林地,forest land
1)forest land林地
1.Estimation of ecological water quota and water requirement in forest land of Haitan Island,Fujian;福建省海坛岛林地生态需水定额及需水量的测算
2.The application of artificial neutral network to the economic regionalization of the forest land;人工神经网络方法在林地经济区划中的应用

1.Of, relating to, or constituting woodland.林地林地的,与林地有关的,构成林地
2.2) The woodland use right for timber stands, economic forests and firewood forests;(二)用材林、经济林、薪炭林的林地使用权;
3.The woodland use right for timber stands, economic forests and firewood forests;用材林、经济林、薪炭林的林地使用权;
4.a stretch of country (forestland, water, etc.)一片地(林地,汪洋)
5.Forest fallow is an intermediate class Between forest and non-forest land uses.休耕林是林地和非林地的中间阶段。
6.Woodlands Mountain Institute山林地研究所(山林所)
7.3) The woodland use right for the cutting blanks and the burns of timber stands, economic forests and firewood forests;(三)用材林、经济林、薪炭林的采伐迹地、火烧迹地的林地使用权;
8.Study on the Woodland Appraisement--Taking Baiyun Forestry Centre as An Example;林地评估探讨——以白云林场林地评估为例
9.areas of the forest have degraded into scrub森林的地面已退化成为丛林地。
10.Forested land, especially land containing timber of commercial value.林地尤指长有具商业价值木材的林地
11.The use right for other forests, trees and other woodlands stipulated by the State Council.国务院规定的其他森林、林木和其他林地使用权
12.Rough Estimate of Artificial Timber Forestland and Timber Value Volume of Jinba Forest Farm;金坝林场人工用材林地、林木价值量初步估算
13.Comparison on Evaluation Methods of Forests and Wooded Land in Green Accounting for Forest;森林绿色核算中不同林地林木估价方法的比较
14.On Legal Basis for Transfer of the Right to Utilize Forests,Trees and Forest Land;论森林、林木、林地使用权流转的法律依据
15.Investigation on Growth of Platycladus orientalis in the Forest Land Converted from Farmland in Yuyang District of Yulin City榆林市榆阳区退耕还林林地侧柏生长情况调查
16.Research on Identification Method for Forest Tree Quantity in Forestry Judicial Authentication林业司法鉴定中林地林木数量鉴定方法的探讨
17.Discussion on Standard of Division Forest Land in Forest Land Requisition and Occupation;对占用征用林地林地地类划分标准的探讨
18.A song or call characteristic of a woodland bird.林中鸟叫声林地鸟独特的叫声或歌声

1.Hydro-ecological effects of woodland in the loess hilly-gullied region;黄土丘陵沟壑区林地水文生态效应
2.Increasing Woodland Investment to Activate Forestry’s Key Element;抓林地招商,激活林业要素
3.Brief Discusson on the Contradiction between Farmland and Woodland in Guanghan City;浅谈广汉市林地与耕地的矛盾
3)Forestland[英]['f?ristl?nd][美]['f?r?st,l?nd, 'fɑr-]林地
1.Ecological Water Requirement ofZanthoxylum bungeanum Forestland in Typical Karst Valleys;花江喀斯特典型峡谷区顶坛花椒林地生态需水量的初步估算
2.Water transfer simulation in SVAT system of farmland and forestland in the loess hilly region;黄土丘陵区农林地SVAT系统水分传输模拟研究
3.Remote sensing-and GIS-based analysis of forestland change in the late 1990 s in Sichuan Province;基于遥感和GIS的20世纪90年代后半期四川林地动态变化
4)Forest soil林地
1.The experiment lasted 46 days,and the results indicated that:respiration speed of forest soil was higher than that of paddy soil during the whole experiment period,especially in the prophase;after the soil respiration speed was steady,the dynamic change of soil respiration speed of forest-soil and paddy-soil was consiste.结果表明:在整个培养时段,林地的土壤呼吸速率始终高于水田,并且这种变化在培养前期更为明显。
2.The results showed: there were very significant annual and daily changing patterns of the forest soil respiration compared with a secondary evergreen broadleaved forest.采用CID-301PS光合测定仪,对20年生杉木人工林林地土壤的CO2排放动态进行了观测,结果表明,杉木林地土壤呼吸速率表现出明显的季节和日变化规律。
1.Study on environmental effect of forest model along the Grand Canal landscape in Yangzhou;扬州古运河风光带不同林地生态效应指标分析
2.The hydrologic physical character and conserve water abillity of forest in Nanyue District;南岳林地的水文——物理特性及涵养水源能力研究
3.Landscape structure study of Longhua Area in Shenzhen City during the fast urbanization processStructure and heterogeneity analysis of forest land;深圳市龙华地区快速城市化过程中的景观结构研究——林地的结构和异质性特征分析
6)open forest land疏林地(林)

林地林地forest land  1 indi林地(肠卿tland)根据中国《土地利用现状调查技术规程》中土地利用分类的含义,林地指生长乔木、竹类、灌木、沿海红树林等林木的土地。包括有林地、疏林地、灌木林地、未成林造林地、苗圃地、采伐迹地、火烧迹地。 有林地树木郁闭度大于30%的天然林和人工林地。林业部门通常称有林地为森林。据最近一次全国森林资源调查,中国有森林面积20.肠亿亩,森林援盖率13.92%(参见彩图插页第27页)。 疏林地树木郁闭度10%~30%的林地。 灌木林地灌木授盖度大于40%的林地。 未成林造林地造林成活率大于或等于合理造林株数的41%,尚未郁闭但有成林可能的新造林地。一般指造林后不满3~5年,或飞机播种后不满5~7年的造林地(参见彩图插页第28页)。 苗圃地固定育苗的土地。 迹地(含采伐迹地和火烧迹地)森林采伐后或火烧后,5年内未更新的土地。 林地不仅可以生产木材和薪材,而且是陆地生态系统的主体,起着改善环境和调节气候的功能,可以保持水土、涵养水源、防风固沙、调节地域小气候,吸收二氧化碳、净化空气、保持生物基因,是农、牧业生产的生态屏障。但中国属少林国家,为了适应经济建设和改善生态环境的需要,政府十分重视林业建设,20世纪so年代后期以来,全国每年以植树造林 80以)多万亩、封山育林55峨洲〕万亩、义务植树泌亿株的速度向前发展,全国人工造林保存面积累计已达5亿多亩,速度和规模均居世界第一。中国已进人森林面积和蓄积量双增长的新阶段。 (梁佩谦)内蒙古鄂尔多斯退耕后新造的林地景观(《中国国土画册》)  