1.The determination of the flood water level dropped in Jingfenglianwei of Xinjiang西江景丰联围洪水骤降水位的确定

1.Application of Multi-beam Survey System in the Measurement of Zhaoqing Jingfeng United Embankment多波束水下地形测量系统在肇庆景丰联围监测的应用
2.Prospects and Wishes: Germany’s Bid to Become a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council;围绕联合国安理会的角逐——德国的愿景
3.The diffuse spectacle accompanies the abundance of commodities, the undisturbed development of modern capitalism.弥散的景观与商品的丰裕相联系,与现代资本主义不受干扰的发展相联系。
4.A Probe of the Bribery Scope Definition--From the Perspective of the U.N Anti-corruption Convention;贿赂范围新探——以《联合国反腐败公约》为背景的分析
5.There are extensive coal deposits in the U.S.S.R.苏联的煤的储藏很丰富。
6.Luen Fung P.C. Board Mfg. Co., Ltd.联丰电路版厂有限公司
7.Place the tape around the fullest part of the hip. Use the hip bone (trochanter) as a guide. This measurement should be taken firmly.用卷尺围臀围最丰满处。该尺寸要量得不松不紧。
8.Measure around the fullest part of the biceps, fairly generously.十分宽松地围量二头肌最丰满处。
9.Rich-colored silk scarves can serve as good presents.真丝围巾,色彩丰富,送礼佳品。
10.The CD-ROM edition covers the entire printed edition.被誉为没有围墙的大学、华文化的丰碑!
11.The whole view was blotted out.周围的景色被云雾吞没。
12.Mist obscured the view.薄雾笼罩着周围的景色.
13.St obscured the view.薄雾笼罩著周围的景色。
14.Background: Area behind the main subject.背景:主调后面的范围。
15.a scenic drive along the crater rim.沿火山口周围驾车赏景
16.an expansive view of the surrounding area周围地区的辽阔景色
17.There are constant changes of scenes, and the variety is interesting.不断地更换布景。舞台布景丰富多样,很有趣。
18.Yeah, they had constant changes of scenes, and I love variety.舞台布景经常变换,我就喜欢丰富的场景变化。

enhancing landscape丰富景观
3)Bumper harvest and lean year丰歉年景
4)To be in affluent circumstance景况丰裕
5)rich aesthetic association联想丰富
6)Lianfeng Reservoir联丰水库
1.Application of Shot Concrete in Hailun's Lianfeng Reservoir喷射混凝土在海伦市联丰水库工程中的应用

丰富向量丛丰富向量丛ample vector bundle 丰富向t丛[咖川e犯山甘bulldle;06.月‘”oe砂eKrop-“oe pacc月oe”能} 一个代数的或解析的向量丛,它具有正则(或解析)截面的丰富层(见丰富层(am Ple sheao;正向.丛戈详犯itl、e vector bundle、,