是陕西?!?br> 4.Shaanxi 4.67 4.46 4.66 4.09陕西4.674.464.664.09
5.The region of the United States west of the Mississippi River.西部地区美国密西西比河以西的地区
6.On the "west" in The Romance of West Chamber“君自西洛来,妾住在西厢”——论《西厢记》之“西
7.To, toward, of, facing, or in the west.向西的,朝西的,西方的,面向西的或在西部的
8.Situated toward the northwest.西北的位置向西北的
9.Western Harbour Crossing西区海底隧道〔西隧〕
10.Amoxillin and Dicloxacillin阿莫西林双氯西林钠
11.Association of West African Women西非妇女协会(西非妇协)
12.Something borrowed, something blue.借的东西, 蓝色的东西。
13.Mississippi Steamboat Days密西西比河的汽船年代
14.a tributary of the Mississippi River.密西西比河的一条支流。
15.a large catfish of the Mississippi valley.密西西比河中的大鲶鱼。
16.Life on the Mississippi密西西比河上的生活
17.an active volcano in southwestern Mexico.墨西西南部的活火山。
18.on New York's upper/lower west side.纽约的西北/西南面

Xi A西A
1.Breeding and application of indica rice male sterile line Xi A with good grain quality优质籼稻不育系西A的选育与应用
1.Xixi s Source of Montage Literary Style;小说蒙太奇文体探源——以西西的跨媒介实验为例
4)(2-Chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride西西西
5)Maw-sit-sit jade莫西西玉
6)NWW system北西西系
1.The major structure during the basin formation which controls the coal-forming is NWW system.平庄盆地为晚中生代形成的主体为单壁断陷,局部为双壁断陷盆地,北西西系是主要的成盆期构造,对聚煤起重要的控制作用。
