1.Nostalgia Like Flowing Water Kan Mai Niang (Alopecurus) and Citizen Sentiment;乡愁如流水——《看麦娘》与市民情调
2.This article gives a brief contrast of visual and audial images in the two English renditions of Nostalgia, and emphasizes that image actualization is of great significance in poetry translation.本文主要对比了《乡愁》的两个英文译本的视象和音象,指出意象再造是诗歌翻译的灵魂,事关诗歌翻译的成败。

1.Continuous "Nostalgia" Road;绵绵不绝“乡愁”路——读《归乡》
2.The Rootless Homesickness: Analysis of the Images in the Homesick Poems by Xi Murong in Earlier Period无根的乡愁——席慕蓉早期乡愁诗意象分析
3.Deep Emotion in Great Homesickness;绵绵乡愁幻化出一方情感世界——解读余光中和他的乡愁情结
4.Nostalgia and Misconception in the Common Belief--Interpretation of the Southern Nostalgia in Faulkner's Novels乡愁与共同误识——析??四尚∷抵忻拦戏降?font color="#FF0000">乡愁情结
6.Nostalgia and the Comparative Appreciation on its Two Englishment;《乡愁》及其两个英译本的比较赏析
7.On the Change and General Features of Chinese Nostalgic Literature in the 20th Century;中国20世纪乡愁文学的流变及其特征
8.A Mong Lian Tale: Nostalgia of a Poet;自古诗人多乡愁——感悟《黑骏马》
9.Nostalgia Like Flowing Water Kan Mai Niang (Alopecurus) and Citizen Sentiment;乡愁如流水——《看麦娘》与市民情调
10.THE COURSE OF LIFE──After Reading "The Unforgettable Homesickness" BY Qiong Yao;生命的历程──读琼瑶《剪不断的乡愁
11.Zhang Jiuling's "Nostalgia" and His Cultural Meaning论张九龄诗歌中的“乡愁”及其文化意蕴
12.On Poems Expressing Homesickness;从几首还乡诗看中国古代士大夫的乡愁
13.Everlasting Gloomy Mood of Overseas Immigrants;诉不尽的海外游子愁绪——评洛夫、施雨、周若鹏的乡愁诗歌
14.The soldiers were filled with nostalgia by hearing my old favorite song.士兵们听了我喜欢的老歌后,心中充满了乡愁。
15.Homesickness is motivation and destination of his writing.乡愁是作家写作的动力,亦是写作的归宿。
16.The Fault Society Reflected from the Grassroots Complex and Nostalgia;“草根”情节和“乡愁”意识折射出的断层社会
17.Cultural Nostalgia and Instrumental Rationality:The Pathway of The Institutionalization of Academic Activities;文化乡愁与工具理性:学术活动制度化的轨迹
18."Nostalgia" in the Music Piece "Returning Back"--On the composing of concerto performed by Horse-head musical instrument;“乡愁”悠悠“归”管弦——关于马头琴协奏曲《归》的创作

1.THE COURSE OF LIFE──After Reading "The Unforgettable Homesickness" BY Qiong Yao;生命的历程──读琼瑶《剪不断的乡愁
2.Homesickness and Chinese Modern Life Poetry;乡愁与中国现代生命诗学
3.This paper,based on an analysis of his writings,shows that beyond the style of satire and criticism Shi Tuo s writings overflow with homesickness and great concern for people s life.而在批判和讽刺之上,师陀的创作有更基本的维度,这就是弥漫在作品中的绵绵不绝的乡愁,以及由之对时间之流中生命的关怀。
1.In Spring,Recalling written by Yu Guangzhong is a famous homesick poem,from which we can not only experience homesick feeling of integrating feeling for hometown,love,emotional tie and emotion for loving motherland into one,but also in the rootless spirit world and flippant modern society,get idea of homeland consciousness from the images of Jiang Nan,cousin and mother,etc.余光中的《春天,遂想起》是一首有名的乡愁诗,从中我们不但可以读出融乡情、爱情、亲情、爱国情于一体的浓重的乡愁,而且站在现代社会浮躁、无根的精神世界,还可以读出“江南”、“表妹”、“母亲”等意象背后淡淡的家园意识,这是这首诗在现代广泛流传的深层原因。
4)cultural nostalgia文化乡愁
1.Bai Xianyong s short stories,Taipeinese and New York Dwellers describe the elegy of life and culture by taking historical vicissitudes as the longitude and cultural nostalgia as the latitude.白先勇短篇小说集《台北人》、《纽约客》,以历史沧桑为经,文化乡愁为纬,抒写沉重的人生悲歌、文化悲歌。
5)nostalgic theme乡愁主题
6)nostalgic literature乡愁文学
1.This paper mainly discusses the change and general features of Chinese nostalgic literature in the 20th century by supplying substantial historical data and analyzing some representative writers and their works.中国乡愁文学既依托着浸润了数千年的民族精神传统,又汲取了西方自古希腊、古罗马以来文化的营养;东方的“儒、释、道”理念与西方的“阿波罗精神”、基督教文明以及“浮士德精神”,在中国乡愁文学中都得到了一定的融合和体现,形成了世界文坛一道独特的风景线。
