1.A Quantitative Study on Countryside Comfortable and Harmonious Society;乡村小康和谐社会的量化研究
2.Development clue and product design of forest sightseeing district in the countryside of Longyan;龙岩乡村森林旅游地开发思路与产品设计
3.Study on the Countryside Debt in the Perspective of Political Economics——A Case from one town in west of China;乡村债务问题的政治经济学思考——以西部某市D区为例

1.Of or relating to the country or country life; rural.乡村乡村乡村生活的,与乡村乡村生活有关的;农村的
2.rural areas, scenes, smells, accents农村地区、 乡村风光、 乡土气息、 乡下口音
3.Of or characteristic of the countryside or its people;rustic.乡下的乡下的,乡下人的,乡村
4.Of or relating to country music.乡村音乐的乡村音乐的,与乡村音乐有关的
5.The Village Voice is fine.《乡村之声》不错。
6.range the hills, countryside, etc漫游山地、 乡村等.
7.I think country music will always be country music.我想乡村音乐永远都是乡村音乐。
8.Villages "Glorification"--On "Zhiqing" Village Novels of Zhang Cheng-zhi;乡村的“歌颂”——论张承志的知青乡村小说
9.Cultural conflicts of rural teachers and reforms of the rural education;乡村教师的文化冲突与乡村教育改革
10.On Countryside Urbanization and Preservation of Countryside Characteristics;论乡村城市化与农村乡土特色的保持
11.Exploring the Country-village Relationship Under the “Country-politiced and Village- governed” Pattern;“乡政村治”格局下的乡村关系探析
12.Rural Tourism and Rural Development--A study of the rural economic development based on the cultural economics;乡村旅游与乡村发展——从文化经济学考察乡村经济发展
13.Village Friendly-governs and Harmonious Village--China’s Village Governs’Target and Way selection;乡村善治与和谐乡村——我国乡村治理目标选择与路径依赖
14.From "County Center Village Conduct" to "Town Center County Conduct"--Study on the New Model of Town and County Selfcontrol in the New County Construction;从“乡政村治”到“县政乡治”——新农村建设中乡村治理模式再探讨
15.Rural Public Space and Rural Culture Development:A Case Study in Tangshan;乡村公共空间与乡村文化建设——以河北唐山乡村公共空间为例
16.Village school and village revolution--Village school in Chinese Communist Party Anhui early time party-building function乡村学校与乡村革命——乡村学校在中共安徽早期建党活动中的作用
17.Emily is a country music fan.艾米莉是位乡村音乐迷。
18.You're violating the peace of the countryside.你在扰乱乡村的宁静。

1.The Country and the City: Modernity and Rural-Urban Distinctions in Contemporary China;乡村与都市:当代中国的现代性与城乡差异
2.The Development of Country Tourism in National Minority District and The Construction of Harmonious Society;少数民族地区乡村旅游发展与和谐社会构建研究
3.A strategic approach to the country debt;乡村债务成因及风险化解对策探析
1.The Co-Constructioning of Village Habitat and the Involvement of Architects;乡村聚落的共同建造与建筑师的融入
2.Rational Exploitation and Utilization of Microclimatic Resource in the Village;广西德保县乡村小气候资源的合理开发与利用
3.Probing Into Establishing Village-level Management Information System of Forest Resources;建立乡村级森林资源管理信息系统的探讨
1.Discussion on characteristics of Chinese rural landscape and its planning objectives and contents;试论我国乡村景观的特点及乡村景观规划的目标和内容
2.Knowledge of suicidology,intoxication emergency and psychiatry among rural physicians in Liuyang county;浏阳市乡村医务人员自杀、中毒急救与精神病学知识调查
3.Study on the climate comfort-index of human settlement environment in the rural in China;中国乡村人居环境的气候舒适度研究
5)rural area乡村
1.Based on the monthly average temperature series of Huiyang (urban area) and Pingtan (rural area) from1961 to 2004, temperature changes in the urban and rural areas were analyzed.根据惠州城市和乡村1961—2004年逐月平均气温资料,对比分析了全球变暖背景下惠州城市和乡村的气温变化。
2.the classification between urban area and the outer area-rural area,the internal elements of it such as town centers,border district and suburbs.本文拟从"实质城市"地域的角度,并考虑到实际数据的可获得性,探讨了城市地域,包括它与外部——乡村的区分和它的内部构造——中心区、边缘区和郊区的区分方法。
3.In the beginning of last century, the traditional two_hierarch society of gentry and populace in the rural areas of Hunan gradually disintegrated, resulting in the power vacuum in there.上世纪初,湖南乡村社会传统的士绅—百姓两极社会逐步解体,出现了乡村权力的真空状态。
6)rural areas乡村
1.Folk religions have been penetrating and propagating in Chinese rural areas for a long time.民间宗教在乡村的渗透和传播由来已久,它在发挥一定社区功能的同时,也对社会稳定具有某些潜在的负面影响。
