1.On Rochester s Biblical Fate;论罗切斯特命运的《圣经》寓意

1.locate an agent in Rochester.把代理处设于罗切斯特
2.How did you get on with Mr Rochester, my dear.你同罗切斯特先生谈得怎么样?亲爱的。
3.Mr Rochester, I did not intend to criticize you.“罗切斯特先生,我没有批评您的意思?!?br> 4.Produce him - or go to hell! ’ said Mr Rochester.“让他出来,不然就下地狱去!”罗切斯特说。
5.Rochester Americans罗切斯特美国人队(曲棍球)
6."His bed on fire, Rochester was awakened just in time by Jane."他的床已着火,罗切斯特被简及时唤醒。
7.Mayo itself is just 40 miles east in Rochester.玛雅本部位于罗切斯特东部仅40公里。
8.Mr. Rochester, will Grace Poole live here still?罗切斯特先生,格雷斯?谱尔以后还要呆在这儿吗?
9.Two years later, Rochester regains the sight of one eye.两年以后,罗切斯特恢复了一只眼的视力。
10.Thornfield belongs to Mr. Edward Rochester and little Adele,桑菲尔德属于爱德华. 罗切斯特和小阿代尔,
11.It is wicked. Who in the world will care what we do?罗切斯特:这太狠心了。谁会在意我们做什么?
12.Rochester kisses her and tells her it is she whom he wished to marry.罗切斯特吻了她,对她说他想娶的就是她。
13.His bed on fire, Rochester is awakened just in time by Jane.他的床已着火,罗切斯特被简·爱及时唤醒。
14.After Jane finds out Mr. Rochester has an insane wife.简发现罗切斯特先生有个精神失常的妻子之后。
15.Her character falls in love very quickly with tempestuous Rochester.她和性情乖戾的罗切斯特很快地陷入了爱河。
16.She bit me, ’ murmured Mason, ‘when Rochester managed to get the knife from her.梅森低声说:“罗切斯特夺她手里的刀时,她咬了我?!?br> 17.At Adams High School in Rochester, Michigan, Madonna lost herself in theater and dance.在罗切斯特市的亚当斯高中,麦当娜让自己迷失在剧场和舞蹈中。
18.And why was Mr Rochester so frightened when Mr Mason came to Thornfield?梅森先生来到特恩费得,为什么罗切斯特先生那么害怕?

3)Robert Frost弗罗斯特
1.Alliteration and Its Features of Application in Robert Frost s Poetry;头韵及其在弗罗斯特诗歌中的特色
2.Is It "Arbitrary" or "Original"?——A Metrical Reading of Robert Frost's Sonnet "Mowing"“离经叛道”还是“创新意识”——罗伯特·弗罗斯特十四行诗《割草》的格律分析
1.“Sounds”in Sentences Contain the "Meaning" of Poetry——Analysis of Robert Frost s Poetic Characteristics;句子里的“声音”预示着诗歌的真正“意义”——解析弗罗斯特诗歌中的语言特色
2.On Traditional Frostian Sonnets;罗伯特·弗罗斯特传统十四行诗研究
1.On Castro s Thoughts about Globalization and Anti-globalization;卡斯特罗全球化和反全球化思想剖析
1.Method of Solving Crisis in Modern Democratic Constitutionalism Country:Comment on Rost’s Constitutionalism Dictatorship:Crisis Government of Modern Democratic Country;现代民主宪政国家应对?;馈缆匏固氐摹断苷啦谩执裰鞴业奈;?br>
