1.Techniques of Hackers and IDS Computer Networks;计算机网络黑客及其入侵检测系统探析
2.Analysis of harm of Hacker programmes and prevention;浅析黑客程序的危害与防治

1.hacker, cracker and security of firewall;(2)黑客、骇客与防火墙的安全性问题;
2.Capturing a base requires hacking into the Control Console with a Remote Electronics Kit (REK).占领一个基地要求黑客进入用黑客工具控制控制台。
3.Inspiration of Hacker & Counter-hacker Thought Research Methodology: An New Exploration of ISM;黑客与反黑客思维研究的方法论启示——解释结构模型新探
4.Hacker Ethics,Communism and Reputation--Theoretical Interpretation of Hacker Action;黑客伦理、公有主义与声誉——对黑客行为的一种理论解释
5.The police arrested the two hackers.警察就逮捕了这两名“黑客”。
6.The hacker Broke into the Bank's computer system.电脑黑客闯入了银行的计算机系统
7.In addition, firewalls are no defence against internal hackers.此外,防火墙无法防御内部黑客。
8.Be paranoid. Keep all of your hacking materials in a safe place.将你的黑客资料放在安全的地方。
9.A hacker is usually a person who writes software programs in a special computer language.黑客用专门的计算机语言写程序、件。
10.To oppose hacker and to prevent virus are the important content of network secure.反黑客、病毒是网络安全的重要内容。
11."Hacker" warfare, in which computer systems are attacked.“黑客”战。 用于攻击计算机系统。
12.Some teenagers regard hackers as heroes.一些青少年们视黑客为英雄。
13.The key is protected and cannot be obtained by a hacker.这个密钥受到?;?,“黑客”是得不到的。
14.Any problems with hacker is breaking your code?那黑客能破解你们的密码吗?
15.Everything that has a begin has an end.世间万物有始皆有终。 ——《黑客帝国》(1999)
16.Maybe we should see that movie,”The Matrix.也许我们该去看电影《黑客帝国》。
17.The computer hacker wrote that he was from Russia,这个计算机黑客自称他 来自俄罗斯.
18.Research on the advantageous Use of Network Security about the Hacker s Techniques;利用黑客技术提高网络安全性的研究

1.The tradition of the hackers is derived from the tradition of the elite, meanwhile, there is an inner relationship between the elite and the community.黑客的传统渊于优秀人的传统 ,而优秀人和共同体有着内在的关联。
1.Chinese word ,“黑客”, is from verb hack in English, which means cutting or chopping originally, and breaking up literally.“黑客”一词来源于英语动词hack,原意为“劈,砍”,也就意味着“劈出、开辟”。
1.Interpretation of the Symbols of Baudrillard Philosophy in "Matrix";解读《黑客帝国》中的鲍德里亚哲学符号
5)hacker attack黑客攻击
1.It cannot defend attacks as illegal invade,hacker attack,secret in.互联网是一个面向大众的、开放的网络 ,对于信息的保密和系统的安全等方面考虑得不很完备 ,对于非法侵入、黑客攻击、保密性数据泄露等安全问题难以防范。
2.This article introduces the fundamental mode of hacker attack,proposes the emergency response countermeasure,elaborates the invasion examination system with emphasis(IDS) and the technology of computer evidence collection,and puts forward its own idea to the constructing and system composing of network security management platform.介绍了黑客攻击的主要方式,提出了应急响应的对策,重点论述了入侵检测系统(IDS)和计算机取证技术,并对网络安全管理平台的构建和系统组成提出了自己的思路。
3.Security problem at present in the computer network exists which through the elaboration, has analyzed the hacker network attack general step, and has carried on the discussion and the analysis in this foundation in view of the network hacker attack concrete preventive measure.通过阐述目前计算机网络中存在的安全问题,分析了黑客网络攻击的一般步骤,并在此基础上针对网络黑客攻击的具体预防措施进行了讨论和分析。
1.How hacker software to detect password and how to prevent it;黑客软件探取密码的原理及其防范

黑客帝国ⅲ:最后战役《黑客帝国ⅲ:最后战役》the matrix revolutions华纳兄弟影片公司出品上映日期:2003年11月5日 全球零时差演员表领衔主演:基努-里维斯劳伦斯-费什伯恩凯瑞-安妮-摩斯雨果-维文职员表导 演:沃卓斯基兄弟制片人:乔尔-西尔弗黑2的末尾,尼奥的旅途终于到达新一步,而墨菲斯则面对一个令他痛苦的真相:他所相信的救世主,不过是矩阵所构造的另一种虚像,如今,具有矩阵革命性的《黑客帝国》三部曲第三部《黑客帝国3 矩阵革命》,终将这部描述人类与机器之战的史诗影片……