1.On the Relations of Poetics and Maoshixu from old text Confucianism;由古文经学的渊源再论《诗论》与《毛诗序》的关系
2.However, Yao jiheng who lived in the early Qing Dynasty, Cui Shu who lived in Qian Long and Jia Qing time and Fang yurun who lived in Jia Qing time, they weren t influence by Maoshixu, Zhenjian and Zhu Xi s Sh.可是清初的姚际恒、乾嘉时期的崔述与嘉庆时期的方玉润三人,却能他们不顾《毛诗序》、《郑笺》与朱熹的《诗集传》等传统《诗经》研究经典的影响,以独立思考、自由论诗为宗旨,从不同角度向“原典”回归,还原诗作的原始情境,探求诗的本义,为《诗经》研究的革新做出了贡献,被后人称为反传统的“独立思考派”,在两千多年的《诗经》研究史上特立独行,令人耳目一新。

1.A Rough Comparison of the Literary Conceptions of "The Preface to Mao s Poems " and "The Preface to Grades of Poetry";《毛诗序》和《诗品序》文学观念的浅略比较
2.Conclusion: Chu Bamboo edition On Poetry is not the origin of Preface to Mao Poetry.因此,楚简《诗论》不可能是《毛诗序》的祖本。
3.The Differences and Sameness between Maoshixu and Shijizhuan;析《诗集传》与《毛诗序》的异与同
4.The Inheritance and Development of The Preface of Mao Poem to the Theory of Confucian Poem;《毛诗序》对儒家诗论的继承与发展
5.From the Criticism of Su Zhe about The Preface to The Book of Songs to Examine His Thinking about The Book of Songs;从苏辙对《毛诗序》的辩驳论其诗学思想
6.Second Appraisal of Poetic Criticism by Confucius and Maos′ Preface to the Book of Songs Written on Bamboo Slips and Collected in Shanghai Museum;上博竹书《孔子诗论》与《毛诗序》的再评价
7.An Analysis on Liuyi in Preface to Mao Poetry--Memoir of Reading The Book of Songs in Study(I)《毛诗序》“六义”解——善阁读《诗》记(一)
8.Explanatory Differences of Selects of KongZi s Remarks on Poem of ShangHai Museum and Mao s Poetic Preface;论上博简《孔子诗论》与《毛诗序》阐释差异——兼论《毛诗序》的作者
9.The Reasons Why Zhu Xi’s Shi Ji Zhuan Accepted or Rejected the Implications of Mao Shi Xu;朱熹《诗集传》对《毛诗序》诗旨取舍原因浅析
10.The New Think about The Prologue to Mao Poetry s Author--The Discuss About Mao Qiling s Study of the Prologue to Mao Poetry s Author;关于《毛诗序》作者的新思考——论毛奇龄对《诗序》作者的研究
11.A Discussion on "Hao Se" from the Bamboo Slips of Shi Lun;从楚竹书《诗论》之说“好色”谈《毛诗序》的旧争议
12.On the Relations of Poetics and Maoshixu from old text Confucianism;由古文经学的渊源再论《诗论》与《毛诗序》的关系
13.Power Formation and Its Influence of the Academic Discourse of Mao s Preface to the Book of Songs;《毛诗序》学术话语权的形成及影响
14.Retrospect and Prospect: “Preface to the Mao Edition of the Book of Songs” Studies in the 20th Century;20世纪《毛诗序》研究的回顾与展望
15.Interpreting Mao Shi Xu from Vitality and Health Preservation Point of View;从精气养生说角度对《毛诗序》的疏证
16.A Discussion of Ma Qi Chang s Opinion of Xu Writed By Imperial Historian--And of The Author of Mao Shi Xu;论马其昶“国史作《序》”之观点——兼论《毛诗序》的作者
17.Allegoric poetics of the “Dukedom’s Poetry” in Book of Songs;关于《诗经·国风》的寓言诗学——现代阐释学视野中的《毛诗序》
18.Comments on Pre-Qin Taoist Thoughts Embodied in Mao's Preface to the Book of Songs试论《毛诗序》中的先秦道家思想——以《国风》部分为例

Mao Shi Xu《毛诗序》
1.A Discussion of Ma Qi Chang s Opinion of Xu Writed By Imperial Historian——And of The Author of Mao Shi Xu;论马其昶“国史作《序》”之观点——兼论《毛诗序》的作者
2.Interpreting Mao Shi Xu from Vitality and Health Preservation Point of View;从精气养生说角度对《毛诗序》的疏证
3.This article begins with the basic meaning and the extended meaning of <Mao shi xu> s "Xu", and then combines the social and cultural features of etiquette customs in Pre-Qin period, We get the basical understanding of<Mao shi xu>.本文从《毛诗序》之“序”的本义、引申义入手,结合先秦时代有关礼仪、风俗等方面的社会文化特点,在周代礼乐制度的兴盛和衰变的历史背景下,探讨《毛诗序》与先秦时代的文化氛围,以及《毛诗序》与周代“声教”、“义教”之间的紧密联系,来初步确定《毛诗序》产生的大致年代应该在先秦。
3)the first preface to Mao shi《毛诗》首序
4)The Preface of Mao Poem毛诗序
1.The Inheritance and Development of The Preface of Mao Poem to the Theory of Confucian Poem;《毛诗序》对儒家诗论的继承与发展
5)"Preface Major to Mao Poetry"《毛诗大序》
6)The Main Preface of Mao Poetry《毛诗·大序》
1.The Main Preface of Mao Poetry: A Study of Cotemporary Chinese Literary Theories;论中国当代的《毛诗·大序》研究
