传统医学,traditional medicine
1)traditional medicine传统医学
1.Thinking about the history, experience of European traditional medicine and the development of traditional medicine;欧洲传统医学兴衰的历史、经验和对传统医药发展的思考
2.Application of consensus methods in making clinical practice guidelines of traditional medicine;共识法在传统医学临床实践指南制定过程中的应用探讨
3.Comparison of blood-letting tools in world traditional medicine世界传统医学中的放血工具比较

1.The Difference Between Digital Medical Photography and Traditional Medical Pho tography;数码医学摄影与传统医学摄影的区别
2.A Discussion on the Different Developmental Roads of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine;论中国传统医学与西方医学发展的不同道路
3.Traditional Tibetan medical science, comprising Tibetan medicine and pharmacology, has been handed down and developed.西藏的传统医学藏医、藏药得到继承和发展。
4.Cross-cultural Research on the History and Present Status of Traditional VIETNAM and Chinese Medicine越南传统医学历史、现状及中医药的比较研究
5.A Review of Ayurveda:Traditional Indian Medicine《阿输吠陀——印度的传统医学》评介
6.Educational blog bringing shock and meditation to traditional medical education;教育Blog对传统医学教育的冲击与思考
7.The Deficient and Its Countermeasure of Humanism In Traditional Medical Education;传统医学教育人文精神的缺失及对策
8.On "Body-mind Inter-promotion" Theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine;试述中国传统医学中的“身心互动”理论
9."Retribution Concept"and Chinese Traditional Medical Ethics“果报观”与中国传统医学伦理道德
10.Comparative Study on Ancient Greece Medical Science and Traditional Chinese Medicine古希腊医学与传统中医学之比较研究
11.Prevention Medicine Cultural tradition The Grass-roots Medical Treatment Organization;传统文化 基层医疗组织与预防医学
12.The application of the basic theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the field of Sports Medicine运动医学领域中中医传统理论的应用
13.Comparative Study on Medical Models of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Western Medicine现代西医与传统中医医学模式之比较研究
14.The Medical Anthropology Explanation about Mongolian Traditional Osteopathy;蒙古族传统整骨术的医学人类学解读
15.Contact with Western culture and medicine did not put an end to TCM.与西方文化和医学的接触并没有终结传统中医。
16.Developing Cultural Essence and Promoting the Sustained Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine;弘扬传统中医药文化 提升中医药高校办学实力
17.alternative therapyph.1. 非传统疗法(不遵循主流医学的)
18.These practices stem from the traditional Chinese medicine.这些做法源自传统中医学。

Traditional Chinese Medicine传统医学
1.Methods: Applying Bobath physiotherapy(PT), occupation therapist(OT), speech therapist(ST), Matching acupuncture, massage, hydrotherapy,and Traditional Chinese Medicine, refer to Children Cerebral Palsy Home Rehabilitation Manual and Children Cerebral Palsy Home Rehabilitation VCD to take longterm home rehabilitation.目的:为了探讨适合我国国情的脑性瘫痪(脑瘫)康复模式,于2000年~2002年对脑瘫实施了传统医学康复的临床治疗对照研究。
2.More and more scholars deem that there are intrinsic relationship between traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine, especially in the field of genomics.就中医证候基因组学的相关概念、现代医学与传统医学的一致性、中医证候研究存在的问题、建立辨证分析基因谱的必要性与基本策略以及中医证候基因组学研究的可行性做一浅要分析,以求抛砖引玉之效。
3.Perhaps,it will be a new approach in scientific methodology to design machine discovery system and to research the relationship between the paradigms of traditional Chinese Medicine and biomedicine in modern text.设计新的机器发现系统,研究中国和希腊早期科学文化的比较,研究现代化背景下传统医学与现代医学范式的关系,也许是科学方法学研究的一条新路。
3)traditional Chinese medicine传统中医学
1.Discussion on Modern Integration with Traditional Chinese Medicine Suit Measures according to Three Categories of Etiological Factors System;论传统中医学“三因制宜”体系的现代整合
2.The aim of this study was to compare the ancient Greece medical science and the traditional Chinese medicine and explore the containing culture of TCM based on the literature of Hippocrates and Galinos.Pournaropoulos出版社出版),主要对古希腊医学与传统中医学进行比较研究,同时探讨传统中医学所蕴含的文化。
4)traditional medical PBL传统医学PBL
1.Ethics in TCM grows and develops in the ideological environment which is dominantly occupied by Confucianism,thus it is deeply influenced and also permeated by the values of filial piety view,kindness view,righteousness favorable view and health-cultivation view.在儒学思想占统治地位环境中成长起来的中国传统医学伦理学深受其孝道观、仁道观、义利观和养生观的影响与渗透。
6)natural and traditional medicine自然与传统医学

传统老年医学    传统老年医学    养生著作。李聪甫主编。作者参阅大量养生医籍,博采众长,按中医理论体系归纳整理。全书分源流、基本理论、摄生、证治、疾病等5篇。系统阐述中国传统养生学发展史及各种养生学派,探讨老年人生理、病理特点;阐明抗衰老益寿方药;重点介绍老年人常见病证防治,并附国内研究新成果与编者研究见解。1986年由湖南科技出版社出版?! ?br>