1.This paper examines the various artistic techniques in the buffoonery in the Yuan drama, namely, the homophones, the puns and the comical stage acts.元杂剧科诨是很值得研究的喜剧艺术技巧 ,文章专就元杂剧利用谐音、歇后语及舞台动作制造科诨作出探讨与分析 :谐音的使用很广泛 ,常用在名称、误会和揶揄讽刺 ;歇后语乃民间语言 ,它在剧中的使用甚为灵活 ;舞台滑稽动作虽然多属日常所见 ,但经巧妙安排却又面目一新。
2.With a long history in China, buffoonery appeared at the same time as opera.“科诨”是插科打诨的简称,是戏剧演出中角色的滑稽动作和道白的合称,是戏剧中各种使观众发笑的喜剧性的穿插。

1.On the Art of Kehun in LI Yu s Drama a Wrong Kite;试论李渔戏曲《风筝误》中的科诨艺术
2.The students were gagging during dinner.同学们吃饭的时候喜欢插科打诨。
3.Jack likes to cut up in class.杰克喜欢在上课的时候插科打诨。
4.The young man would always cut up if there was any girl这个年轻人一遇到姑娘总是插科打诨。
5.Nearly all Spanish joking had that same base.西班牙人插科打诨的方式大抵如此。
6.What a great gag! Everybody loves it.这套插科打诨太棒了,人人都很喜欢。
7.Everyone laughed at her comical remarks.大家听了她的插科打诨都大笑起来。
8.On the Refined and Popular Styles of Comic Gestures and Remarks in Poetuic Drama of Yuan Dynnasty;论元杂剧中插科打诨的“雅”和“俗”
9.He loved this civil, half-humorous bargaining.他喜欢这种心平气和,插科打诨的讨价还价。
10.joke or funny story,esp as part of a comedian's act笑话或滑稽故事;(尤指喜剧演员的)插科打诨
11.That comedian always tells the same gags.那个喜剧演员总是说些相同的插科打诨。
12.Light or frivolous manner of discussing a subject.插科打诨讨论问题时持有轻松、戏弄的态度
13.The actor gagged up his part in the comedy.这个演员在所扮演的喜剧角色中插科打诨。
14.Some hardy spirits made jokes, helping others overcome their fear.有些胆大的人插科打诨,帮助别人消除害怕心里。
15.For frivolity and jokes and spotted tights were an offense,这时他容不下小丑的那些打诨插科、花花绿绿的紧身衣之类的东西,
16.On the Changes and Roles in the Tridadional Play-Handiao-er-Huang;“古优”“今外”的传承与流变——略论汉调二黄剧目中的插科打诨
17.Mr Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice.班纳特先生是个古怪人,他一方面喜欢插科打诨,爱挖苦人,同时又不苟言笑,变幻莫测。
18.The house was in a roaring humour now, and ready to get all the fun out of the occasion that might be in it.这时,全场一片插科打诨的吼声,打算把在这件事里能找到的乐趣一点不剩地全部发掘出来。

1.The Beauty of Vulgar: the Characteristics of Kehun in Opera Stage-Script;以俗为美——戏曲舞台本科诨的风格特色
3)the subsistence of the buffoonery科诨套式
4)the buffoonery in theatrical works舞台本科诨
5)He gag cleverly.他善于插科打诨。

科诨  戏曲术语,又称插科打诨。"科"是指滑稽动作(与一般剧本中代表舞台指示的"科"的意义不同),"诨"是指滑稽语言。它来自以滑稽、戏谑为主的宋杂剧,但在戏曲中只作喜剧性的穿插。明中叶以后,评论家注意到科诨的作用,提出剧作者要重视科诨的安排。明王骥德在《曲律·论科诨》中提出科诨要作得极巧,又要下得恰好。清李渔在《闲情偶寄·词曲部·论科诨》中认为科诨应"戒淫亵"、"忌俗恶",要运用得自然。同时,他还认为科诨不应仅局限于净丑两行,"生、旦有生、旦之科诨,外、末有外、末之科诨。"这里提出了科诨的性格化问题?! ?