1.Application of VPN technology to PACS;虚拟专用网(VPN)技术在PACS系统中的应用
3.VPN Technology based on IPSec and its Realization;基于IPSec的虚拟专用网技术及其实现

1.virtual private network虚拟专用网络,虚拟私用网络,[港]虚拟私有网络
2.Discussion of Fictitious Virtual Private Network (VPN) and the Use;虚拟专用网(VPN)及其应用探讨
3.Application Research VPN of Enterprise Network Based on MPLS基于MPLS的虚拟专用网企业级应用研究
5.CCASS/3 virtual private network (VPN)第三代中央结算系统的虚拟专用网
6.Research on Firewall Technology--Implement Virtual Private Network;防火墙技术研究——虚拟专用网的实现
7.Research and Implementation of IPSec in VPN Environment;基于IPSec虚拟专用网的研究与实现
8.On the authentication technology based on VPN;基于虚拟专用网的身份认证技术研究
9.The Research on Tunneling Technology of VPN;虚拟专用网(VPN)隧道技术探讨
10.the Solusion of Building the VPN for Maximal and Medium-sized Business Ente rprise;大中型企业构建虚拟专用网解决方案
11.Research and Simulation of QoS of IPSec Virtual Private NetworkIPSec虚拟专用网络服务质量研究与仿真
12.Virtual Private Network and Tunnel Technic Research虚拟专用网(VPN)及其隧道技术研究
13.Virtual Private Network Technology in Power Information Network虚拟专用网技术在电力信息网络中的应用
14.The Long-distance Security Access Based on Virtual Private Network of Local Area Network;基于虚拟专用网技术的局域网的远程安全访问
15.Virtual Private Network Applied to Safety Connection of Computer Networks Between Mining Areas虚拟专用网实现矿区计算机网络安全连接
16.Design and Research of Virtual Private Network in XX Building Company;XX建筑公司虚拟专用网的设计与应用研究
17.Study on Multi-Protocol Label Switching and Its Application of Virtual Private Network;多协议标签交换及其虚拟专用网应用的研究
18.Construction and Application of ADSL VPN Network in Mountain Area Radio and TV Universities;山区电大ADSL VPN虚拟专用网络的构建及应用

virtual private network虚拟专用网
1.Setting up virtual private network;虚拟专用网在局域网中的构建技术
2.Key exchange implementation and security analysis for IPSec based virtual private network;基于IPSec的虚拟专用网络密钥交换实现及其安全分析
3.Comparison Analysis of Tunnel Protocol Based on Virtual Private Network;虚拟专用网中的隧道协议比较分析
3)virtual private network(VPN)虚拟专用网
1.The virtual private network(VPN)represents the development tide of today's network.虚拟专用网(VPN)代表了当今网络发展的最新趋势,它综合了传统数据网络的性能优点(安全和QoS)和共享数据网络结构的优点(简单和低成本),并能够提供远程访问外部网和内部网的连接。
2.Virtual Private Network(VPN)of static configuration is not applicable.随着多种接入方式的出现,许多局域网接入公共网络采用了动态地址的连接,静态配置的虚拟专用网(VPN)便不再适用。
3.In order to provide high quality information security service in public network,a new scheme is developed for constructing a secure Virtual Private Network(VPN).提出了一种高强度的虚拟专用网(VPN)安全通信解决方案。
4)virtual private network (VPN)虚拟专用网
1.To solve the security problem of using Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology to connect mobile networks and fixed-IP networks, this paper presented and achieved a new type of mobile security system based on IPSec VPN.该系统在基于IPSec协议的虚拟专用网技术和远程访问服务的基础上,建立了一套完善的基于智能卡和X。
2.Virtual Private Network (VPN) was studied.对虚拟专用网VPN进行了研究。
3.Virtual Private Network (VPN) as a popular application in enterprise internet working, its tunnel security and user authentication are the main considerations.虚拟专用网(VPN)作为一个广泛应用的技术,隧道传输安全性与用户认证是关系到虚拟专用网安全的两个核心内容。
5)VPN(Virtual Private Network)虚拟专用网
1.The key network technology,such as protocol conversion,VPN(Virtual Private Network),IP tunneling,PCM DEMUX used in the company WAN infrastructure are discussed in the paper.论文分析了江西铜业公司企业网络通信的现状和需求,阐述了企业广域网系统设计方案,对协议转换、虚拟专用网、IP隧道技术、PCM复接器等组网关键技术进行了设计分析。
1.VPN and its Tunnel Implementing Technology;虚拟专用网络及其隧道实现技术
2.This paper makes emphasis on security strategy,highperformance kernel realization,encryption algorithm and key managemet mechanism based on IPSec standard,then designs a VPN gateway device with strong interaction,easy using and updating charaters.设计了虚拟专用网络技术基于L inux操作系统平台的网关实现概要,阐述了核心??榈氖迪植街枰约敖饩龇桨?。
