1.Research on Condition and Social Control of Yangge Exercise;秧歌锻炼群体的现状与社会控制研究

1.On the Moving Hythm Characters of Shanbei Yangge and Northeast Yangge;陕北秧歌与东北秧歌动作风格的异同
2.The "yangko"originates from rice planting and farming.秧歌起源于插秧耕田的劳动生活,
3.They watch firecrackers at the Five-Dragon Pavilion, dance yangko,五龙亭看烟火,唱秧歌,
4.Such dances can be found in the Shehuo, yangko, Caicha (Picking Tea Leaves) of the Han nationality,如汉族的社火、秧歌、采茶,
5.Before long, on the basis of the Yangge style of singing and dancing native to Yan'an,不久,在延安秧歌运动基础上产生的秧歌
6.Common people enter it with the yangko team and enjoy all kinds of performances.群众随着秧歌队进入其内,观赏各种秧歌表演,
7.Research on Bodybuilding Effect between HuaGunYangGe and Traditional YangGe;花棍秧歌与传统秧歌健身效果比较研究
8.the Gedongdai and Luoguche of Jiangsu province, the Qingpu folksongs of Shanghai, the Calling the Crops and Weeding the Crops songs of anhui Province,江苏的格冬代、锣鼓车,上海的青浦田山歌、安徽的喊秧歌、薅秧歌,
9.DongbeiYangge, ShanbeiYangge, Anhui Flower-drum Lanterns and Yunnan Festival Lanterns are the most important representatives of "the Nortern Yangge and Southern Lanterns".东北秧歌、陕北秧歌,安徽花鼓灯和云南花灯,是“北歌南灯”的重要代表。
10.ZhuanNiangJia( Returning to Maiden's Home) is the most characteristic Yangge in Wushan County of Gansu Province.转娘家》是甘肃省武山县秧歌中最具特色的秧歌曲,也是武山秧歌的代表曲目。
11.The "Manchurian yangko"is similar to the "local yangko"of Hebei in form, but performers usually wear Manchurian clothes."满族秧歌"在表演形式上虽与"地秧歌"近似,但着满族服饰,
12.Problems and countermeasures of Performing Yangge's transformation to Fitness Yangge表演性秧歌向健身性秧歌转变过程中的问题与对策研究
13.By the Qing Dynasty, the "yangko"had spread widely across the country.至清代,"秧歌"已在全国各地广泛流传。
14.In northern Shaanxi Province, the Lantern Festival is called "Nao yangko".陕北地区把灯节活动称作"闹秧歌",
15.Another well-known folk dance is the Yangge,另一种著名的民间舞蹈是秧歌,
16."Yangko"(a popular rural folk dance) and "Gaoqiao"(walking on stilts) are representative dances that combine music, dance and skill."秧歌"与"高跷",是乐、舞、技三者结合的典型,
17.In 1942, the "New Yangko Campaign"rose in Yan'an.1942年,在延安兴起了"新秧歌运动",
18.People began to reveal a new life through yangko.人们开始用秧歌表现新生活……

1.Study on Present Situation of Yangko Development and Protective Measures under Non-matter Cultural Heritage Protection Field;我国非物质文化遗产?;な右跋碌?font color="#FF0000">秧歌发展现状及?;ご胧┭芯?br> 2.Drama、Carnival and Narrative Function of the Construction of the Ideology of Chinese Communist Party ——the Arising of the Yangko Movement;戏剧、狂欢与建构中共意识形态的叙事功能——刍议延安秧歌运动的兴起
3.A review of Jinzhong Yangko;晋中秧歌艺术发展及现状研究
1.A Try on Qualitative Research——Investigation on Sport Life of Younger Exercises Group in Changchun;对质的研究方法应用的一次尝试——长春秧歌锻炼群体的体育生活调研
2.Younger (a popular rural folk dance) reflects the psychology of a certain group of people, who belong to specific nations, societies, and times.秧歌锻炼活动是一面镜子,反映着特定民族的,地域的,社会的,时代的群体心理,它是群众体育的观察室和实验室。
4)Yang-ge for health健歌秧歌
5)Fengshi Yangko凤池秧歌
1.Study the effect of Yangge on blood rheology and blood sugar of type Ⅱ diabetes;健身秧歌对Ⅱ型糖尿病患者血液流变性及血糖影响的研究
2.On the Strategy of Promoting Fitness Yangge——A Case of Pudong District,Shanghai;传统体育项目健身秧歌的推广策略研究——以上海浦东新区健身秧歌的开展情况为例
