1.Britain and America have very different appropriation system of higher education finance because their conditions and background are dissimilar.通过对拨款的部门和权限 ,拨款方法 ,对公、私立学校的拨款以及今后的改革趋势等几个主要方面的比较分析 ,揭示了英美两国由于各自国情的不同 ,所形成的各具特色的高等教育财政拨款体制 ,以及在一些共同的背景因素下所体现出的共同的改革趋势。
2.But because of financial emergencies and misappropriation, government funds never fully allocated, thus seriously influencing the development of Nanjing public schools.北洋政府时期,南京公立学校经费的主要来源是地方政府拨款。

1.To provide money for paying off the interest or principal of(a debt).拨款偿付拨款偿付(债款)的利息或本金
2.appropriations for additions of property扩充事业的拨款;扩展产业的拨款;发展产业拨款
3.allotment [Budget]分配,拨款(预算)
4.reimbursement other than appropriation-in-aid不包括补助拨款的偿款
5.Government Travel Requisition政府旅费拨款通知单
6.performance-related funding methodology视表现而定的拨款方法
7.""Unit Grant" approach"“单位资助拨款”方式
8.funding based upon uniform cost按划一成本计算拨款
9.entitlement authority公民权利性拨款的授权
10.make an appropriation of¥1,000,000 拨款一百万日圆
11.The city will appropriate funds for the new airport.该市将拨款建造新机
12.They voted us support.他们拨款给我们帮助。
13.appropriation bill(提交国会的)拨款预算案
14.government grant for paying a fixed rate of interest支付定息的政府拨款
15.a government department, grant, publication政府的部门、 拨款、 出版物
16.the commitment of funds to medicine对医学方面的拨款.
17.the US Senate Appropriations Committee,ie dealing with funds for defence,welfare,etc美国参议院拨款委员会(负责国防,福利等的拨款).
18.net allocations拨款净额经费净额分配款项净额

allocate provisions and funds拨粮拨款
5)global allocation总拨款;拨款总额
6)financial allocation财政拨款
1.The original financial allocation pattern of local institutes in Hunan Province generally adopted the multi-goal pattern,the base plus-increase pattern and the regulative special allocation pattern.湖南省地方高校原有的财政拨款模式,一般采用多目标财政拨款模式、基数加增长模式和调控性专项拨款模式等。
2.The current diversified structure of financial allocation system for local universities and colleges has been formed along with the diversification of the management system of local universities and colleges.地方高校财政拨款体制多元化结构是伴随着地方高校管理体制多元化而逐步形成的 ,但这种体制结构在效率与公平方面所表现出来的问题和困难 ,并不是高等教育管理体制改革的必然结果 ,恰恰相反 ,所有这些问题的存在正是地方高等教育管理体制改革还不彻底 ,新的体制还不完善的自然反映。
3.As China\'s financial growth and the development of higher vocational education continues, financial allocation is becoming more and more significant.随着我国财力的增长和高职教育的发展,财政拨款的促进作用日益显著。
