生成论,generative theory
1)generative theory生成论
1.However, based on the generative theory, Marx took generative substance as the object, and established the status of the ontology of generative practice, which brought philosophy back to the world of real life.马克思立足于生成论的哲学思维方式,确立了生成性的“实践”本体论地位,使哲学对象由“既成”转变为“生成”,最终使哲学回归人的现实生活世界;立足于生成论的哲学思维方式,能深刻把握马克思哲学本体论革命的伟大意义,避免任何理论上的退却。
2.The teaching generative theory together with teaching epistemology owns a significant value for the existence.与教学认识论相并列、共生的教学生成论具有非常重要的存在价值。
3.The fundament of Wang Bi’s ontology is the generative theory on all things of the cosmos,so the emphasis on "generation" is actually the most prominent sign of his ontology.王弼的本体论哲学以他的宇宙生成论思想为基础,对"生"的重视实乃这一哲学最突出的特色。

1.On Literature Development of "Formation" Theory;关于建立“生成论”文学发展观的讨论
2.On the Ditferences and Similarities of the Cosmic Generation Theory between Lao Zi and Yi Da Zhuan;论《老子》与《易大传》宇宙生成论的异同
3."Theory of Emergence" and "Theory of Re-arche"--The View of Nature and Principle of Methodology for the Emerging Science;生成论与“还元论”——生成科学的自然观与方法论原则
4.Wav of Philosophic Thinkine:From Ism of to Bear to Ism of Bearine;哲学思维方式的嬗变:从预成论到生成论
5.The Controversy between Preformation And Epigenesis:Traces To the History And Education Enlightenment预成论与生成论之争:历史溯源与教育启示
6.On Generative Nature of the Love Tragedy of Baoyu and Daiyu in A Dream of Red Mansion:From the Perspective of Deleuze's Generative Theory从德勒兹的生成论看《红楼梦》宝黛绝唱的生成性
7.The Object of Existentialism,Theory of Existence and Generative Methodology;存在论、生存论与生成性方法论旨趣
8.Chomsky s Transformational Generative Grammar Theory--A Philosophic Foundation;论乔姆斯基生成语法理论的哲学基础
9.Study on the Paradox,Reason and Its Solution of Eco-industry Park;论生态工业园悖论、成因及其解决之道
10.Using FM Theory to Judge Score of Student Graduation Design;用FM理论评判学生毕业设计(论文)成绩
11.From "Predetermination" to "Generation"-Introduction to Situational Instruction;从“预成”到“生成”—境遇性教学导论
12.From Predestination to Generation Contemporary Education Theory Research Orientation;预成到生成:现代教育理论研究的走向
13.An Interpretation of Conceptual Integration for the Generation of Verbal Humor;概念合成理论对言语幽默生成的阐释
14.On the Environmental Cost Analysis in the Context of Life Cycle Costing;论生命周期成本法下的环境成本分析
15.Lead Students in Higher Vocational Colleges to Success by Using “Success Education Method”;用“成功教育”理论帮助高职生走向成功
16.Constitutive Holism and Generative Holism--Two Different Methodological Holism构成与生成——方法论视野下的两种整体论路径
17.Living in Other Place--On the formation of a Countryside Homeland Imagination;生活在别处——论乡村家园想象的生成
18.On the Formation of Science and Technology and Ecological Productive Form;论科学技术与生态化生产方式的形成

1.The proposition "It from wei" is the fundamental principle of system generativism.在有和无之间引入一个新范式“微(wei)”,把它定义成以微不足道的物质能量载荷和传送的未来系统的信息核,阐明“有生于微”命题是系统生成论的基本原理。
2.In this article, especially after comparing Laozi s correlative thought to the concept of empty set in fractal theory, we acknowledge there exists metaphysical wisdom and foundation for post-modern generativism.文中特别把分形理论中“空集”的概念与老子的有关思想进行比较,认为我们传统文化中具有后现代生成论的形而上学的基础与智慧,只要正确地研究、继承与发展我们的传统文化,把握现在,中国科学文化的发展将是与后现代文化最为契合的民族文化。
1.On the basis of the development of modern physics,it is argued that the view of structure of matter have changed from constitutism to generatism in the 20 century gradually,as a reproduction of early philosophical change"from being to becoming"Therefore,the old problem based on constitutism"can matter be divided unlimited?"is no longer a proper question正如从前的哲学认识早就从存在转为变易一样,20世纪物理学的发展,亦使得对微观对象的认识,已经从构成论逐渐转向了生成论。
4)becoming theory生成论
1.Ho- lism,owing to its different contexts and perspectives,appears in different types,such as constitutionalism,transcendental- ism,and becoming theory,which are not only the different components of it,but also the different forms in history.由于处境和视角不同,整体论表现出构成论、先验论和生成论的不同类型。
5)Theory Generation理论生成
6)The theory of growth in itself自在生成论

《概率论、信息论及其在雷达中的应用》  阐述雷达信息和信号检测理论的经典著作,英国P.M.伍德沃德著。1953年伦敦派加蒙出版公司出版,1964年再版。全书共七章,前三章是概率论、信息论和信号分析的基础,也是阅读本书的预备 知识。第四章是噪声中信号检测的一般理论,对理想接收机和后验概率理论作了精辟的阐述。最后三章是全书的精华,系统阐述雷达信号检测理论和分辨理论。书中提出著名的伍德沃德模糊函数的定义,后成为雷达信号分析和波形设计的有效工具。书中还分析了几种典型雷达信号的模糊函数及其对系统潜在性能(精度、分辨力、模糊度)的影响,对雷达信号波形设计有很大的作用。这本书已被译成多种语言出版。1980年美国再次翻印出版?! ?