1.Writing standard about scientific article title and keyword;科技文章题目、关键词的书写规范
2.As the important parts of sci-tech articles,English translation of article title,abstract and key words should be true to the original,and accord with English writing habits.作为科技论文的重要组成部分,论文题目、摘要及关键词英译时除应忠实于原文外,还须符合英文写作习惯。
3.The author discusses in this paper the understanding of the fiction as regard to the relationship between the time and the title, the theme, the writing skills and the portrayal of Characters.笔者就这部小说中时间与题目、主题、写作手法以及人物刻画之间的关系谈谈对这部作品的理解。

1.topics peripheral to the main theme围绕中心议题的小题目.
2.There is two catalogue, the author catalogue and the subject catalogue.有两种目录:作者目录和主题目录。
3.A title or heading, as of a document or article.标题题目,如文件或文章的标题
4.Boxed head: A headline or title within a box.框标题:加上线框的标题或题目。
5.I felt relief when I saw the question .我看完题目后放下心。
6.She chose the topic "Famous people"她们选的大题目是"名人"。
7.and my topic was Charles Cornwallis.题目是查尔斯?康华里。
8.a short view of the proBlem.对问题目光短浅的看法
9.a biblical theme, expression有关圣经的题目、 言辞
10.A collection of documents on a given subject.某一给定题目的资料集。
11.The editorial is entitled" ..." .这篇社论的题目是《。。?!?。
12.was the speaker's theme.这演讲者的题目是爱国。
13.secondary or explanatory title.次要的或说明性的题目。
14.the novel had chapter titles.“这本小说有各章题目”。
15.the book entitled `A Tale of Two Cities'.这本书的题目是‘双城记’。
16.(subject set for a)student's essay or exercise学生的作文或练习(题目).
17.There are few papers dealing with this subject.很少论文论述这个题目
18.There is few papers dealing with this subject.很少论文论述这个题目。

1.The form and the historical evolution of the subject of novels of script for story-telling;话本小说“题目”的形式及其历史演进
2.In laboratory, Founding the practising base in School has resolved three difficulties: finding factories to practise, searching subjects and lacking of money.在实验室建立校内实习基地解决了实习中找单位难、找题目难、经费不足的三大难题,使学生的专业实习收到良好效果。
3.The Subjects of Yue-fu folk poems in Southern Dynasty are usually expressed in artistic way,whereas the subject of Yue-fu Poems in Tang Dynasty mainly stem from old Yue-fu poems wh.汉唐乐府诗题目的创制,多取首句前二三字甚至是整个首句,或者再缀以歌辞性题目“行”、“篇”、“歌”、“曲”、“乐”等。
1.This paper sums up and analyzes on the problems existing in the translatio n of the topics and of the sci -tech papers in Engli sh,puts forward some opinions for im provement,and points out that only b y doing the best can make the translation sim ple,definite and accurate.针对目前科技论文题目、摘要及关键词英文翻译中存在的问题,结合实例进行了总结和分析,提出了改进意见,指出必须经过努力才能使译文简洁明确、准确地表达原意。
