1.Obstacles and Support to on - the - spot Law - executing in Environmental Supervision and Administration;浅谈环境监理现场执法中的障碍及其支撑
2.Study on obstacle and policy of medical industry localization administration;推进医疗机构全行业属地管理的障碍与政策措施研究
3.Concerning the Obstacle and Strategies of Hospitals Financing;关于医疗机构融资障碍与对策思考

1.insufficiency of accommodation调节障碍 调节障碍
2.cross the barrier of...越过…的障碍,突破…的障碍
3.set up a barrier between在...中间设置障碍
4.remove a barrier between拆除在...中间障碍
5.hit a snag, problem, etc遇到障碍、 问题等
6.overcome(an obstacle,emotion,etc)克服(障碍、情绪等)
7.A land hazard or bunker on a golf course; a sand trap.障碍高尔夫球道上的一个障碍物或障碍;高尔夫球道上的沙土障碍
8.Something that hinders, obstructs, or impedes.绊脚,障碍妨碍,阻碍或阻止的东西
9.reading disabled child阅读障碍儿童 阅读障碍儿童
10.impede with a clog or as if with a clog.用障碍阻止或像用障碍阻塞。
11.learning disabilityph.1. 学习障碍;智能障碍;学习无能
12.Knock down: To cause any part of an obstacle to fall.碰倒障碍:使障碍物的任何一部分下落。
13.Therefore diseases and physiological barrier are the main factors of continuous cropping barrie of watermelon.因此,生理障碍和病理障碍是构成西瓜连作障碍的主导因素.
14.pass a barrier, sentry, checkpoint, etc通过障碍、 哨卡、 检查站等
15.Decreases interference while sitting client up in bed.减少病人床上坐起障碍。
16.congenital aplastic anemia先天性再生障碍性贫血
17.barrier-free physical environment全无障碍的实际环境
18.Barricades were erected to keep back the crowds .设置了障碍以隔开人群。

1.Analysis on Fulfillment and Obstacles of Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B in China Cities and Counties;地县级疾病预防控制机构乙肝防制工作落实情况及障碍分析
2.Analyzing the Necessities and Obstacles of Pursing the Quantity Bill Price;浅析推行工程量清单计价的必要性及实施障碍
3.The obstacles and countermeasures to the system of stock options for Chinese state-owned enterprises administrators;国企实行经营者股票期权制的障碍及对策
1.Barriers of Rural Patients with STDs Accepting Standard Medical Service and Countermeasures;农村性病患者获得正规医疗服务的障碍及对策
2.Study on Social Communication in City about the Characteristics and Barriers;城市社会交往的特征与障碍问题分析
3.Study on barriers of securities electronic commerce;证券公司电子商务的障碍研究
1.Problems and Barriers on the Building Together and Enjoying Together of the Information Resources of the Libraries in Hubei Professional Colleges;湖北省高职高专图书馆资源共建共享工作面临的问题与障碍
2.Analysis of major barriers of automobile reverse logistics based on ISM;汽车逆向物流障碍因素的ISM分析
3.Analysis of positive factors and barriers affecting entrepreneurial start-ups;企业家创业动因和障碍的主成分分析模型
1.Analysis on Obstructions and Countermeasures of Farmers Professional Employment;农民职业化就业的障碍与对策分析
2.Finally, in accor-dance with these obstructions, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to solve them.论述了当前我国应大力推广应用的几种洁净煤技术,以及在推行洁净煤技术中存在的技术能力、资金能力、政策法规、产品市场、思想观念等方面的障碍,提出了针对性的解决对策。
1.Research on the occupational adjustment disorder of the police---Research on public security education of dual-degree students警察职业适应性障碍归因性研究——公安双学位学生教育研究
2.A Study of Photochemically Induced Microcirculatory Disorder in Guinea Pig Cochlea;光化学诱导豚鼠耳蜗微循环障碍的实验研究
3.Mental disorder of vocational development for contemporary girl college students and educational countermeasures;当代女大学生职业发展的心理障碍及教育对策

障碍障碍obstruction  阻挡机体的正常功能活动?! ?br>