丑与美,ugly and beauty
1)ugly and beauty丑与美
1.It establishs its artistic stand with the mixture of the romantic feeling and realistic responsibility, it expresses its aesthetic seeking with the unity of opposite between ugly and beauty.象征主义文学以浪漫激情与现实责任的互为纠缠确立了自己的艺术立场,以丑与美的对立统一表现了自己的审美追求。

1.A Tentative Study on the Ugly and Beauty of Jesus Christ复活的身体美学:耶稣基督的丑与美
2.On Literary Aesthetical Views of "Contrast of Beauty and Ugliness" and "Taking Ugliness for Beauty";论“美丑对照”与“以丑为美”的文艺美学观
3.There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness.美与丑不再有区别。
4.Assembling the Beautiful and Abandoning the Ugly and Pursuing the Ugly--Two Aesthetic Courses of Chinese Calligraphy;集美弃丑与求丑——中国书法的两种审美进程
5.Beauty VS Ugliness:An Analysis of the Aesthetic Ideals in Fine Arts;“美”与“丑”:美术作品中审美理想的剖析
6.The Buffoon s Power and Aesthetics:Comments on Buffoons in Shakespeare s Historical Plays;丑角的“力”与“美”:莎士比亚历史剧中的丑角群像
7.Sublimity and tragedy forces the ugliness to describe justice and progress,and ugliness does not oppose to the art of beauty.崇高艺术、悲剧艺术迫使丑随同美一道体现正义与进步,丑艺术则没有美与丑的对抗。
8.Confound the criteria of the true, the good and the beautiful against the false, the Bad and the ugly颠倒真善美与假恶丑的标准
9.Learning and Alienation: Pan Jinlian Who Turning Ugliness into Beauty;习染与异化:“化丑为美”的潘金莲
10.The Precursor of Xianxue--Also about the Synthesis of Aesthetics and Uglinics;咸学的先声——兼论美学与丑学的合题
11.The Appreciation of the Beautiful and the Appreciation of the Ugly in the Literature at the End of 20th Century;二十世纪末叶文学的审美论与审丑论
12.On the Imbalance Between the Appreciation of Beauty and the Appreciation of Ugliness in Contemporary Literary Creation;论当今文学创作中审美与审丑的失衡
13.Terrible Ugliness and Holy Beauty--Comment on the film Red-hot Iron Shoes可怕的丑与庄严的美——《踏界》聚焦的审美世界
14."Within its ugliness, this rock harbours a great and unearthly beauty, like a diamond in the rough."“它是以丑为美的?!?br> 15.On the Dialectical Relationship between the "Good" and the "Evil", and the "Beauty" and the "Disgracefulness" in Faust;论《浮士德》中"善"与"恶"及"美"与"丑"的辩证关系
16.Discussion on the different aesthetic standards of Lu Xun and Shen Congwen from the view of acceptance;从接受角度观照鲁迅的审丑与沈从文的审美
17.The Sharp Contrast between Beauty and Ugliness--on the rhetorical figures in Notre-Da me de Paris;美与丑的强烈对照——谈《巴黎圣母院》的修辞手法
18.Beautiful or Ugly;美丽与丑陋——华兹华斯和布莱克诗中伦敦形象

beauty and ugliness美与丑
1.The principle of comparison between beauty and ugliness is the core of Yu Guo s romantic idea.尤其作者运用对比手法塑造的人物形象体系,使美与丑、善与恶形成了十分鲜明的对比,从而突出了作品主题。
2.The sharp contrast of beauty and ugliness in Notre- Da me de Paris has an important effect on developing the plot of a story, portraying typical characters and expressing the author feelings.《巴黎圣母院》美与丑的强烈对照在展开故事情节、塑造人物形象、表达作者情感上都起到了十分重要的作用。
3.This paper attempts to analyze the black female images in Toni Morrison s novels, and interprets the beauty and ugliness, good and evil, love and hatred and life and death in black people s world.文章探析托妮·莫里森小说中的黑人女性形象,解读黑人世界的美与丑、善与恶、爱与恨、生与死,关注黑人女性反抗种族、性别、文化的歧视所经历的艰难坎坷,揭示了她们追寻自我及生存意义、追求平等幸福的两难困境及其根源。
3)the unbeautiful and the ugly不美与丑
4)beautiful and ugly美与丑
1.Therefore in classical Chinese poetry there exists corresponding artistic dialectics, such as the dialectical unity of active and still, visionary and real, beautiful and ugly, firm and gertle, hidden and revealing, sparse and dense etc.因此,在中国的古典诗词中存在着许多对立而统一的艺术辩证法,如动与静、虚与实、美与丑、刚与柔、隐与显、疏与密等等。
5)Beauty Appreciation and Ugliness Appreciation审美与审丑
6)Beauty is the opposite of ugliness.丑与美是相对的。

战掉丑奴儿 本名添字丑奴儿 紫极宫加持,【诗文】:莱州道众修黄,各各虔诚。无不专精。邀我加持默念经。救亡灵。奈何邻舍屠魁刽,不顾前程。宰杀为生。猪痛哀鸣不忍听。最伤情?!咀⑹汀浚骸境龃Α浚?