印度洋海啸,Indian Ocean Tsunami
1)Indian Ocean Tsunami印度洋海啸
1.Monitoring and Analysis of 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster in Aceh Province, Indonesia Based on Remote Sensing;2004年印度洋海啸印尼亚齐省灾情遥感监测与分析
2.On the Cooperative Route in the International Non-Governmental Organization s Participation to Global Administration and Its Enlightenment to China——Taking The Rescues Action in Indian Ocean Tsunami of Australian International Non-Governmental Organization;国际非政府组织参与全球治理的合作路径及其对中国的启示——以澳大利亚国际非政府组织在印度洋海啸中的救援行动为案例
3.The Indian Ocean Tsunami disaster occurred on December 26 in 2004.介绍了运用新一代中分辨率小卫星数据———英国灾害监测小卫星(DMC,DisasterMonitoringConstellation)数据源,以印度尼西亚亚齐省为例,采用遥感数据作为信息源,对2004-12-26印尼苏门答腊岛西北海域发生的里氏9·0级的强烈地震所引发的印度洋海啸灾害进行了监测评估。

1.The Indian Ocean Tsunami and International Humanitarian Relief印度洋海啸灾难与国际人道主义援助
2.And December marked one year since the Indian Ocean tsunami that killed more than two hundred thousand people.到12月距离去年的印度洋海啸已是一周年,海啸中有20万人罹难。
3.Analysis on International Humanitarian Relief Mode Through Indian Ocean Tsunami;从印度洋海啸分析国际人道主义援助模式
4.Necessaryness of the Crisis in Advance System Construction from the Tsunami of Indian Ocean;从印度洋海啸看?;ぞ逑到ㄉ璧谋匾?br> 5.Monitoring and Assessment for the Tsunami Disaster of Indian Ocean by Remote Sensing: A Case Study in Aceh Province of Indonesia印度洋海啸灾害遥感监测与评估——以印度尼西亚亚齐省为例
6.I don't know whether they buy the Safety.印度洋海啸死了很多人,不知道他们有没有买平安保险。
7.On China′s Decision of Providing Emergency Aid for Countries Striken by the Indian Ocean Tsunami;对我国向印度洋海啸受灾国提供紧急援助之决策的思考
8.On strengthening the control of public crises--a reflection on the tsunami in the Indian Ocean;强化公共?;芾淼母就揪丁?font color="#FF0000">印度洋海啸灾难的反思
9.The Indian Ocean tsunami that wreaked havoc in southern Thailand and other countries is a perfect example of why.对泰国和其它国家造成灾难性后果的印度洋海啸就是这样一个例子。
10.John: Coastlines all around the Indian Ocean inundated by a huge tsunami.约翰:大海啸把印度洋沿岸地区都淹没了。
11.Two Problems of Urgent Rescue About the Indian Ocean M8.7 Earthquake and Tsunami关于印度洋地震海啸紧急救援的两个问题
12.The tsunami, triggered by an earthquake off Indonesia, left300,000 dead in countries around the Indian Ocean.印尼海域地震引发的海啸给印度洋地区的国家带来了30万人伤亡。
13.It is feared that the killer waves may have killed or displaced rare sea turtles in the Indian Ocean.人们担心,残暴的海啸可能导致印度洋稀有海龟的死亡或流失。
14.On psychological influence and individual coping with vital emergent events: a case of India Ocean tsunami;论重大突发事件的心理影响及本体应付——以印度洋地震海啸为例
15.Tsunamis are fairly common in the Pacific, whereas in the Indian Ocean they may occur only once in a century.海啸在太平洋海域是相当普遍的,然而印度洋则一个世纪才可能发生一次。
16.Elsewhere in Asia, Indian marine experts are also examining marine life off the coast of Kerala, which was also hit by the tsunami.在亚洲其他地区,印度的专家也在考察受到海啸袭击的克拉拉沿岸的海洋生物情况。
17.Tidal waves in Bengal, India, killing some10000 people.印度孟加拉邦发生海啸,1万人死亡。
18.Countries in Bay of Bengal affected by the strongest earthquake in40 years caused massive tidal waves, killing hundreds of thousand people, over one million people homeless.印度洋多国遭受四十年来最严重地震及海啸侵袭,死伤无数,上百万人无家可归.

the great Indian tsunami印度洋特大海啸
3)simulation of tsunami in Indian Ocean印度洋海啸模拟
4)The Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami印度洋地震海啸
5)transoceanic tsunami越洋海啸
6)the high seas of the Indian Ocean印度洋公海
1.The relationships between the thermocline and the catch rate of Thunnus albacares and Thunnus obesus in the high seas of the Indian Ocean;印度洋公海温跃层与黄鳍金枪鱼和大眼金枪鱼渔获率的关系

太平洋海啸预警中心目前,美国有两个海啸预警中心:一个是阿拉斯加海啸预警中心,另一个就是太平洋海啸预警中心。太平洋海啸预警中心在1965年成立,包括中国、日本、 澳大利亚等环绕太平洋的26个国家都参与其中。中国在1983年加入该系统。太平洋海啸预警中心的主要职能是:收集太平洋海盆的地震波和海潮监测站探测到的信息,交换各国情报,评估能引发海啸的地震并发布海啸警报。如果地震发生在太平洋盆地内或附近,并且强度在6.5级(含)以上但在7.5级(含)以下(阿留申群岛为7级),则向预警系统有关各方发出海啸信息公告。如果地震强度超过7.5级(阿留申群岛为7级以上) ,则发出海啸预警/监视公告,警告有关各方注意发生海啸的可能性。所有加入太平洋海啸预警系统的成员,都是通过全球通讯网(gts)与太平洋海啸预警中心相连,通过卫星24小时不间断传输。如果印度洋也建立起这样系统,在去年的海啸中,人们就可利用震后到海啸登陆的宝贵90分钟时间进行预防,预警早1分钟就可挽救成千上万人。