1.Study on Probioticsand its Application in the Functional Food;益生菌的功效及其在食品中的应用
2.The Influential Factors and Improving Methods of Probiotics Viability in Fermented Milk Products;乳制品中益生菌存活力的影响因素与提高方法
3.Research Progress and Development Trend of Probiotics and Probiotic Cultured Dairy Products;益生菌益生菌乳制品的研究现状及发展趋势

1.The market and application of probiotic bacteria and probiotics in Japan日本益生菌、益生元市场与应用概况
2.The Relation of Survival Rate of Probiotics and Rigidity of Chewable Probiotics Tablet益生菌咀嚼片硬度与益生菌细胞存活率的关系
3.Probiotic Bacteria Analysis of 5 Medicinal Probiotic Products;国内5种医用益生菌产品的菌种分析
4.An in vitro study on antibacterial and viricidal activities of complex probiotics复合益生菌体外抑菌杀病毒作用研究
5.Screening of Probiotics from Bovine Intestine and Identification of Three Probiotics Strains Bacillus牛源肠道益生菌的筛选与3株芽孢杆菌益生菌株的鉴定
6.Separating and Identification of Probiotics Bacillus Strains BN-9 from Bovine Intestine牛源肠道益生菌芽孢杆菌BN-9菌株的分离鉴定
7.Cultivation of Three Kinds of Probiotic Bacteria and Development of Synbiotic;三联益生菌的培养及其合生素的研制
8.Study on the Application of Selenium-Enriched Probiotics in Hen Production;“富硒益生菌”在蛋鸡生产中的应用研究
9.Studies on the selection of probiotic strains with adhesive ability具有肠道吸附能力的益生菌菌株筛选研究
10.The Detoxification of Deoxynivalenol by Probiotic Bacteria;益生菌清除脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇的作用研究
11.Studies on Capacities of Adhering to Intestinal Epithelial Cells of Chick Embryo and Inhibiting Pathogenic Bacteria of Two Strains of Probiotics;两株益生菌黏附上皮细胞及其抑菌能力的研究
12.Research development of extract of traditional Chinese medicine as growth-promoting factor of probiotics中药提取物等益生菌增菌物质研究进展
13.Fermentation technology by LH(Lactobacillus spp) as a probiotic水产动物益生菌乳酸杆菌LH发酵工艺的研究
14.Insight to our probiotic regulation from Lactobacillus casei-related strains classification从干酪乳杆菌的分类看我国益生菌相关法规
15.Antigenicity of the outer membrane protein of two kinds of probiotics to Newcastle disease virus2种益生菌菌体OMP对新城疫病毒免疫增强作用
16.Screening of Adhesive Activity of Probiotics and Preliminary Study on Models for Evaluating Probiotics Adherence Ability益生菌粘附能力评估模型的初步研究
17.Studies on High Cell Density Culture Technology of Probiotic L. Casei Zhang;益生菌L. casei Zhang高密度培养工艺的研究
18.Study on Fermentation Characteristics of Probiotic Lactobacillus Casei Zhang in Solid State System;益生菌L. casei Zhang固态发酵特性的研究

1.Study on the SOD Yoghurt Fermented by Probiotics;超氧化物歧化酶益生菌发酵酸奶的研究
2.Development of cereal-based nondairy probiotic products;功能性谷物基质非乳性益生菌的研究展望
3.Beneficial functions of probiotics LGG and application in dairy products;益生菌LGG的益生功效及在乳制品中的应用
3)probiotic bacteria益生菌
1.Safety and function of probiotic bacteria;益生菌的安全性及其功能
2.Approaches to improve the viability of probiotic bacteria;提高乳品中益生菌存活力的方法
4)Probiotics culture益生菌种
5)Y˙S Coprinus ovatus益生菌粉
1.Observing the athletes from the high-level sports team of Tianjin Institute of Physical Education before and after their taking Y˙S Coprinus ovatus(eight weeks), the physiological and biochemical index when they have finished the fatiguing training shows that: Y˙S Coprinus ovatus has a accelerative effect on increasing the anti-fatigue ability of the athletes.对天津体育学院高水平运动队运动员服用益生菌粉(8周)前后完成疲劳运动后生理生化指标的观察结果表明:益生菌对增强田径运动员的抗疲劳能力具有促进作用,此种作用可能与其降低体内血尿素的浓度有关。
1.Effects of probiotics and IMO on immune function of broilers;益生菌剂、异麦芽寡糖对肉仔鸡免疫功能影响的研究
2.The Promoting Effects of Probiotics to the Nutrition and Immunity of Broilers;益生菌剂对肉用仔鸡的营养、免疫促进作用
3.The intestinal microflora,feed conversion ratio(FCR),weight gain and survival were determined in crucian carp(Carassius auratus) fed the diets containing probiotics and different adjuvants.将鲫鱼分为益生菌剂组和对照组,分别投喂添加益生菌剂和未添加佐剂的一般饲料后,检测各组鲫鱼肠道菌群、饲料系数、增重率和成活率等。
