1.The Formation and Development of Flute in German and Austria;德奥长笛学派的形成与研究
2.The shape of the mouth when playing flute and the practice of enunciation techniques are the most fundamental factors that decide whether the sound of the flute is beautiful.长笛吹奏口形和吐音技法练习是决定长笛声音好听与否的最基本因素。
3.The flute is one of the age-old instruments with long history of evolution.作为最古老的乐器之一的长笛,它的发展历史极为漫长,同时又充满了曲折。

1.To play(a tune) on a flute.吹笛子用长笛演奏(曲子)
2.Have you got a flute, Xiao Ming?你有长笛吗?小明?
3.italicizing the upper extremity of the pitch spectrum with flute or piccolo用长笛或短笛来突出音高乐谱的上端
4.The opening in the mouthpiece of a flute across which the player blows.笛子长笛上吹奏者吹气的开口
5.The snake thinks the flute is another snake.蛇觉得长笛也是蛇,
6.On Sundays, I usually play the flute.星期天,我通常吹长笛。
7.Let's play the flute together.我们一起玩长笛吧。
8.What about your old flute?用你的旧长笛来换,好吗?
9.alto clarinet or recorder.次高音黑管或者长笛。
10.He will be performing on the flute [at the piano].他将吹奏长笛[弹奏钢琴]。
11.Simon picked up the flute and began playing.西蒙拿起长笛开始吹奏。
12.exercises for the piano, flute, harp, etc钢琴、 长笛、 竖琴等的练习
13.An ancient flute originally made from an animal's leg bone.胫骨古笛古代的一种由动物的腿骨制成长笛
14.Research On the Performance of Ernesto Kohler s 35 Flute Etudes, Op. 33;科勒《长笛练习曲Op.33》之演奏研究——长笛教材研究系列(之二)
15.Research Of Ernesto khler s 35 Flute Etude, Op. 33;科勒《长笛练习曲Op.33》之理论研究长笛教材研究系列(之一)
16.Simon picked up the flute and began playing.The clear sweet sound floated out over the trees and down into the misty, early morning valley.西蒙拿起长笛开始吹奏。清脆悦耳的笛声从长笛飘出,飘到树上,飘进清晨雾霭迷蒙的山谷。
17.To sing, whistle, or speak with a flutelike tone.以长笛般的音调唱歌、吹口哨或说话
18.She ran her finger over the gleaming flute.她的手指在闪光的长笛上滑动。

3)prolonged blast长笛长声
4)flute textbook长笛教本
6)the performing of flute长笛独奏
