陶塑技法,ceramic art techniques
1)ceramic art techniques陶塑技法
2)claymodeling therapy陶塑治疗法
3)technique of ceramic art陶艺技法
4)Way of made it制陶技法
5)sculpture skills雕塑技法

1.a canoe made by hollowing out and shaping a large log.用一种雕塑技法制成的外形像圆木的小舟。
2.carved or cast sculpture/relief artwork雕刻或雕塑/浮雕饰品
3.Sculptors take orders for statues.雕塑家们承雕塑像;
4.Academic Discussion on Technique and Principle of Zheng Ke s Sculpture;??傻袼堋凹肌庇搿暗馈敝跹刑?br> 5.A Silent River On the Works of Chinese-French Sculptor,Wang Henei(Renec June-Nikel)静静的河流——记华籍法人雕塑家王合内
6.Eco-sculpture could be classified as locale sculpture, architecture sculpture, earth sculpture, public art sculpture and garden sculpture.生态雕塑的表现形态可以分为场所雕塑、建筑雕塑、大地雕塑、城市公共雕塑、园林雕塑五种。
7.a wooden figure into which a ventriloquist projects the voice.口技表演者用来处理声音的一种木制雕塑。
8.Research on Modeling and Rendering of Sculpture-Like Object;雕塑类复杂景物建模与绘制技术的研究
9.Display System of Virtual Sculpture in Real Scenery Based on Augmented Reality Technology;基于增强现实技术的虚拟雕塑实景显示系统
10.Application of Numerical Control Incremental Forming Technology in Sculpture Facture数控渐进成形技术在雕塑制作中的应用
11.It is interesting that in 1888 the sculpture had been commissioned by the French state.有趣的是,这座雕塑是1888年受法国政府委托雕刻的。
12.The Dying Slave垂死的奴隶(雕塑)
13.a clay model(雕塑的)粘土原型
14.The superb skills of Song Dynasty sculptors can also be seen in the sculptures' drapery.在人物衣纹的塑造上也体现出雕塑家的高超技艺。
15.they spread them into China, laying the foundation for the development of the art form after the founding of New China.传播西方雕塑艺术知识和技巧,为新中国及当代雕塑事业,作了开拓工作。
16.Importance of scientifically combining arti, construction in urban sculpture--Research on the art of sculpture and application of modern mode technique论城市雕塑艺术与工程相结合的重要性——雕塑艺术与现代成型技术应用研究
17.Sculptors who rendered the moral world by allegorizing.以寓言手法表现人类精神世界的雕塑家
18.Natural experience and venture in art interview with the French sculptor Louis Durot质感体验以及艺术冒险——访法国雕塑家路易·迪朗

claymodeling therapy陶塑治疗法
3)technique of ceramic art陶艺技法
4)Way of made it制陶技法
5)sculpture skills雕塑技法
6)pottery sculpture陶塑
1.The soul of stone and clay --Stone carving on tombs and pottery sculpture in the Southern Dynasties;砖石精神——南朝陵墓石雕和陶塑艺术

君陶艺术院君陶艺术院是浙江桐乡市政府为收藏和陈列当代书画篆刻家钱君陶捐赠家乡的4083件书画、印章、书籍等珍贵文物, 于1987年建造的一座集展览 、讲学、研讨、创作、休息、娱乐、餐饮于一体的多功能文化设施。它坐落于桐乡市梧桐镇振兴路与庆丰路交江处, 环境优美, 造型简洁明快,布局疏密有致。以藏有赵之谦、吴昌硕、黄牧甫印章而名闻海内外。君陶艺术院占地七亩。这是一所由同济大学丁文魁教授设计的既高雅又具现代风格的白色建筑,线条简洁明快,布局错落有致,主楼周围嘉树葱郁,楼前曲桥流水,绿草如茵,环境十分清幽恬静。整个艺术院有展厅、讲堂、研究室、珍品库,还有梅、兰、竹、菊四套客房,供艺术家们来此创作休息。主楼上"君陶艺术院"五个金色大字题额出自李一氓手笔,大门口古色古香的碑刻为刘海栗所题写, 水榭旁有一套石桌石凳, 系美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校教授芒克夫妇捐赠。