1.Compared with Polyphonic Thinking about Two Fugue in c Minor from Bach;比较巴赫两首c小调赋格曲中的复调思维特征
2.Perceptions of the construction of Baroque fugue in Bach s "Well-Tempered Clavier Book";从巴赫《平均律钢琴曲集》看巴洛克时期赋格曲的结构思维
3.While learning this composition, learners can know some basic features possessed by fugue as the most important carrier in the divertimento music and make some studies on how to grasp these features in performance and the relationship between them, that is the continuity in unfolding the musical thinking , undulatory progression between the different parts, cont.巴赫钢琴《d小调赋格曲》是一首三声部复调乐曲 ,与《d小调前奏曲》合为一首套曲。

1.of or relating to or in the style of a musical fugue.属于或关于赋格曲的,或以赋格曲风格的。
2.The architectonics of an elaborate fugue.复杂赋格曲的巧妙构思
3.This compositional style is exemplified by this fugue.这首赋格曲代表了这种音乐风格。
4.An independent, relatively long piece that precedes a fugue.独奏曲段赋格曲之前的独立的,相对较长的乐曲
5.music that precedes a fugue or introduces an act in an opera.赋格曲前面或引入歌剧一幕的音乐。
6.Can you transpose this fugue into G major?你能把这个赋格曲转换成G大调吗。
7.A Teaching Analysis of Piano D Minor Fugue by Bach;巴赫钢琴《d小调赋格曲》教学解析
8.Compared with Polyphonic Thinking about Two Fugue in c Minor from Bach;比较巴赫两首c小调赋格曲中的复调思维特征
9.A passage between statements of a main subject or theme, as in a rondo or fugue.插段在表现主题或主旋律之间的段落,如回旋曲和赋格曲
10.Fuge Groping of Inner Structural Power;赋格曲的内在结构力探索——巴赫《平均律钢琴曲集》研究
11.Perceptions of the construction of Baroque fugue in Bach s "Well-Tempered Clavier Book";从巴赫《平均律钢琴曲集》看巴洛克时期赋格曲的结构思维
12."Bach was the master of the fugue, the chorale-prelude and suites.One of his most famous works is "The Well-tempered Clavier" "巴赫是赋格曲,众赞歌前奏曲和组曲的大师。他最著名的作品之一是(平均律钢琴曲集)。
13.Writing of the Suite Prelude and Fugue (Ⅰ);“前奏曲与赋格”套曲的写作(上)
14.Writing of the Suite Prelude and Fugue;“前奏曲与赋格”套曲的写作(下)
15.The Analysis of Prelude and Fugue on Hindemith s Ludus Tonalis;亨德米特《调性游戏》前奏曲与赋格分析
16.Research on the Finale Fugue in Falstaff by Verdi威尔第歌剧《法尔斯塔夫》赋格终曲研究
17.A Study of Piano s Preludes and Fugues One of the Wang Lisan s Works <Tashanji>;汪立三钢琴序曲与赋格套曲《他山集》研究
18.An Analysis on the Writing Features of No.9 Fugue in Dmitri Shostakovich s Twenty-four Preludes and Fugues;论肖斯塔科维奇《二十四首前奏曲与赋格》No.9的赋格写作特色

3)Finale Fugue赋格终曲
4)Prelude and Fugue序曲与赋格
1.The Combination of Pluralism,Sense of Modernity and Creativity——On the Characteristics of Shchedrin s 24 Prelude and Fugue;多元化、现代感与创新性的融合——试论谢德林《24首序曲与赋格》的主要特征
2.In the early 1980s, Wang Lisan adopted the classic Europe Polyphony form—Prelude and Fugue and modern composition techniques composed a Polyphony Suite that called "Tashanji".其中,创作于八十年代初的《他山集——五首序曲与赋格》是一套在汉族传统的五声音阶的风格基调上,借用源自欧洲的经典复调形式——序曲与赋格并结合现代作曲技法创作而成的极具中华民族气质的复调性音画套曲集。
5)symposium of Preludes & fugues《序曲与赋格曲集》
6)The fugue for three voices三声部赋格曲
