邮政通信,Postal communication
1)Postal communication邮政通信
1.Design and Implementation of Occupation Skill Appraise Management System Based on Postal Communication;邮政通信职业技能鉴定考务管理系统设计
2.This article analyzes the conditions that produce modern postal communication system as well as its trend of development.分析了现代邮政通信系统的产生条件和发展趋势 ,并通过对发达国家邮政通信系统的研究 ,揭示了现代邮政通信系统的基本结构。

1.Terminology of postal networkGB/T10757-1989邮政通信网术语
2.The Application of WLAN Technology in Dezhou Postal Communication Network;无线局域网技术在德州邮政通信网中的应用
3.Economic Analysis of the Modernization of Postal Communication Network;邮政通信网络现代化建设的分析和对策研究
4.Suspended Structure of Post & Communication Center Project悬挂结构在江苏省邮政通信指挥中心工程中的应用
5.Ministerial Posts and Communications Committee部长级邮政和通信委员会
6.Great progress has been made in the exchange of mail and telecommunications across the Straits;两岸互通邮政、电信取得了很大进展;
7.Data of postal and telecommunication services come from Municipal Administration of Posts and from telecommunication enterprises such as China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Netcom and China Railcom.邮电通信业资料来源于市邮政局、电信公司、动通信公司、通公司、通公司和铁通公司等电信企业。
8."Postal materials refer to mail, printed matter, postal parcels, money orders, newspapers, periodicals, etc., posted and delivered by postal enterprises. mail refers to letters and postcards."邮件:指通过邮政企业寄递的信件、印刷品、邮包、汇款通知、报刊等。信件:指信函和明信片。
9.postal currency邮花辅币,邮政通货
10.Design and Implement of NanTong Post Office s Ready Cash Management Information System;南通邮政局邮政储蓄头寸管理信息系统的设计与实现
11.Composing an E-mail message is similar to writing a letter and sending it to someone via the Postal Service.写、发电子邮件与通过邮政系统给别人写信、寄信类似。
12.Posts and telecommunications:The development of postal and telecommunication sector sped up.邮电通信业:邮电通信业发展速度提高。
13.Posts and telecommunications: The development of postal and telecommunication sector sped up.邮电通信业: 邮电通信业发展速度提高。
14.Special postal envelope Envelopes of domestic express mailGB/T17128.1-1997邮政特种信封邮政快件信封
15.The minimum spending amount for your order is HK$200 and you will automatically become a member of “2008 Overseas Mail Order Service”.?长沙湾邮政局邮政信箱80060号,「香港邮政集邮组海外订购邮品服务部」。
16.Division of Information Technology, Post and Telecommunications信息技术、邮政和电信司
17.Telecommunication: Zhengzhou Information Harbor has been initially built and the post and telecommunication business volumes rank front row in the country.通讯:郑州信息港建设已具雏形,邮政、信业务总量均居全国前列。
18.Conference on Post and Telecommunications Administrations of Central Africa中非邮政电信管理会议

Postal communication network邮政通信网
1.Based on the current situation and existing issues of postal communication network, some suitable objectives and principles for its modernization development are discussed in the paper.通过对我国邮政通信网现状及建设中存在问题的分析 ,探讨适合现代化邮政通信网发展的目标和原则 ,并从经济学角度 ,提出加快邮件传递时限、建设信息系统、发展业务和培育市场等完善邮政通信网建设的可行性建
3)postal communications contract邮政通信合同
1.After studying the reform and development of postal services in the world and the specific situations in China, the author proposes that postal contract should be restricted as postal communications contract and implemented as a tool of supplying postal general services.根据世界各国邮政改革和发展的趋势以及我国的国情 ,应该将邮政合同仅限定为邮政通信合同 ,使其成为实现邮政通信普遍服务的法律工具。
4)postal communications services邮政通信服务
5)provincial postal network省内邮政通信网
6)urban postal network市内邮政通信网

邮政通信市场管理邮政通信市场管理 邮政通信市场管理国家行政主管部门为维护国家邮政通信市场秩序,保障邮政通信畅通,对邮政通信市场的经济活动所行使的组织、计划、控制、调节、监督及服务的综合行政管理。中国对邮政通信市场的管理,是通过邮政行政主管部门、工商行政管理部门、海关等部门实现的。其中邮政行政主管部门对邮政通信市场实行分级管理的原则,即分为邮电部和省、自治区、直辖市两级。各地、市、州由其所在的省、自治区邮政行政主管部门派出机构或人员履行通信行业管理职能。邮政通信市场管理的主要内容是:①依据国家有关法律法规制定邮政通信市场管理行政规章,维护邮政通信市场秩序。②?;す曳筛秤栌收笠刀孕偶捌渌哂行偶灾实奈锲芳牡菀滴竦淖ㄓ?,制止非邮政单位和个人对邮政企业的侵权行为,并对有侵权行为的行为主体予以处罚。③对邮政企业贯彻执行国家各项有关法律法规的情况实施监督检查,纠正违法违纪行为,?;す依婧陀没У暮戏ㄈㄒ?。④制定邮政经营方针、政策,以适应社会日益增长的用邮需求。⑤对邮政通信行业的服务质量实施监督,维护邮政用户的合法权益。邮政通信市场管理的手段包括法律手段、行政手段和经济手段。法律手段是通过贯彻国家法律法规及依法制定的行政规章来规范邮政企业的市场行为。行政手段是制定与国家法律法规相配套的约束市场行为的政策及规章制度,对邮政通信市场实施监督,进行必要的行政干预。经济手段主要是发挥国有邮政企业对市场的引导、调节作用。