1.Induced abortion operation an usage Diprivan vein anaesthesia of analysis;人工流产术中运用得普利麻静脉麻醉的分析
2.Investigation on Application of Diprivan As Artificial Abortion;得普利麻在人工流产中应用分析
3.Clinical Effects of Diprivan During the Degestive Endoscopy;得普利麻在消化内镜检查中临床效果观察

1.Objective To investigate the application of diprivan intravenous anesthesia with small dose of ketamine in induced abortion.目的探讨小剂量氯胺酮加入得普利麻静脉麻醉在人工流产术中的应用。
2.she was sufficiently fluent in Mandarin.她普通话说得十分流利。
3.Triprolidine vs chlorphenamine male_ ate in treating urticaria曲普利啶与马来酸氯苯那敏治疗荨麻疹的比较
4.You've come swiftly, directly, and I, slowly and reluctantly."你走得很快,很麻利,而我呢,又慢又勉强。"
5.He who sows hemp will reap hemp; he who sows Beans will reap Beans种麻得麻,种豆得豆
6.In that year a special feast was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts.那一年,人们在麻萨诸塞州的普利茅斯准备了一个特殊的盛宴。
7.Comparison of Chloroprocaine and Lidocaine Epidural Anesthesia for Caesarean Section氯普鲁卡因与利多卡因硬膜外阻滞用于剖宫产术的麻醉观察
8.Low epidural anesthesia with chloroprocaine or lidocaine:a prospective,randomized,double-blind multicentre clinical trial氯普鲁卡因与利多卡因用于低位硬膜外麻醉的多中心临床研究
9.Comparison of anaesthetic potency between chloroprocaine and xylocaine in segmental mastectomy氯普鲁卡因与利多卡因在乳腺区段切除术中的麻醉性能对比
10.capital city of the Apulia region on the Adriatic coast.亚得里亚海沿岸阿普利亚区的首府。
11.The Wall Street Journal won a Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting.《华尔街日报》获得了普利策深度报道奖。
12.The farmers' right to vote has been extensively respected and protected.——农民的选举权利得到普遍尊重和?;?。
13.Much higher than regular savings accounts.比普通储蓄存款的利率要高得多。
14.He has to or he1l crash into Filip.不得已而为之,否则会撞上菲利普。
15.At first things went on well, but later we ran into trouble.起初事情进展得很顺利,但后来我们遇到了麻烦。
16.Making an exceptionally high profit is sometimes indiscreet and asking for trouble.牟取过高的利润有时确实不很得当,会招惹麻烦。
17.Grief and terror had so stupefied their sense, that they did not know Prospero.他们伤心害怕得都麻木了,竟认不出普洛斯彼罗来了。
18.Then on the higher sandy soil there was the purple ling, or commonest species of heather growing in beautiful wild luxuriance再往上去是沙土地带,紫石南,或是最普通的各种石南灌木,乱蓬蓬密麻麻长得千姿百态。

Diprivan/therapeutic use得普利麻/治疗应用
3)import propofol进口丙泊酚得普利麻
5)Delapril地拉普利 ,压得克
6)the Pritzker Architecture Prize winner普利茨凯奖获得者
1.From the point of view of characteristic of materials,materials processing techniques, materials construction method and the choice of materials,this paper studied the innovation of thinking & practices of the Pritzker Architecture Prize winners when they chose building materials.从材料性能改进、材料加工工艺、材料建构方式、材料类型选择四个角度出发,研究了普利茨凯奖获得者在建筑材料技术方面的理念与实践创新,归纳总结了他们在建筑设计中对不同材料应用的新方法,旨在为建筑设计创新提供一些材料应用方面的新思路。

得其利材料:淡朗姆 1.5盎司柠檬汁 1/2盎司砂糖 1/2茶匙制法:将上述材料加冰摇匀后滤人糖圈口的鸡尾酒杯,或加有冰块的老式杯内,必要时可多加点糖,用一块鲜柠檬皮装饰。这是一种带有淡蓝灰色彩的鸡尾酒,日本人习惯上称它为“百家地”。这种酒宜餐前饮用或佐餐用,可助消化,增进食欲。