1.On Teaching Art of Excellent Volleyball Coach;优秀排球教练员的指导艺术
2.Making the role transition from athlete to coach;从运动员到教练员转型后的角色定位研究
3.Study on personal influence of a basketball coach;论篮球教练员的个人影响力

1.The coach will have to take part in a development program.这名教练员应当去参加教练员培训。
2.The system mode of the coaches role to athletes during the process of trainning;教练员对运动员训练作用的系统模型
3.My coach has a good sense of humour.我的教练员极具幽默感。
4.His corner advised him to retire.教练员建议他退场.
5.And he's a good coach now.现在他是个好教练员。
6.ETFCF (European Track and Field Coaches Federation)欧洲田径教练员联合会
7.World Diving Coaches Association世界跳水教练员协会
8.American Swimming Coaches Association美国游泳教练员协会
9.Sports PsgchoLogical Training by Chinese Shooting Coaches;中国射击教练员实施的运动心理训练
10.Trainers rub down an athlete after hard exercise.运动员强烈地训练之后,教练员为他按摩。
11.Talking Communication Among Coaches and Players in Amateur Track Training;业余田径训练中教练员与运动员的沟通
12.Analysis on current status of relationships between coaches &athletes,orientation of coaches roles and countermeasures;我国教练员与运动员关系现状的分析及教练员角色定位与对策
13.Acoach should act as a role model for his athletes.教练员要做运动员的榜样。
14.A coach must consult with the players when matters arise.教练员遇事必须同队员商量。
15.Excerpts from Modern Athlete and Coach, July1995节译自《现代运动员与教练员
16.Don't criticize the performance of players and coaches.不要指责运动员或者教练员的行为。
17.Ad Hoc Committee on Training and Educatio训练和教育特设委员会
18.The coach sent two players in.教练派2名球员上扬。

1.Investigation and pondering on the development status quo of the athletic coaches in Liaoning Province;辽宁省竞技体育教练员发展现状调查与思考
2.Individual behavioral characteristics of coaches in Chinese elite sports teams;体能主导类项群教练员行为特点研究
3.An Analysis on the Present Condition of the Coaches of Women’s Football in Colleges and Universities in China;我国高校女足教练员队伍的现状分析
1.Studys on the youth Sanda trainer s of Jiangsu Province;江苏省青少年散打教练员现状调查与分析
2.Present status and developing strategy for athletic trainers of Shandong province;山东省竞技体育教练员队伍现状和发展对策研究
3.Analysis of Factors that Influence the Teaching Ability of Extra- curricular Basketball Feam trainers;影响高校业余篮球代表队教练员执教能力的因素分析
4)train the trainers训练教练员
5)instructor station教练员站
1.Remote control system of simulator instructor station based on PDA;基于PDA的仿真机教练员站远程控制系统研究
2.With the development of the computer and Wireless Network technologies, the simulatoruser s requisition for instructor station s function improves further too.本课题首次提出基于PDA的仿真机教练员站远程操作系统的研究方案,即将仿真机上教练员经常使用的操作集成到手持移动终端(掌上电脑)上,通过手持移动终端??胤抡婊懈髦址抡娌僮?实现教练员站的各种培训功能。
1.Curriculum content and theoretic framework of coachology in sport and P.E.college;高等体育院校运动训练专业“教练员学”课程理论体系及教学内容的研究
2.Necessity and feasibility of curriculum and theoretic system of coachology in sport and P.E colleges in China;论构建高等体育院校运动训练专业“教练员学”课程理论体系的必要性和可能性
